
The kraken tamer

I looked around thinking of where to hide I remembered the two trees I found earlier and how they were in a forest.

I ran in the direction of the trees and my dexterity almost ran out but I got there knowing the kraken was a water type monster I started thinking of ways to use ice magic.

I knew I could at least make ice arrow and bow so I started conjuring ice and forming it into an ice sculpture then I turned it into a bow and arrow it would heavily depend on my own force and very little on magic but it was very potent to a kraken.

I never got a notification from the system though no ice control or ice bow and arrow (ice magic) then I thought what if it's an advanced magic the system doesn't know am I smarter than the system now.

no I must focus the kraken was getting near when some little girl half the size of me stopped me from attacking the danm kraken I was upset and confused seconds later I saw a weird tattoo on her hand like the one in taboo tattoo.

I had a sudden rellisation it must be a tamer but she was so young age couldn't have tamed a kraken could she, she started talking and said "don't hurt him he's friendly he just doesn't want you fishing in his waters".

I almost cried a kraken chasing me was supposedly friendly I had to take her word for it though as I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

she told me I could come back to her village if I wanted to I knew magic so I could be considered a noble in almost any country I would be a marquise or Earl I knew how high those titles were and almost burst out laughing.

I literally just came to this world and I'm already considered the second highest noble a marquise I was expecting to be lower than dirt only knowing a few magic spells.

I wanted to go to the village right know I knew I'd have to wait though since the girl needed to get her kraken back into the water so I waited a long long time it seemed like hours was she slow cause it sure as hell seemed like it.

I was ready to just leave when she came back I was finally happy until she brought an entire village with her I was so confused wether to laugh or cry at this I didn't even know.

she ran up to me and started apologizing I asked her why her village was here and she replied a great mage such as yourself shouldn't have to walk to a lowly village like ours if you could just do some magic my village wouldn't ask any more questions about you, so I did what she told me to and made the ice bow and arrow.

I shot the arrow into the sky and it shattered making the sky light up beautifuly the sun melted the ice and it started raining the village people were exited never have they ever seen a mage before other than the girl who tamed the kraken but she could barely even control it in the first place.

I thought they were a little too happy though confused thinking mages weren't that rare.

sorry I am very lazy and summer break just started for me so I haven't read that much again should I make more chapter and so you think these are good

carrot_saucecreators' thoughts