
New world!?

For a short time, everything went black. Anton Scott was terrified. He didn't even know for how long since he lost track of time and wasn't even able to hear his own thoughts. It was actually 2 seconds but it felled like a lot more for Anton.

'The fuck is this shit if I get out of here I will go to court and fcuk this damned company up'

That moment Anton was opening his eyes. What was weird since you normally aren't blinking in Honor or have your eyes closed since you don't need to. Than Anton breathed the air in and looked around. Then he started to feel his entire body.

'What is happening why am I still not logged out!? And why am I so sure this is not how the game was designed. Why are the graphics so natural and why can I feel the temperature of the air and why am I breathing and smelling.'

Anton was freaking out he was sure he wasn't fallen asleep while logging out again had a weird dream from staying awake for to long. No this is to real. Anton is not sure.

'What can this be. Maybe a performance update? But why can I still feel the temperature in this room why are all the NPCs so real. And why can I smell? This is fucked up. If I am still in the game it should be impossible to breathe in the air around me I would only breath in the air in real life. My god am I really in the game!?'

Anton than checked his user interface. The Map is weird and where is the settings button or the chat.

'What happened here. The Kingdom is still the same but the location changed. I am in a dessert like before but the mountain formation I can see hasn't been there before. Where am I????? This gets more like Overlord than I want it to be!!!'

"My Royal Nights is a very serious situation. Riniya take the wyvern scouts and search the surroundings and map them I want to know about every single stone out there. Sarya you stay here and everyone else go help Riniya and helps with the report about the surroundings."

Then every one of the Order of the Royal Nights said in absolute unison.

"As you command my Majesty. We will not disappoint!"

The moment they finish everyone disappeared except Sarya how was still standing before the stairway to Antons Throne.

Sarya is a beautiful woman in general and has a very handsome face. She is a dark elf like every other Nobel resident in Katha. She has silver hair and deep ice blue eyes as well as blue lips. Her figure is very very curvy. She is wearing a short snow-white dress with little ice flower patterns on it reviling a lot of her greyish white skin. The dress displays her beautiful tautly breast and an ice blue accent rune above her cleavage. Her hair is currently in a dut at the back of her head. Her shoes are white over knee high heels boot. Her Aura, in general, is very dominant. But the moment the others left the throne room her facial expression changed.

"My majesty what can I do for you~<3. I live to you orders~<3."

'Oh man I was right why did I make her a Sadist and a Masochist if she is alone with me. Why did I ever think that would be a Good Idea. At least I can confirm that they are like how I made their personality.'

"I would like you to come to me, please." Said Anton in a normal voice.

"It is my pleasure, majesty~<3." Said Sarya with visible harts in her blue eyes.

While Sarya was working up the stairway Anton couldn't do other than sare at her. Every step she took her chest bounced a little. The closer Saray come to him the more raised Antos heart rate.

'My god she is fucking hot. Ok, stay cool. Stay cool. Ok, if this is a game then I shouldn't be able to touch her. Okey than let's try that for now.'

Sarya was now right in front of Anton. Sarya was breathing heavy. She is blushing a little too.

'My good she smells good'

"Ok, Sarya I will touch you now."

Anton than grabbed her wrist and felt her pulse.

'She is cold. And I can feel her puls. The fact that I am able to touch her means that this can't be a game. This means this is my reality now. And my kingdom came with me there is no way I want to go back. I think the thought of living here, for now, sounds rather nice than bad.'

"What do you want to do now my majesty~<3." Said Sarya

'What do I want to do now? I have so many options but for now, I will check on my loved kingdom and look if everything came with us.'

"I will take a stroll through my lovely kingdom. You will come with me together with the Royal Gard." Sais Anton.

"Very well my majesty I will inform the Royal Gard for you~<3. Where do you want to go first?" Sais Sarya happily.

"We will visit the tower gardens." Sais Anton in a nice voice.

Than bout of them disappear leaving the throne room empty. The moment they disappeared the arrived at the top spot of the tower gardens. The tower gardens are a giant tower with lots and lots of exotic plants and nature spirits. The tower gardens have lots of ecological niches for different magic herbs to grow and different magical creatures to live. At the top of the tower is a rather big platform with a jungle on top. Anton and Sarya are not at that platform looking over the gigantic kingdom to the sea. The tower garden is placed right behind the Royal palas still being part of it.

Anton liked to be here when he was still playing Honor as a game. Now he felt the fresh air flow and the midday heat since he still is in the desert. From the tower, he was able to see the new environment. A mountain range in around 90 km west from him. The rest is only sand and big rocks. The Katha Kingdom is made out of sandstone. The Kingdom itself is not the largest one that existed in Honor. The population is at around 2 million dark elves. There are also dwarves, other kinds of elves, humans, demons, demi-humans, angels, goblins, and other magical creatures able to think and have free will make another 500.000 setting the people living population there at 2.5 million.

The Kingdoms shape is round since it makes it easy to use protection barriers in general. When creating the outline of Kingdome Anton used magic to create 8 mountains 6 on land and 2 in the water. The mountains are placed in an octagon. The Mountains are all very big and build a city for themselves. In that mountain citys live most of the dwarves. Inside every mountain is a magic core to create a gigantic magic circle. The Mountains also are highly armed with magic cannons and weaponry in general. That magic circle conceals and protects the hole kingdom from attackers. That means if you do not know where that kingdom is you wound find it. The only way to find it is to run into it. Between the tow mountains in the water is a free way to the kingdoms gigantic port. In the free space between all other mountains is a giant wall made out of the same stone as the mountains. In the kingdom is everything like education, food, or living space is free. Everyone can get an education, military training and paid all living expenses. There is no shortage of food or water (since Anton had magic artifacts like that on mass). There is a strong military presence but no suppression. Everyone tries there best to be useful in some way to the kingdom taking their part. Going to military academies is highly respected and honorable. There is also no slavery or child labor since almost everyone can use magic and golems are used for the physically exhausting work.

Seeing his kingdom now he created his heaven.