
Living in Marvel

Joshua, our main character was working in construction when suddenly multiple bolts of lightning strikes him taking him and the whole building down.

Mister_Ren · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 01 - Death

"Hey, kid! Take a break you've been working since morning give yourself a break, Stark will not care for your death if you overwork yourself."

"Sure thing boss, I need more mone-"

"I don't care about that just take your damn lunch so you can start working again," The boss grin devilishly then turns his attention to the others.

'Tch! Just when I thought he cared about his employees,' Joshua thought then proceed to eat his sandwich.


The skies darken signaling an inevitable rain.

'It will probably rain again and what do I expect It's always raining this week' Joshua thought.



Each thunder is louder than the previous one.

"It seems this will be a strong one, Oh the boss let me have an early lunch," One of Joshua's friends said with a smile.

"With how the weather's doing I'm surprised we're still making quite decent progress," Joshua said then finished his sandwich and drunk two bottles of water, gonna stay hydrated.

"The good news is we will have early out, bad news we're paid hourly."

After eating Joshua continued his work while the skies showered the city with water.

Some time passed and the rain worsen and turn into a storm causing the construction to stop. After all, you cannot force the workers to continue with this kind of storm.

"Kid, don't stay too late, we need your strength tomorrow," The boss taps Joshua's shoulder then left the premises with the other workers.

Deep inside Joshua knows that the boss truly cares about his workers but the boss is bad at expressing it.

Joshua checks his phone before leaving the area and finds out that he has multiple messages and missed calls, mainly coming from his girlfriend and some from the hospital.

Joshua checked the hospital's email first.

[Mr. Williams, please pay the hospital bills within this week or we will stop administrating treatment and medicines.]

Joshua Williams, Our main character's full name. His grandfather has been hospitalized and diagnoses with a fatal disease that slowly eating his insides.

"What the? Is the even legal?!" Joshua cannot help but exclaim. His voice resounds with the booming thunder.

Joshua forces himself to calm down, he already talked with the hospital this month and they said they can give him 1 year to pay the bills but what's with the sudden changes of hearts? Definitely, something weird is going on.

Joshua then decided to talk to the hospital later but for now, he checked the other messages.

[We're taking your things in exchange for months of unpaid rent...be thankful we didn't call the police on you. Don't show your face here ever again.]

His landlord was the one who texted him that.

Joshua falls to his knees while reading this. His life was falling apart, he thought if he work hard he can overcome it.

He tried to call his landlord to appeal but it seems the man already blocked his number.

'Think positive, Your grandfather still needs you,' Joshua said to himself after all it is not easy to give up when someone you love needed you.

Checking the messages of his lover Joshua is hoping for at least some good news.

[Joshua we need to talk, call me immediately]

[Hey! Do you care about me at all? Call me now...]

[If you need money I can give you fifty grand just don't ignore me for some worthless job.]

[Did you truly forget about our anniversary? You are dead to me young man.]

Joshua slightly smiles seeing the adorable act of his lover, Even if she talks that way he knows how much she loves him.

[Like you have fifty grand, I'm coming over and I didn't forget]

Joshua knows that his lover was quite rich but he didn't want to take advantage of her that's why he never tell her about his problems.

He had to agree not telling his loved ones his problems may cause more problems but he still can't bring himself to do it.

In just a few seconds he received a reply.

[Don't come I will go to your apartment later.]

Joshua thought she was angry so he quickly called her to apologize because his girlfriend is quite fragile in terms of emotion after all.

[Hello Jess? Sorry I've been busy working but I got time now so I will come and drop off your present.]

[Now is not a good time Josh, ugh...] The final word is in a very low voice like she was trying to cover her mouth.

[Hey are you all right?!] Josh said with worry.

[Just, Mmmmm! shut up! nhhhgh~ I have things to do, nghh~, I-I'll c-call you later...]

Josh's breathing became heavy as cold sweat rush on his body. He heard the phone got thrown out by Jessica but it seems she forget to turn the call off.

[Ahhh~ Faster...that's the spot, Fuck me, fuck me...harder. Ohh Ohh,]

Joshua cannot believe what he is hearing and slowly cut the call.

The skies seem to join his grief the thunderstorm keeps going stronger.



Emotions left Joshua's face but his fist clench his phone so hard that it began to crack. He staring at nowhere as the light in his eyes began to fade.





A silent tear flows out of Joshua's face as multiple lightning strikes his position destroying the building and everything within it and around it.


Inside Jessica's house after Joshua cut the call.

"So did it work?" A girl's voice asked Jessica.

Jessica Neil, a successful fast-food chain owner with her red hair, gorgeous face, and killer figure she can seduce anyone just by staring at them.

"I think so that will teach him not to play with girl's feelings especially not me, fufufu, Thanks for the support, Anna," Jessica said as she hurriedly picked up the phone on the ground.

Jessica was quite angry at Joshua because Joshua has been ignoring her text these past few days. So she decided to play a little prank, but she didn't expect that prank was a double edge sword. She is now panicking and hurriedly type a text message.

"Wait? What are you going to do?" Anna said.

Anna is Jessica's childhood friend. She was also a manager in one of Jessica's fast-food chains.

"What do you think? I will say it's all a prank...Uhh, What I am going to do if he truly believes it," Jessica seems to come back to her senses with slight tears and sweat on her forehead.

"It's ideas though, love lowers people's IQ huh," Anna said but she was also quite guilty because she supported Jessica's idea.

After a few minutes, Jessica suddenly buried her head into her pillow while slamming her feet at her bed.

"Hmmp nnt nwernng," Jessica said under the pillow.

"I can't understand you, please get your head out of the pillow and say it again," Anna emotionlessly said.

"Anna, he's not answering!" Jessica shouted while looking at Anna with a piercing glare.

"It's storming maybe your message has a slight delay, don't worry that guy has a strong heart he can take a joke," Anna said but she is really worried. Even if it's a prank the damage is already done.


The electricity got interrupted but quickly got back on as the ground slightly shakes. After hours of bombarding Joshua with text, the T.V suddenly delivers heartbreaking news.

[A terrible accident occurred today induced by a raging thunderstorm, Let's go to our Asian reporter Tricia Takanawa who will tell us all about this unfortunate disaster.]

[Thanks Tom, I'm standing here--]

Jessica passed out as she heard about the accident. It appears that the construction site where Joshua at has been strike by multiple lightning causing massive damage in the area. Many people near in range are also affected causing a considerable number of deaths and injuries.

--- END --

I write this for fun when I am taking a break from work. Expect Unstable Updates.

Mister_Rencreators' thoughts