
Living in a Yu-Gi-Oh world

After a normal afternoon nap I woke up and found myself in someone else's body. I had a different face...and was apparently in a different world. People had wacky and unnatural hairstyles, the technology was very advanced and giant monster holograms could be seen around. That's right, I woke up in a Yu-Gi-Oh world and that's not all...This body belonged to last year's dueling champion.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

After my victory, the cop walked up to me and initiated a handshake. I happily returned the gesture.

Cop: Congratulations on your victory!

Dyne: Thank you! Believe me, it was hard earned.

A compliment to a future colleague never hurt anyone.

Cop: Why thank you. But don't think it's going to be this easy next time we duel.

She winked and left the arena but not before saying something to the old officer. With nothing to do, I just watched the rest of the duels as I waited. In the end, including me, only 3 people won their duel. A tall handsome dude with long silver hair that reminded me of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy that had a Silent Swordsman deck and a beautiful blond girl with hazel eyes, which looked really familiar, that used a Cyber Angel deck.

After the last duel we gathered together.

Officer: You will all receive an official confirmation about you acceptance tomorrow. Aside from that, the 3 people that won Dyne Walker, Steven Knightley and Alexis Rhodes can proceed to receive their uniform and equipment. Dismissed!

We turn to leave but my name gets called.

Officer: Mr. Dyne please remain.

I took a look at the people leaving and stayed.

A single thought surfaces in my mind.

"Did they find out who I am?"

Officer: Please relax, there's just someone who wants to talk to you.

Nervousness must have been evident on my face but his words didn't exactly put my worries to rest.

He gestured to follow him and we entered an elevator which stopped after going up a few tens of floors. He led me to an office but didn't enter, he just turned and left.

Not knowing what was happening, I knocked on the door and entered.

:Hello again!

I got confused when I saw who greeted me behind the large desk. The one in front of me was actually the woman that I dueled not too long ago. This time she was wearing navy blue general's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms (check Esdeath's clothes from akame ga kill but without the hat) and a very thin intricate chocker around her neck.

:Let me introduce myself first, I'm the leader of special unit Urias, Lissandra.

Dyne: I'm Dyne Walker but I guess you already know that.

She smiled and answered.

Lissandra: Indeed I do. But you must be wondering why are we having this meeting.

I gave a nod and she continued.

Lissandra: You see, sometimes I like to visit examinations and test applicants myself. Unlike the other units, I select the candidates myself and as you must have surely guessed by now, you're my newest pick.

She paused for second.

Lissandra: So, are you interested?

She asked confidently as she looked me in my eyes.

Dyne: Before I answer, I'd like to ask a question. What does your special unit do exactly?

Lissandra: I suppose that is a fair question. Our unit mainly deals with psychic duelists. For some reason, most psychic duelists have an above average talent at dueling. Combine that with their ability to materialize their cards and you have great terrorist cells. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all psychic duelists are terrorists, but those that are, present a difficulty that most cops can't overcome. That's where we come in. Our unit might be small but each and every one of us is an elite capable of handling threats like that. Also, in cases like these, we are also authorized to use solid vision ourselves.

She gave me a few seconds to let the information sink in.

"This sounds like a pretty cool job to be honest. It's something like a special agent. But I can't imagine cases like these to be common so my goal to find a job that duels a lot can't be achieved."

Dyne: It sound very interesting and exciting but it doesn't seem to be for me. You see, one of the reason I've chosen this job is that so I can have duels often. So, while I find the concert intriguing, it doesn't coincide with my need.

That's when a smile appeared on her face not unlike when a hunter traps his pray.

Lissandra: That's perfect because you're still required to go on patrols, just not as often as regular cops but that is mostly up to you.

"Damn, if that's true then this is perfect!"

Dyne: You had me at patrols. Boss!

She clapped her hands.

Lissandra: Great! Since you accepted, let me inform you on a few other things.

And so, she spend some time telling me things that I needed to know as a part of Urias. One of the thing is that I have a higher ranking that regular cops out in the field. Another thing is that aside from certain incidents, I have to patrol for the required hours every week but aside from that, everything else was overtime. The good part was that I didn't even need to come to the HQ every day, only when an incident happens. Lastly, I'll have to participate in a learning course to get my bike/turbo duel license.

Just before I left, she informed me that I'm not yet an actual member of Urias, but a candidate. So I'll have to prove myself first which was understandable.

I returned home and sat on the bed while being deep in thought.

Dyne: What a day! I arrived here in another world, found that I'm in a champion's body, not only did I get a job but in an elite unit and I actually found a way to get my license for free.

System: Host has been rather busy.

Dyne: That's right! Ah by the way, I've been wondering, is this the champion's house? Will someone find me living here?

System: Host shouldn't worry, this is your house and it's in your name.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"All this has made me hungry, should I order something or go out to eat?"

Dyne: Nah, let's go out, I want to explore the neighborhood.

I stand up from the bed and went out.

Chapter 4! It was kind of an infodump but what can you do? xD So, we saw an real Yu-Gi-Oh character this time. I wonder who will we see next? Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

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