
Season 0 - Chapter 6 - Two Tools

I don't normally add pics but I liked it, I'll probably do like one pic if a new character is introduced, or try to fit all being shown characters, for those on WebNovel it'll be in the comments of this paragraph.

Again Pic Comes when I have the chance.



I release a breath, digging my back into the seat.

Trigger, a hell of a drug, the one we have is diluted by a decent margin, and yet it's so strong still.

Trigger has a natural side effect of warping ones mind, making you tap into a more 'feral side', the desire for a hand shake could become sexual assault quite easily.

(Not an exaggeration, it happens in Vigilantes. From hand shake, to kiss, to wanting to keep Pop-Step, I think that's who it was)

Looking at the table, I have a couple, broken vials which were used to store the Trigger, each vial connected to medical like syringe.

A handful of blood samples along with it.

It's been about a week since I've been told I'll be starting to do field work.

Until then, I've been sitting here doing research, and since then, I've found only what could be called an astounding find.

"To copy quirks, what a truly magnificent quirk."

Blood Transmutation, when isolating and applying a diluted Trigger in very specific Quirk RNA strand.

(I think that would scientifically work. Correct me if you know please)

All I need to do is find out how to mix my blood into their blood.

This would allow me to replicate quirks, but I can't risk losing the blood of others, so using my own would be most efficient.

Along with this find, not only does the blood become more active, but it can hold a few blood types simultaneously, though weakening other present ones.

This was found with the help of the blood from the Trigger users, though I used little extra blood, only from weak quirks, and ones with almost no blood left to spare.

You may consider those ones more valuable, ones with little quantity, but due to how quirks interact with each other, as is I'd need to find out whose blood it's and test it, which would cause me to lose it in general.

It's a pain, limited resources, and all that, but if I kind find out how to replicate it or duplicate the quirk, reverse engineer it, this could be game-changing.

Releasing a sigh, I stare at the broken broken vials, each one still dripping with a dripping with a slight amount of the Trigger liquid, specifically dripping into a couple marble mineral like crystals.

I tap my foot, am I prepared for this?

'You're a tool'

I can't help but recall all those training sessions, where I was essentially beaten to the floor, never bloodied, just beaten.

'Your purpose is to help others'

They didn't hold back, seeing me constantly grow physically they couldn't, it was like I was growing from the fear of death itself.

'You're not allowed to break'

I don't want to break, death... it scares me, my heart races so fast, everything always becomes more clear, and my emotions always run out of control, even if internally, like something is saying-

"I won't break, not like I have much of choice, huh?"

Sitting in my seat, I stare at a specific crystal, one molded differently, able to fit on a finger.

My legs are scrunched up, my shoes on top of the seat, knees to my chest as my entire leg shakes, tapping up and down.

I couldn't move my hands, the inside of my mouth glowing.

It felt like breaking, being bent to beyond what you could hold, forcefully being pulled down as you try to pull up.

The painful creaking and cracking before one final last snap, it shattering.

My hand snaps to my mouth, a single tear going down my cheek as I move my right hand, an object and blood resting in it.

"Holy Sh- are you alright?".

A person sprints from the door, me never having noticed it opened.

"Ah! Goda-," my voice halts, a different person standing infront of me.

Lady Nagant, also known as Kaina Tatsumi, someone like myself, someone I actually knew the fate of.

"Oh um... this is nothing, just a- uh... vial, one that was contaminated and had a bad reaction," I quickly wipe my mouth, my hand glowing purple, though hidden by my palm, sorta.

My face wincing a bit before she pulls my hand away.

"And the glass?"

She checks my mouth, although there's blood, no source, 'odd'.

"...Swallowed it? You might know my quirk? But I can manipulate gravity, so it wasn't hard to shield my internal throat and digestive system. Precision is the only thing I'm really allowed to learn, and internal stuff is always easier."

I give her my best chuckle, trying to hide what I had done.

"You know, my eyes can naturally see something several blocks away, much less feet, you're right, you can control gravity, but you can't control-"

She opens my left palm, a tooth resting in it, I had palmed it a second ago with my gravity.

"Evidence and where the blood was coming from, why did you do it, whatever 'it' was, self destruction isn't good."

I shift my seat, moving the rolling chair back a couple inches, "it was nothing harmful... well, not currently."

She stares at me, waiting.

Patience is a snipers natural forte after all.

"It was Trigger, a false tooth, specifically top left all the way in the back."

She pauses for a moment, her brain working, before grimacing slightly.

'Have they really pushed him so far that he believes he'd need such a thing?'


My eyes meet her dark-purple ones, almost remiscent of my own when using my quirk, her gaze a questioning one.

"...I'm not supposed to break, a tool is never supposed to break."

Her hands tightened, her mind flowing back to the things she'd done, she'd thought while being taught, everything she'd done.

"Breaking? Being a tool? That sounds about right. The kind of things they teach you seem to never change," she was mostly speaking the truth.

Though his situation was unique , his breaking and hers were different

"You want my advice? Someone who wa- is like you? Whether you break or not, what kind of tool you are, how you should be, it all depends on who you let wield you. Take a gun, for example. If it jams, you can always fix it, but if it breaks, it misfires and explodes? Well, as long as someone bad is holding it, then they'll be the one getting hurt. Breaking is fine, as long as it's in the right way. You can save others if you break, the HPSC fear what you could be, they don't particularly care if you break, just as long as you can be repaired, they just worry what could happen if you break is all."

"... and what makes me so unique?"

My gaze was low, staring at the floor.

'Why was I so unique? They'd never told me, no matter how much I asked. Just that I am unique, apparently all I need to know, not like I ever tried to truly check.'


"Can't say? Suppose we really are no different, both of us, tools."

"Guess so, but that doesn't mean you need to destroy your body, much less rely on some drug."

She was pretty resolute on this.

She'd seen what it could do to a person, especially one with desire.

It could also cause the HPSC to consider him a threat, and then she'd be forced to do something she doesn't want to do.

"It's just for emergencies, and I plan on trying to alter its affects on a person, I'll change it as I need."

"And harm yourself so often?"

"Better then dying."

I hadn't meant to say that part out loud.

"... guess so. Doesn't mean you should use it, you'll have to learn to at least somewhat rely on me for the time being, after all, we'll be seeing each other more often, outside of this little mission too."

"What do you mean?"

Having made sure he was okay and finishing their debate on 'yes or no', to be sumed up simply, she washes her hands, a sink in one of the nearby corners of the room, checking some of the cabinets she finds tools, an empty one, and finally a cleaning tool, a towel.

"You needed a quirk user who can create bullets, right? My hair is like an Eboxy putty, it's malleable and can be transformed into bullets, though I don't know how well it'll work for what ever little experiment you've got going on here."

Thinking for a minute I move around the room, Nagant watching me as I grab out a couple items.

"Are you afraid of needles, and can I have a bit of your hair?"

She takes out a lump while taking a seat.

"It grows back quite easily, if not I'd be bald already," she lets out a soft chucke, relaxing into the seat as I draw some blood.

"What do you mean by someone who can wield me?"

"Someone you trust, not much else to it. Find someone who you know you can rely on, that or if you're gonna 'break' let someone who is bad wield you, go an break on top of them, it'll save others, just don't do anything that'll get you killed."

"...someone I trust."

Nagant flinches, both at the needle, which she'd momentarily forgotten about, having been in her thoughts to answer him, and remembering he's pretty alone here.

(So I know im doing MC POV, but to make sure, when I add her thoughts and her internal unknown actions, it doesn't get confusing, does it? I hope it doesn't sound like he knows she thinking this)

"I-uh... when you got to hero school, you might me someone there, maybe you'll make a hero buddy, or you'll grow to someone here. Then again, it's the HPSC, so don't get getting your hops up."

She lets out another laugh, I myself following up with a quiet one.


We sit in silence, myself moving around to check the blood and have test prepared.

Simply just enjoying another person's presence while I can.

"...so, when will we be heading out? I don't really get to go out often."

I try to break the silence, although I was used to it while alone, it was different with someone watching me.

Plus it had been a minute since I'd been outside, they let me out on occasion, to see heroes in action and view the world.

There were some restrictions sure, plus I had to have a fake parent or family member with me, but it was still nice.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll come grab you when it's time. Figured it'd be best to meet before we were sent out together, after all, you'll have to trust me if something bad happens."

I nod, finishing what I was doing.

Nagant stands up, a band-aid I'd pulled out where the needle went in, a kirby one.

(Kirby :) )

Heading out the door she stops, her eyes going over her shoulder.

"It's rough here, and you'll probably be forced to do things you don't want to do. Honestly I can't say I blame you for being safe, but once you enter whatever hero highschool they send you to, once you get training, if you really want to, you can probably just stop listening to them. Can't say I'd recommend it. Regardless whether you worry about what could or couldn't be, I'd recommend finding a 'wielder', whether friend, more, less, doesn't matter, just as long as you can trust them."

She turns back, stepping out the door as I stare at the space she once stood in.


I turn back to my tests, focusing on that instead of my thoughts.

Suppose that's the fate of a tool.

Forced to focus on what little you have instead of want. 


Question of the Chapter: Favorite thing MHA never expanded upon sadly, if you have none then maybe another show?

Questions About The Book

Currently Working On: L.S. Chapter ?

1961 Words (Which is odd as it's different one WebNovel's word count by 100 Words)

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