
Like a Gift

The Moment Anton disappeared in the throne room he appears in his private area in the tower garden. A place is so big it could fit a whole villa. And it basically was. It has a view over the whole north side of the Kingdom and the ocean in front of it.

Standing right in front of the gigantic open space that was connected to a big balcony with a pool so big it could be a hole bath. The area even had different seats and was designed like a party area of a hotel or something else fancy. Anton than remember how he built the capital district the tower garden over the gigantic dungeon and the royal palas.

Standing still in the sitting room and looking at some view Anton was deep in his thoughts.

'To think that something like this could actually have happened to me. In Real life I know I was an introvert but I never was a hopeless weeb how has no money or was hated by girls consider a pervert and I have not saved someone by giving my life. I actually lived a life I loved. But still, why can't I find a single reason to go home. Is it that I live alone and only had unserious relationships with girls or that I have no parents and no relatives or is it maybe both. I can't figure it out. But what I know is that I have another opportunity to live a different life than I lived befor. And I think that I know the goal I should be striving to. I think it would be nice to do something no one ever could do back in my world. I will change the world and create a nation built up with trust and passion. Yes, the ultimate goal. A nation that connects all races. A Nation free from all the bad energy my world had. No fighting for resources like water and food that is what I want and even if it kills me will reach that goal. I will change the world to the good.'

Anton than was happy he had handler the situation he was in good so far. He was still in thoughts as a woman approached him from behind and tapped him on the shoulder.

Anton was scared for a split second but doesn't do anything special since he realized that the person how touched him must be some of his maids or something."

"Your Majesty is everything ok you weren't answering me at all~<3?" Said a woman in a sweet voice.

'Oh man to think that she would come to me at this time. To think I was so in thoughts I dent even noticed her teleporting in here. Man, I really need to sleep I don't even know how long I was awake.'

"Your Majesty, please answer me. Arent, you happy I came to you~<3" Said the woman in her Sweet voice.

"Sarya to think you would come here. I am very happy you came I actually thought of you."

'I didn't but she probably likes to hear that.'

"Oh Really, I didn't know how you thought about me~<3. Then what did you think of~<3?" Said Sarya blushing.

'Man her personality is so strong and full of will power but when she is alone with me she is only interested in pleasing me. Not that I don't like that.'

"I thought about how I spent the day and made a great decision in letting my subordinates handle the details. And naturally about you and how good you were at listening to my commands." Said Anton now again in his deep but clear voice. Then he added: "And I already thought of some things you could do form me since you are here!" With a lot more might in his voice. And then grabbed Sarya and said something in her ear. That night lots of things could be heard from the tower gardens.

The moon went down and the sun rises again. The sun showing directly in Antons bedroom. The room was a big room with a smaller balcony than the one in the main area. The room itself was not that over-dimensioned like the main are. The furniture looked very good and added a very royal look to the room. All the furniture was hand made a d bad lots of work on it. There is a big window letting in lots of light shining on Anton and Sarya. Booth lying naked on the bed. (A/N Not sure what happened. Really no idea.)

Anton slowly opened his eyes. Hs than noticed where he was and thought that whatever actually happened is not really that interesting. He only wants to thank the one responsible for his nice gift.

Anton than stood up and looked at Sarya who was still lying naked on the bed. Anton took a blanket and covered her with it. Looking at her naked body he remembered all the things he did with her last night and had to smile. Her body truly is amazing and the skills she got Anton just had to praise himself I created a little goddess. Then he walked to the front of the mirror looking at himself.

To think that he is exactly like his character in the game. It has all the tattoos, all the runes. In real life, Anton was an introverted guy but he never was lazy and was never pitted himself. The reason he got so good at Honor was his ultimate control over his body using the true potential of his character's stats and already dominating in the early levels over other players. Anton was always pushing himself and trained like a beast. When he heard about the game Honor he started training with all kind of weapons. And at the release of Honor, he directly knew how to use lots of weapons and together with his general control, he was way ahead of other players.

Now Anton was looking at his character sheet and his classes. His build is around holy archery. He had lots of different classes but he was good enough to see the potential in it early in the game. Using lots of passive and active skills he powered himself even more up. Anton then looked at his Inventory and all the Items he had equipped. His armor, his bow, his rings, his magic artifacts, his divine weapon spirits he had picked up defeating the gigantic dungeon. All in all, Anton was very sure that there was no one in the world of Honor who could beat him 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 10 it was all the same to him. Being the target of basically every player all the time teaches you to handle these critical situations.

Looking at all of his different divine class armors he chooses Anton used a very majestically and decadent looking one. It is a leather armor made out of the skin and scales of a divine light dragon. The color of it was like pure gold. The armor also had lots of bigger dragon scales over the leather for extra protection. There too are very good looking ornamentations on the plates of the armor. Then there is a crown matching the armor. The crown consists of connected crosses out of pure holy light flying over his head. It contains a mystical light weapon spirit within all the 18 crosses. The rest of his equipment is his default set up he uses most of the time. His divine class bow that is the best bow Anton could ever get. It splits in two when its pulled and creates an X. The bow would be seen as incredibly hard to use for other players than Anton since even he needs to pull it for 5 seconds straight to shot once without any skills or increased attack speed. Luckily Anton has an insane amount of attack speed letting him shoot 2,5 times a second. What is insane about the bow is its penetration ability since it makes pure divine light damage it ignores all none boss monsters resistances and has insane bonuses damage against bosses. The arrows it shots are pure light arrows the size of spears. The Bow itself too is 1,8 meters long. The bow is the best weapon for single target damage but not that much for aoe (Area of Effect) and for that Anton has a whole set up. A lighting bow, an armor, and a Divine lightning dragon armor and set of rings powering up lightning damage. 'Man to bad I never got to use these against any strong opponent.' While looking at his 2nd strongest set.

'Then there is one the only thing to try out.' Anton disappeared from his bedroom using the skill dimensional shift.