
Living Simulations

In the year 2525, Humans unlocked a way to evolve to ever greater heights. Scientist unlocked powerful genes in only a small portion of the population, they were dubbed the Evolved or Awakened. As humans evolved and reached further and further into the depths of the universe, they uncovered new terrifying beings and horrific disasters waiting to end the race. Many years later in the year 4025, after many wars and disasters that brought the race to its knees, A crippled population recovered. Every human was an Evolved with powerful abilities able to lead humankind farther and farther into the universe.

AfterImAsh · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Damned Perverted old man

Edwin panted hard, finally he reached the fog. He slowly stopped running, in front of him for as high as he could see was a massive wall of fog. Looking to his left and right he could see no end to it. Small tendrils came out of the fog and touched the ground before receding.

It was almost like the fog was slowly dragging itself forward with its fingers. Edwin slowly reached out to touch the wall in front of him. His hand slowly entered, and he could feel warmth in the fog, a comfortable warmth, just like a hot shower or a heater on your hands after they almost ended up frozen.

After enjoying the warmth for a moment Edwin retracted his hand. Although it was comfortable, he was apprehensive. He didn't know what was behind the fog, what dangers could await him? Edwin felt it was best if he rested and recuperated his energy a bit.

Slowly Edwin drew back from the fog, as he started to sit down, he realized he didn't even feel tired. It suddenly dawned on Edwin that not only did he not feel tired, but he also wasn't even out of breath. Edwin was still fit as a fiddle.

Edwin quickly jumped back up, his nerves were getting the better of him. He took a few deep breaths as he paced in circles, hyping himself up, he faced the fog, and smacked himself on the cheek.

"Let's go! This is what I've been waiting for!"

Edwin ran full sprint at the fog, 100 days of constant running for exactly this moment. As the fog surrounded him and a comfortable warmth enveloped his being, he caught something out of the corner of his eye.

[Living Simulation ability acquired. Downloading support system 1%]

"What the fuck does that even mean?!"


Edwin awoke with a start as a loud shrill beep sounded next to his head. The first thing Edwin realized aside from his surrounding which were coated in a neon pink hue was a pungent smell of trash with slight undertones of sulfur.

Edwin heard a shrill beep again, looking for the source he quickly realized it came from his wrist. Slowly Edwin became fully conscious. The beeping was coming from his communicator.

"Holy shit! I'm still alive that bastard of an old man didn't succeed in killing me!"

Edwin let out a hearty laugh as he slowly dragged his arm towards his face and opened up his communicators screen. A couple notifications for messages could be seen. Edwin opened them feeling glad and taking a new lease on life, he shouldn't be able to read them because he should be dead.

Feeling quite cocky he began reading the messages that he received, he didn't recognize the contact that sent them, he'd never add a contact with such a cheesy name.

[2 new messages from Almighty Hellion.]

[First message: See ya later rascal! Hope you learn to survive in hell with literally nothing but your communicator on ya!]

[Second Message: Oh yeah, I'll come back to pick you up in ten years if you even live that long and grow strong enough to meet my minimum qualifications.]

Edwin frowned at the messages, who the hell is Almighty Hellion?

Edwin sized up his surroundings. He was in a dark alley illuminated just slightly by a bright pink neon sign that said, "Cupid's Luxury Rest stop".

It was dark as night outside, Edwin couldn't make out any stars above him, either it was cloudy or there was something blocking out the sky.

Edwin slowly pushed himself off the pile of trash he was laying down in finally giving himself a once over in a puddle of water nearby.

Edwin felt his face heating up, luckily, he was in one piece, all limbs were attached, and his face wasn't disfigured. However, if it was a bit brighter and the alley and his face wasn't already glowing pink because of the neon sign he realize his face was far redder than a tomato.

Edwin was exasperated to the point he couldn't stop talking to himself even if he couldn't talk without stuttering or stumbling over his words right now.

"Th... th... that perverted dir.. dirty old man... what the hell did he do to me!"

Edwin was naked. Remember the fact he was in an alley near what he presumed was a love hotel he could only let out a string of curses towards the party he thought was responsible, Commander Hellion.


On his space shuttle old man Hellion was listening to music while piloting his ship at ridiculous speeds.


"Danm! hopefully I'm not sick, if I am I hope I didn't pass it to the little guy, any bug that's strong enough to make me sneeze will surely turn him into a meat paste or leave nothing at all!"


Back on Green Hell in a dark secluded alley a loud shrill beep was heard.

Edwin lifted his wrist to view his communicator again.

[1 New message from Almighty Hellion.]

[New message: Little guy, I may have passed a bug off on ya, you should seek immediate medical attention just in case.]

"This disgusting old man didn't even use protection!"

A new string of curses were thrown out into the wind. Edwin wanted to immediately remove the old man's contact from his communicator but gave it a second thought as he may just be his only ticket off this planet he dumped him on, settling to just rename his contact for now.

a shrill beep sounded out.

[1 New message from Pervert Almighty, #1 pervert in the universe.]

[New message: Never mind, I think one of my beautiful wives must be bragging about me to her friends.]

Edwins face slowly turned black because of all the bullshit he was reading.


A few minutes later after calming himself down Edwin began to look for something to protect all his valuables.

Finding a few cloths in the pile of trash Edwin fashioned a makeshift loincloth and donned a pair of shoes he found, they weren't matching, but beggars can't be choosers.

He walked out of the alley and began to try and find people nearby, someone who can at least tell him where he is. the street was completely empty, so Edwin began to walk around.

Eventually he stumbled upon a busier street, a few hovercrafts slowly puttered by, and some weird bird dog monstrosity sat on a buildings sign and howled into the darkness above it. The few people whose outlines Edwin could make out were definitely wearing large coats that covered their bodies.

A tall figured walked by the alley Edwin was watching the street from. They were a large overcoat a hat and a masked, only a pair of eyes would be visible except for the black glasses the covered even those.

There weren't many people around and everyone he saw were clearly the reserved, shady type of people. Edwin didn't think he'd find anyone who would help him on this street.

Listening to his surroundings he heard a shuffling noise coming from behind him. As he turned around to see what was going on he found a knife blade and saw a figure wrapped in black cloth holding said knife to his throat.

In a deep husky voice, the figure began to make demands of him while holding a bag out with the hand that wasn't holding a knife.

"Put everything of value on you in the bag!"

Edwin wanted to laugh but controlled himself.

"Look retard, does it look like I have anything valuable on me, go on your way and find a new, more worthwhile target."

The figure looked Edwin up and down. Seeing his poor, otherworldly attire the figure almost felt they should give the bag to him, clearly... he could use it, his family assets were barely covered by his clothes.

The figure shook the wandering thoughts from their mind and steeled their resolve.

"Bull, you can't trick me, show me how much money you have on your communicator, transfer it all to me!"

Edwin lifted his wrist like he was about to activate his communicator. Quickly, instead of turning his communicator on, he grabbed the figures arm that was being used to hold the knife. Using martial arts, that he learned on earth, he disarmed the figure and pinned them against the wall while holding their arm behind their back.

A loud feminine voice rang out.

"Someone help me! He's attacking me!"

Edwin quickly covered the figures mouth and retreated further into the alley before hiding behind a corner.

Another figure appeared at the end of the alley and stood there for a moment before taking a few steps in. Seeing nothing suspicious the figure turned around and left the alley before walking back down the street.

"You little... Look, I'll let you go and pretend I never met you if you can answer a few questions."

The figure looked at him, the only thing he could see were large eyes with black pupils staring holes into him. Edwin slowly pulled his hand away from their mouth.

"Where am I?"

The figure looked at Edwin as if he was retarded.

"You're in an alley stupid."

Edwin pause has he slowly realized what was said to him.

"You're the retard here. I mean was city am I in, this place is a dump I don't know of any cities in the human controlled area that hasn't integrated itself into the environment of the planet it's on."

The figure laughed, it sounded quite beautiful but cold, like silver bells ringing on a cold Christmas night.

"The human controlled area? Now I know you're not from here, no one from here would say we're in the human controlled area. We're in Highfel, capital of the planet Green Hell in the Lawless Region. Home to the strongest sect of the Lawless Region, Fel."


Edwin huffed and fell back on his butt, he felt quite defeated, somehow after he passed out that dirty old man took him across the human controlled area and left him for dead on a random dirty planet.

The figure jumped out of Edwin's reach the moment it got the chance before turning around quickly to face him. Seeing Edwin's situation, the figure couldn't help itself, it pitied him.

"Come with me, I'll take you somewhere, at least you'll be able to sleep with a roof over your head there."

Edwin looked at the figure.

"Why should I trust you?"

The figure responded while holding its hand out for him to help him stand up.

"99% of the people on this planet would've taken the chance to attack you while you were down, I didn't, and I'm actually kind of in the business of helping where I can in this hell hole."

Edwin grabbed the thin boney hand that was hidden by dark gloves and stood up.

"Quickly now, follow me."

The figure turned around and began to run, Edwin followed. Edwin quickly noted how easy it felt for him to move. His balance seemed unparalleled, each step he made he was so sure of. Even when the figure in front of him slowed down to make a turn or when the ground was cluttered, he felt no need to.

'Maybe all that running in the dark space has helped me with my balance and running. I've never felt so sure that I won't fall while running so haphazardly before.'

After running for a while and making a few turns and twists in the alleys of the city the figure in front of him stopped and looked at him. They were panting heavily, trying their best to catch their breath.

'Damn, he may be stupid but at least he is pretty fit. First, he easily overthrew me in the alley, then he is able to keep up with my fastest speed and he's not even slightly winded. Maybe he can help me bear the burden a little he's not from here, so maybe he's not as cruel as everyone else.'

"This is it, this is where you can stay."

Edwin looked at the tall building next to him, he couldn't see where the building stopped as it ascended into the darkness above him.

"Not there dummy, look here."

Edwin looked at where the figure pointed, just a little down the alley was a wooden shack fitted together with different sized planks and boards.

He followed the figure as they approached the shack. It was three floors high and looked like the slightest breeze would topple it. When the figure reached the entrance and moved a large cloth out of the way a metal gate was revealed.

After digging around in their clothes for a second the figure pulled out a small card and held it up to the edge of the gate. A few beeps sounded followed by a clink. The figure pushed the gate open and held it for Edwin.

"Hurry in now, before a burglar beats you inside."

When Edwin entered and looked around, he noticed a couple dim lights illuminating a hall. The walls were made of sturdy metal explaining how the structure still stood despite its lack of integrity from the outside.

A peal of laughter coming from a child could be heard down the hall. The figure began to remove their extra clothes and walking could be heard coming from the darkness of the hall. Edwin stared into the darkness, anxious wondering what horror would soon step into the light.

The figure began to remove the cloth covering its head and face while mumbling.

"Welcome to my home."