
Living Off My Reader's Gifts

Damien, a top author known for his famous story "Fiery Souls" ended it on the note of the death of the villain that was reader's favorite. 3 years and a half years. That was the worthless journey Damien and his readers had. As Damien marked the book completed, he was showered upon with the rage of his reader's. And, that was the night everything changed. Because the next morning when Damien woke up. He wasn't in his body but Zeus's! The villain of his story. That too to the day before Zeus's daughter whom Damien created after his own daughter had to die. And, with a system!? [ Congratulations, Host. You have successfully activated "Happy Reader's System". Dear Host, please make reader's happy to gain EXP, item trading points and rewards.] "I am supposed to do things in a manner so that reader's send me gifts. For me to gain EXP? How is that even supposed to work? The hell did I get into? Wasn't I supposed to die of cancer!?"

Damien_August · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 3 - The First Battle

Damien gulped down the blue liquid, before looking at the assassins below once again. And, to his surprise, he could now see a reddish blue tab over their heads.


[Assassin One - Martin]

Mage : 3rd Mana Circle

Skills : Close Combat

System Rating : Trash



[Assassin Two - Grafitti]

Mage : 2nd Mana Circle

Skills : Healing

System Rating : Super Trash


'Whoa! The System Ratings are brutal. I wonder what's mine.' Damien thought as he stared at the pesky little rats roaming underneath him.

"Host, why are you not making a move?" Corney asked, staring at Damien confused.

"I'm waiting for that healer to come closer. I'll take him down first. Then, kill the other one." Damien explained to Corney in a soft voice as the AI nodded her head in understanding before adding her words.

"But, host you have to hurry. You have to reach the Viscount's castle before dawn. Or, Kate will die once again."

Damien took a deep breath, his mind focused on the task at hand. He knew time was of the essence, but he couldn't afford to make a mistake that would lead to his doom. Nodding to the AI's reminder, he patiently waited for the perfect moment to strike.

As the healer moved closer, unaware of the danger lurking above, Damien silently descended from the tree. With a swift and precise movement, he slit the assassin's throat, ensuring a quick and silent kill. The lifeless body crumbled to the ground, crimson blood staining the cobblestones.

The other assassin, now alerted by the commotion, turned around just in time to see his companion fall. Fear flashed in his eyes they met with Damien's. The assassin turned to run to warn the other three companions. However without hesitation, Damien lunged towards him, his dagger slicing through the air. In a matter of seconds, the second assassin fell to the ground, defeated.

'What a demon. He didn't even blink an eye.' Corney thought as she stared below at Damien who had blood stains on his cheek.

Damien looked at the lifeless bodies before him, a mixture of satisfaction and sadness washing over him.

'These were just pawns, mere tools in the hands of these cruel nobles. Who knows if they had families, dreams, and lives of their own prior to becoming assassins. What the hell am I thinking? It's not my job to fill remorse. The only task in my hand is to save my little Kate.'

Pushing the thoughts that were guilt tripping him aside, Damien quickly scanned his surroundings, making sure there were no witnesses to his actions.

Before moving in the direction of the other three assassins that he had to kill.


[Assassin Three - Tervis]

Mage : 4th Mana Circle

Skills : Combat

System Rating : Okay



[Assassin Four - Tervin]

Mage : 3rd Mana Circle

Skills : Defense

System Rating : Trash


Damien cautiously approached the two assassins, his senses heightened and his body ready for action. With each step, he carefully calculated his next move, analyzing their positions and strengths.

The assassins however seemed confident, unaware of their fallen comrades, a healed Damien or the presence of their imminent threat.

Damien knew he had the element of surprise on inside him, and he intended to make the most of it.

'What's better than seeing these rascals separating me from my daughter lying dead on the ground?'

As he got closer, Damien noticed that one of the assassins, Tervis, who had a higher mana level than the other one.

4th Mana Circle. It's better to take him down first. If he sneak attacks, I might not be able to handle.

Focusing on the task at hand, Damien decided to take down the assassin with the highest System Rating first. He knew that eliminating the toughest opponent would significantly increase his chances of success in dealing with the assassins swiftly and neatly.

Keeping a low profile, Damien stealthily approached Tervis. Just as he was about to strike, he heard a faint sound behind him. His instincts kicked in, and he quickly dove to the side, narrowly avoiding an attack from Tervin.

Their fight began, each assassin displaying their unique skills and techniques. Damien's agile movements and quick reflexes allowed him to evade most of Tervin's strikes, occasionally landing precise counterattacks.

Meanwhile, Damien's mind which belonged originally to Zeus, provided Damien with the weak points of the assassins. Zeus's thinking proved to be very formidable, as Damien gradually gained the upper hand.

Eventually, with a swift and calculated move, Damien delivered a fatal blow to Tervin, leaving only one opponent remaining.

The final assassin, Christian, glanced at his fallen comrades before locking eyes with Damien.


[Assassin Five - Christian]

Mage : 4th Mana Circle

Skills : Combat

System Rating : Okay


'Christian... Why does the sound so familiar to me? And, Shit! Another 4th Mana Circle. This might be a little hard. But, for my daughter. My little angel. I will do anything.'

Damien assessed the situation, understanding that this encounter could decide the fate of his mission. He steadied himself, tightening his grip on his weapons, ready to face the final assassin head-on.

With a surge of determination, Damien lunged at Christian, engaging in a fierce battle.

'Christian. Where? Where have I heard the name before?'

The clash of their weapons echoed in the air as they fought with equal ferocity. It was a desperate struggle for survival, each blow leaving its mark.

But Damien's resolve remained unyielding.

"Hey Christian, who are you? I seem to for-" But, before Damien could finish his question, Christian's weapon came swinging down at him as he doged it.

"Come on... That could have hurt my beautiful skin, bro." Damien said as he counter-attacked sending Christian backwards.

As the battle raged on, Zeus's understanding of battles, Damien's determination to save his little girl, and his skills proved superior, gradually overwhelming Christian's

Finally, with one last well-placed strike, Damien defeated the final assassin. The body collapsed to the ground, joining its fallen comrades, the cobblestones now a canvas of blood and death.

"Hope, you rest in pieces, bro." Damien said as he decided to take a moment to catch his breath, his body tense with adrenaline.

The victory brought a sense of relief, but the mission was far from over.

'Christian... Wait! Isn't that the leader of The Blue Moon Assassin Guild under the Viscount's name?Holy Shit! Are you telling me I killed the leader of the Strongest Assassin Guild in this kingdom!?Dang! Sounds rather cool for some reason. I wish I could rejoice longer. However, I should hurry. They must be torturing my little baby.' Damien thought staring at the dark sky above him.

"We can't waste any more time here," Damien said firmly. "We need to hurry to the Viscount's castle. Kate's life depends on it."

Corney nodded, her holographic form flickering slightly. "Understood, host. Let's make haste."

"And, can I store this one body somewhere? It might come in handy later." Damien asked as he stared at Corney.

'What the hell! Are you a psycho!?' Was what Corney wanted to say. However, she replied in a calm voice.

"In the Inventory. Just hold his hand maybe and imagine him in the inventory."

"Ah cool!" Damien exclaimed, crouching down as he held Christian's hand. Doing as Corney said, making the body disappear.

"Let's leave now." Damien said, getting back up. As with a sense of urgency, Damien and Corney moved forward toward the Viscount's castle.

Daniel's mind set on his little girl he had lost once.

'Kate. Wait for Dad, baby. I'll be there soon. And, then no one will be able to harm a strand of your hair. '