
Living My Best Life (The Walking Dead)

Will Margrove grew up with rich but abusive parents in King’s County, Georgia until they perished in a “car accident” when he was only 7 years old. He was able to live life the way he wanted until the dead started walking. Now he will put the skills he gained from his training to good use to survive the apocalypse. So I doubt it but if any of you find this familiar, it’s because I originally posted 2 chapters of this on a different FF site, but never carried through with it. Now that I’ve written a couple FFs on Webnovel I decided to retry it since I’ve always wanted to write my own Walking Dead Fan Fic. This is just a fun side project though, as I’m currently writing another fic on another account. So updates will probably be slow. Hope you enjoy the fic!

SecularSoliloquy · TV
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13 Chs


Everything went as smooth as the first day at the hospital, in and out with little to no effort. I had originally came back only for frozen good, but while I was on the toilet this morning and was reaching for some toilet paper it dawned on me. The damn hospital is bound to have a ton of toilet paper. Which leads to the current situation where I'm going from room to room grabbing all the toilet paper I could find.

4 big packs later of single rolls and my trailer loaded with my truck stocked with toilet paper still in the boxes, I decide it's finally time to head on back. Pulling into the police station I begin moving all my stuff out of there and return home. I think I'll come here tomorrow to take me a nice hot shower, I had checked it earlier and I nearly stripped down right then and there to get some of that sweet hot water. However I had stuff to do and I didn't want my humvee and trailer just out in the open of a police building.

My freezer was now filled to the brim with all kinds of frozen goodies. I had ice creams and popsicles I had scavenged from the local grocery store. As well as frozen pizzas and other frozen good, and the stuff from the hospital just capped it off. This was no small freezer either, this thing was 12 feet wide, 12 feet deep and about 10 feet tall. I would say this thing could last maybe a year on the current fuel the generator has since I cut all the power to any where besides the freezer.

As long as the generator doesn't mess up, which I can learn to fix, I could be looking at at least year and maybe even a couple years if I was lucky. It's also sealed tight and underground, so even if the generator stops working I would give it a few months before everything would thaw depending on the weather. Just gotta make sure to keep the generator fueled.




I returned to the police station the following morning and was looking over different papers and documents they had around their office. Seeing if they had like a weapons cache off the location like prisons do. While they didn't have that, they did however have the keys and the location to a warehouse where they keep older stuff. Cars, guns that they keep catalogued for old cases, so I'm definitely going to go check that out. You can never have enough tires and car batteries, and who knows maybe I'll take a car for myself just have a cool car to drive some days. Like James Bond, or Sam/Dean Winchester. I can't lie it would be pretty nice cruising down the street in an old school impala just popping zombies heads as I drove bye.

Now finally taking the hot shower I had been waiting for I couldn't help but falling into more contemplation about these last few days. I mean man this has been a very productive last couple days, cleared out the police station, and the hospital of anything useful. Only a couple more trips and I'll have cleared out the library as well. If only I had known something like this was gonna happen I could have built an even bigger bunker and maybe a compound to live in, but I imagine that would be quite boring.

I mean I get to put to use all the skills I learned growing up everyday! Though the only downside is that I haven't been able to do my favorite thing. People watching. You never realize the things you can find out about people by just observing them. Guy glances at his wedding band multiple times in a few minute span? He's probably having marriage troubles.

Woman applies a little make up in her car before going into work? Could just not have had enough time in the morning, but then you notice she does it every morning and also loses a button before she gets out of her car. She might be trying to hook up with her boss. Lots of little things people do when they think people aren't paying attention, but someone always is. Now if I could just find some people that aren't completely annoying to be around it would be perfect.

*Car engine*

My ears perk up at the sound of a car engine outside the police station. I quickly shut off the shower and dress with the same haste. I had gotten used to dressing and undressing my vigilante attire that it didn't even take me 30 seconds from the time I heard the cars engine shut off right outside the gate. I grab my silenced pistol and keep a grip on the handle of my still sheathed machete as I creep through the dark office building.

Based on the falls of the footsteps I can tell it's 2 adults and a kid, I can also already smell them.

"Looks like someone's been through here already, we may not be able to get those guns after all." One guys whispers as they keep shining the flashlights around randomly, and I finally peak around the corner and confirm what my ears had heard. 2 adults and a kid. They all looked familiar, but I couldn't be sure.

"It's alright Rick, we've made it this long with what we have. We can make it a little longer." The black man said to who I now know is Rick and that starts to ring bells with his overall appearance. It's Rick fucking Grimes, Deputy Dumbass himself. Haha I can't believe my luck! One moment hoping to find some people to observe and Deputy Dumbass himself walks in here. I guess I should let them know I'm here, if they turn hostile it wouldn't be that hard to kill them after all.

Keeping in the shadow of my cover, I call out to them.

"Rick Grimes? That you?" The squeaks if their shoes and the click of the hammer of what sounds like a small revolver was my response.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" I hear the black guy call out, only to be hushed by Rick.

"It's alright Morgan, if he wanted to harm us he could have done it without us even knowing." Hmm he said Morgan, the only Morgan I remember who had a son was Morgan Jones. Though he had a wife, guess she didn't make it.

"It's a good thing I'm a friendly, but you guys really shouldn't call each other by name like that. It's a piece of information to your attacker and information is huge. Now lower your weapon so I can come out." I see them both still looking around trying to judge where my voice is coming from, but they do lower their weapons. Though Ricks was only a bat.

I holster my pistol and bring both hands up as I step around the corner. With a quick wave of my right I speak again.

"Nice to meet ya. The names Will, Will Margrove." They both finally lock therm ur eyes onto me and I can see the look of shock as I come out of place completely on the other side of where they were looking.

"Wait, you're dressed exactly as my wife described the man who protected her from some racist bastards." This seemed to be enough to get Morgan to final uncock the revolver and put it away.

"You mean the vigilante that was going around King's County and the outskirts of Atlanta? My partner Shane said he ran into you a couple times, but I never really believed him." I smirked under my mask and I dropped my while walking closer.

"Yep, that would be me. I came across a group of guys harassing Jenny and gave them quite the beat down. And ya I ran into Officer Walsh a few times." They both looked at me still with slight surprise as Rick shook his head.

"I can't believe the King's County vigilante was Will Margrove all this time, Shane will definitely get a kick out of that." I chuckled in response and they told me their story and how they ended up here.

"Sorry to here about Mrs. Jenny, she was a nice lady. You too Rick, I hope you find your family. I came across Lori and Carl multiple times when I would grocery shopping or just out on the town." They both nodded solemnly before giving their own little smiles at my words, but I could tell they both didn't really mean them. It's just the thing people do when people show sympathy to your circumstances.

Crazy to think that we missed each other by maybe a couple hours or even just a few minutes, since I had been looting Harrison Memorial the last 2 days. Though it's probably for the best I don't tell him since then I'd have to explain where all the stuff I looted is. At the moment it just seems like I'm subbing day to day just like them, so that's probably the best for now.

"Alright enough of the dreariness, lets get you 3 into the showers because if I hadn't heard the car pull up I would have thought zombies got in."

"Heh, zombies? You mean walkers? Rick dry laughed as he looked at me strangely and I returned it though he could only see my eyes.

"Zombies. It's what they're called in the comic books and stories I read as a kid. The undead, and I guess now the walkers. Hmmm I kinda like that, I might use it from now on." I nodded as I stood up and led them to the showers, though Rick didn't really need a guide. I left them alone while they did their thing, showering and shaving. While I finished looking over and collecting the maps to the warehouses affiliated with the police department.

About 30 minutes later they all exited the showers and returned to the main office area.

"Hey Will, were the guns gone when you got here?" Rick asks me and from across the room still fitting his police uniform. I take the time to think whether to give them some guns and I decide I will. I mean I got more guns than I could really ever know what to do with after looting that military base, so a couple rifles, shotguns and pistols won't hurt.

"Ya, I actually got the bag and all the ammo stashed over here in the Chief's Office where I had been planning to sleep. Y'all are welcome to take them, I got my trusty machete and m9 here to keep me safe." I say as I begin to walk to the room and retrieve the bag.

"Are you sure? You found the guns first." Morgan steps up and asks in concern but hopefulness.

"Ya besides aren't we all sticking together now anyways?" They look at each other and then look at me.

"Actually no, I'm going to the refugee center in Atlanta to try and find my family and Morgan is gonna stay in King's County for a few more days." I nodded along with the information, I can't believe this guy wants to go to Atlanta hahaha. I can't miss out on such a fun opportunity, and if Rick can somehow survive the first month of the zombie- er I mean walker apocalypse in a coma. Who am I to to miss out on traveling with someone with such luck.

"Atlanta is going to be rough, I'll come with you." He looks at me shocked and begins to shake his head.

"No, I couldn't ask you to do that. Like you said it's going to be dangerous." I wave him off and continue.

"What else am I gonna do? Stay in this police station? Nah, I think I'll help, besides what if they have a group? It would be better if I went and helped you. Then we could meet Morgan on the outskirts of Atlanta to tell him it's safe, or if we don't show up he knows it's not." Rick looked to me and then to Morgan before nodding his head with a smile.

"Fine, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you for the help Will." He goes to stick out his hand, but I turn around lift up my pack heading to the door.

"No problems, Rick. Now lets get out of here while we still got daylight."

(AN: We finally meet Rick, Morgan and Duane. Now we are off to Atlanta with Deputy Dumbass to go and find his family. More action to come and other fun things, I hope you're all enjoying it. I've been having fun writing it and I can't wait to get to part with the whole Atlanta group.

Also I feel like my upload rate is misleading, the story will not always upload this frequently. It's just my day off and I had some inspiration to pop out some chapters. Also we're approaching the point where my original writing made it to. These past few chapters have basically been a rewrite of what I originally wrote a while back on another site, so that may also effect the rate at which things get uploaded because it will be completely new. My original work made it to them escaping Atlanta in the box truck back to the Atlanta groups camp.)