
Living The Dream With My System!

Tags: One-Piece, Naruto, Reincarnation, Action, Adventure, R-18, Harem System, Incest. Executing orders mechanically, a soldier from a secret unit died during a dangerous mission. However, that wasn't the end for him as he got a second chance by God, allowing him to reincarnate in fiction word he know from his youth. Swearing to himself that this time he won't make the same mistakes again, this time he will live only for himself, to be the most powerful he can be so he could achieve true freedom and bed the most beautiful women out there! The MC will be reincarnated in One-Piece with a system, there will be powers from one-piece, naruto, and dragon ball series. And to a certain extent, this can be considered a wish-fulfillment story. Also, MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) I don't own one-piece, naruto, or dragon ball.

CouchPotatoDandy · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

I'm a Gentleman, I Really Am

After a minute of wandering the mansion, Eragon suddenly spotted Caroline pacing in his direction so he immediately called out to her "Caroline!"

Caroline was wearing a High-Waist Airbrush legging and Bra Tank. Because she was wearing yoga clothes, Eragon could see her flat stomach. Noticing Caroline wet hair sticking to her face, he concluded she was after an intense physical exercise 'It seems she was indeed training hard'

"Hmm? Eragon!" Hearing somebody called out to her, Caroline turned her head around to see Eragon walking in her direction. Thrilled, she immediately ran towards him with her hands stretched with the intention to hug him. Only to suddenly halt when she was 1 meter away from him.

"Hmm?" Eragon was confused, he couldn't understand why Caroline suddenly stopped when she clearly intended to hug him earlier.

"I just finished exercising so I'm sweaty and probably smell bad..." Clearly afraid Eragon would misunderstand her, Caroline immediately explained herself anxiously.

Listening to Caroline's reason, Eragon didn't blame her. In fact, he took a step forward and hugged Caroline into his chest "You can hug me whenever you want, I will never refuse to hold you no matter what situation you are in!"

Eragon's loving face and gentle words warmed Caroline's heart immediately. Soon, her face blossomed into a smile.

"I missed you…" Caroline whispered.

"I missed you too, mom…" Eragon immediately answered honestly.

He called Caroline mom because that's what she asked him to do when they were alone. Saying that even though other people can't know they were a mother and son because of their immoral relationship, but she still wanted him to call her mom when there weren't other people around them.

Even Nojiko and Nami didn't know. When he introduced Caroline to them, he only said that she was a woman from the village where he grew up and that they were lovers. Nothing more.

Eragon and Caroline stood motionlessly while embracing each other for a few minutes. They didn't need to speak words to convey their feelings for one another as their tight embrace said it all.

Smelling Caroline's body fragrance, made Eragon calm and peaceful. It reminded him of the times when she took care of them when he was only a child. To him, Caroline sent signified home.

"Eragon, let's sit for a while" Caroline said abruptly.

"What is it, mom? Are you tired?" Eragon inquired.

They were only standing for a few minutes, so Eragon was surprised when Caroline urged him to rest.

"Did you train a lot today?" Eragon questioned her.

Caroline suddenly lifted her head to look at his worried face and nodded her head "Un. Me and Nami trained especially hard today so I'm feeling some fatigue in my legs. I'm sure it will pass after a short rest"

Upon hearing her words, Eragon gazed at her feet and sighed "Mom, I'm glad to know you want to become more powerful but it breaks my heart seeing you like this…"


Suddenly, Eragon lifted Caroline and carried her in princess style "Don't worry mom, I know just the thing to help you with your leg pain"

Saying that Eragon headed to the living room as he was looking for the white sofa he just did ecchi things with Nojiko.

As Eragon lay his mother on the white couch comfortably, he squatted down and took off Caroline's shoes and massaged her beautiful feet gently.

"Ahh yess…Right there… do it a little harder…Ahh" Closing her eyes in pure bliss, Caroline released sexy moans "Ahh.. that's the spot…Good... Ahh..."

'What the hell mom? We're not filming porn here... I find it hard to concentrate like that!'

The corner of Eragon's lips twitched but he still didn't do anything that disturbed his mom's good time.

"Does it hurt here?" Eragon inquired as he kneaded her left ankle lightly.

[Massage + 5 exp]

[Massage + 6 exp]

Looking at how her son is treating her, Caroline covered her mouth and moaned again as she felt his touch "Ahhh...Yes.. Ahh… That's the spot…Ah…"

Eragon looked left and right apprehensively 'if anyone hears her voice, they will definitely misinterpret the situation'

A minute passed and a hazy look slowly formed in Caroline's eyes. Completely ignoring Eragon in front of her, Caroline moved her right hand to her big breast and begun playing with it, squeezing it while her thumb and index finger pinched the nipple hard. Not long after that, she reached her left hand inside her High-Waist Airbrush. She then moved to slid her thong to the right side before finally playing with her bare pussy.

Upon seeing his mother's actions, Eragon couldn't take it anymore "What is it, mom? Your feet are injured and you can still moan and masturbate?"

"Ahh.. It's your… fault!...Ah… why is your massage….Ahhh…. have to feel so good?.. Ahhh…." It wasn't the first time Eragon massaged her while she masturbates, so Caroline didn't feel any shame and didn't stop moving her hands.

'How is it my fault again?! if I don't pleasure them then I'm a bad lover who can't satisfy of his woman, but if I do give them pleasure, it's my fault for being too good?? Womennnnn'

At this moment, Eragon only sighed and continued massaging her feet. After massaging her feet for a few minutes, he watched his mom reach her limit.

"Ahhhh….. I'm cummingggggg"

[Massage + 6 exp]

[Ding, Massage level 7]

[Massage Proficiency level 7 (4/20,000)

Allows the user to freely manipulate the target's body soft tissues and mussels. Relaxing the mussels, reducing the blood pressure, heart rate, and state of anxiety. additional effects may include pain relief and sexual stimulation.

Works only with direct contact to the target.

+25% Increased effectiveness when massaging someone]

'This damn system really needs to put the warnings first... Now it's too late!'

After Caroline had an orgasm, Eragon was unable to hold back the flames of lust within him.

Just as he was about to remove Caroline's clothes, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him.

Turning around he saw Nami standing there as her jaw widened in shock while she stared at the bizarre happenings in front of her.

Nami wore the same clothes as Caroline and looked as sexy as hell. The High-Waist Airbrush accentuated her elongated legs beautifully.

"Y..you said you were going to get a glass of water, but you…" Nami gasped in surprise.

Even though Nami just arrived and didn't see everything that happened, Caroline wet circle on her private area spook volume of what just happened. Moving her gaze from Caroline to Eragon, she asked incredulously "And you, this is what you immediately do when you come returns after a week? And in the living room no less..."

"Don't misunderstand I didn't do anything lawed to her, I just gave her a foot massage and everything else she did on her own…" Raising his hands, Eragon pleaded not guilty as he tried to explain.

Folding her hands below her big chest, Nami pouted her lips "Yeah right, like I'm gonna believe a sex fiend like you!"

'Uaaarrr Three times in one day?! Which shity goddesses cursed me?? Damn it, come out here so I can fuck you as well!!' Almost reaping his hair out in frustration, Eragon felt like he can't take it anymore.

Eragon completely ignored the fact that he indeed just finished having sex not long ago with Nojiko and he was about to do the same with Caroline…. He still believe he is the victim in all of this!

Luckily for him Caroline came to his help at that moment.

"Hehe it's my fault Nami, Eragon really only gave me a massage… But you know how his massages are…" Blushing red, Caroline confessed when she saw Eragon's distress. Not before she giggled at him that is.

At that moment, Nojiko entered the living room "The three of you are here, excellent. The food is ready so you both go take a shower while Eragon and I will set the table. Oh and little sister, cut him some slack, he hasn't seen us in a week so it's understandable if he's a little horny…" Nojiko then put her hand on her chin with a thoughtful look as she inquired "Besides, didn't I see you yesterday also-"

Nami's face immediately turned red like a tomato and she didn't let her sister finish her sentence "Ahhh look what time it is already, I must take a shower before the food cools down" She yelled anxiously and ran out of the living room as fast as her legs could carry her. Leaving Eragon and Caroline dumbfounded.

"Pfff haha"

"Haha so cute"

Immediately afterward they started laughing at Nami, amused by her bashful behavior.

Even Nojiko giggled before she left for the dining room.

After a while Caroline and Eragon stopped laughing.

"So I'm going to take a shower too" Still smiling, Caroline moved to stand next to Eragon and brought her face close to his ear "We will continue this later this night…"

Feeling the hot breath of Caroline on his neck sent a shiver down Eragon's spine. He activated [Pleasure] and pinched both her nipples gently and pulled them up before letting her nipples go, causing her to release a sexy moan.


And now it was Eragon's turn to whisper in Caroline's ear.

"Your nipples are still so hard mom, are you sure you can hold it in till night?"

"You bad meanie!" Blushing hard, Caroline brought her hand and hit Eragon's chest lightly.

"Ouch! Don't you know that moms aren't allowed to hit their children?" Touching where his mother had beaten him, Eragon grimaced in imaginary pain.

"Hehe, this is what you get for being a bad boy" Caroline knew Eragon was jesting with her, and it brought a radiant smile to her face.

A wave of warmth swept through Eragon's heart as he saw Caroline's beautiful smile. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead a kiss full of love "I love you, Caroline"

"I love you too, Eragon" Caroline said as she smiled beautifully.

They hugged quietly for a minute until Caroline reluctantly broke the embrace.

"The food will get cold…"

And with one last kiss, she left for her room.

'Sigh, I wish I could be lovey-dovey with all my women like that for the rest of my life…' Eragon's mouth curled upwards, feeling truly happy from the bottom of his heart.

Helping Nojiko set the dining table did not take long, but even though they waited for forty minutes Caroline and Nami still did not go down to eat.

"Why does it take them so long? It's just a shower for God's sake" Eragon's expression became slightly bitter.

Just as he finished speaking, a soft voice answered him from the hallway "Don't you know a man must never rush a woman who takes a shower? It's bad manners"

Turning around, he saw Caroline and Nami walk into the dining room wearing short pants which exposed their beautiful slender legs and a revealing T-shirt that showed their deep cleavage.

"Besides, we wanted to let you have some time alone with big sis, giving you privacy to do lawed to her so you could calm down your testosterone hehe" Sitting next to her sister, Nami looked at Eragon and giggled.

"First of all, I'm in shock that you're sacrificing your big sister like that. And secondly, I'll never do things like that in a dining room, I'm a gentleman..." Eragon answered righteously.

Internally however Eragon thought 'The dining room is a place to eat, but doing it in the living room is ok'

The three women looked at him dazed before they burst into laughter.

"Haha gentleman, next you will say you are prince charming right? Hahaha"

"Hehe that's a good one hehe"

'Hmpf, believe what you want. it's not like I have anything to prove. as long as I know the truth it's enough for... I'm a rich handsome young man, gentle and well manner, and to top it all I am strong! I am no gentleman then there is no gentleman in this world...' Eragon muttered to himself with a proud smile as he ignored the three laughing women beside him and poured himself some food on his plate.

The women eventually calmed down and poured food on their plates as well. All four of them ate while talking with one another like a happy family.

When Eragon and the 3 beauties finished eating, it was already night so they retired to Eragon's room.

Not surprisingly, his room was the biggest one in the mansion, with a large bed in the middle of the bedroom.

Happy weekend guys.

Hope you liked the chapter, but I'm afraid tomorrow I won't be able to put out a chapter. You can expect one on Sunday though.

Don't forget to donate power stones :)

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