

Freya and her nuclear family lived in a big fear, with their community people , The community were Freya and her family lives in , was always attacked by strong bandits beyond their , the bandit will always attack them and take some people as hostages. The people had no were to run to , they stayed inside their house and locked it , for a meet protection .

Freya had a younger brother named Morgan and her parents , Berlin and Cynthia , Freya is 12 years old , she's brave and courageous , but not strong enough or brave enough to face the deceitful bandits that always have the joy of attacking her community people, Berlin and Cynthia made sure their children were always locked up inside , while they sneak out, looking for food, the people could not walk out freely and peacefully without the bandits attacking it was a hard situation to live in , they were all scared to be taken away as slaves, living their love ones behind , some were killed while the bandits attacked . The bandits attacked mostly at afternoon and night , were the people would go looking for lunch and dinner , their farms were destroyed . The people had no help , they were suffering and starving it was really hard for them .