
Living in a Yu-Gi-Oh world

After a normal afternoon nap I woke up and found myself in someone else's body. I had a different face...and was apparently in a different world. People had wacky and unnatural hairstyles, the technology was very advanced and giant monster holograms could be seen around. That's right, I woke up in a Yu-Gi-Oh world and that's not all...This body belonged to last year's dueling champion.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 10

Regrouping with my teammates outside of the building, I saw that the windows of the surrounding building have all shattered.

"That's a lot of damage!"

Constantine: So, the rookie managed to survive after all!

He said with a smirk.

Constantine: I guess I owe you 10 bucks boss.

Dyne: What?! You guys bet on my survived?

I almost shouted. He started laughing but he was cut short with an elbow to his side by Lissandra.

Lissandra: Relax Dyne, he's just messing with you.

I wanted to retort but Constantine beat me to it.

Constantine: I like an after-mission conversation as much as anyone but since we're done here, I'm going back to finish my debriefing first.

He talked to a cop grunt to give him a ride back.

Dyne: Shouldn't we return too?

Lissandra: You can go back first, I want to check something before I leave.

I wanted to ask what was wrong and if I could help but I hesitated.

"I doubt that I could be of assistance, not to mention that if she needed any help she would probably mention it."

With that thought in mind, I said my goodbyes and hitched a ride back to HQ. The debriefing was boring and much more tedious than when I caught those 2 robbers. Still, I didn't complain since this operation gave me a pretty large sum of money as a bonus.

I sighed.

"I guess it pays to put your life at risk."

But then an idea put a smile on my face. I rushed out and hopped on my bike. Arriving at Jack's restaurant, I quickly went inside.

"It kinda feels like whenever something happens I come here. Well...he IS the only one in this city that I personally know."

I put the thought at the back of my head.

Dyne: Hey Jack!

Jack: Hi Dyne! What's up? You seem excited?

He smiled and gave me a warm welcome the moment he saw me.

Dyne: You could say that. I was thinking of getting a custom-made bike and I was wandering if you knew any skilled mechanics.

Jack: A custom bike huh?

He stood there thinking for a bit with his eyes closed.

Jack: I know someone who's very talented but I'm afraid he doesn't like cops very much. If he finds out you are one, he'll probably decline.

Dyne: Huh? Why is that?

Jack: It's a little bit complicated but you'll understand a bit if you see him.

He wrote down the address on a piece of paper and gave it to me. Just as I was about to leave he put a hand on my shoulder.

Jack: Even if he doesn't like cops, you shouldn't hide it from him. Honesty goes a long way.

He advised me with a serious tone.

I looked him in the eyes and gave a nod.

Dyne: Thank you Jack! I'll keep that in mind. See you later!

I went towards the indicated address. It was far from the populated center, almost at the edge of the city.

"This doesn't look like good neighborhood."

Trash littered the streets, graffiti covered almost every wall and you could see people in some corners with a weird look in their eyes.

I minded my own business though and kept going. At least I did, until a certain incident caught my eye. It looked like three punks were harassing a brownhaired girl.

I stopped close and walked up to them.

Getting a closer look, the girl looked around 17-18 year old and fear painted her pretty face. She was wearing a medium length black skirt and a white shirt. Her clothes were clean but judging from the colour, she had them for a long time. The three punks wore similar clothes. Torn leather jackets, dirty jeans and the classic Yu-Gi-Oh haircuts with wacky shape and colour.

They turned to me when they saw me walking closer. I was taking my sweet time while at the same time my brain was busy thinking different scenarios and outcomes.

Thug1: Hey pig, walk away, this doesn't concern you!

"Did he just called me a pig? Isn't he worried that I'll arrest him?"

I didn't stop though and kept walking.

Thug2: Didn't you hear my bro? Walk away now or else you won't have the ability to walk at all!

The other 2 thugs laughed and brofisted like I wasn't even there.

Thug3: Hahahaha good one dude!

I was tempted to summon something with solid vision to scare them off and I won't even be in trouble since they clearly threatened me, but this is too easy.

Dyne: Look here three stooges! I'm in a good mood, so how about instead of arresting you, we have a duel and when I win you'll scamper back to whatever hole you came from and leave that girl alone.

I announced confidently as there was clearly no way guys like these could beat me.

The first thug flinched back a bit but he regained confidence from his other two pals. Typical mentality of bullies.

"Easy points I guess."

Thug1: Alright ya pig, I'll duel you!

We begun and drew 5 cards.

Dyne: You can go first!

He didn't say anything and just placed a monster face down.

Thug1: I end my turn.

Dyne: Huh? That's it? Just one monster?

This was unexpected. Just one card, no backline support or anything of the sort.

"Handtraps perhaps? It seems unlikely but no matter."

I draw a card and smile.

Dyne: I summon Battlin' Boxer Headgear and with its effect, I sent to the graveyard Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw! Then I activate Battlin' Boxer Spirits which allows me to special summon Glassjaw from the grave by sending the top card of my deck to the graveyard.

The more moves I made, the more the guy's jaw fell to the ground.

Dyne: Then I overlay my two monsters to xyz summon Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke. Then I-

Thug1: Wait wait! You're still going?

He interrupted me and asked with wide eyes. I grinned.

Dyne: Yeah! I remove a material from Lead Yoke (Headgear) to special summon Battlin' Boxer Shadow from my hand.

Lead Yoke ATK: 3000

Shadow ATK: 1800

Dyne: Finally, I activate Magnum Shield and equip it to Lead Yoke.

ATK: 5000

Thug2: Who the hell is this pig?

Thug3: And what's he doing here?

"Aww look, they're finishing each other's sentences"

Ignoring the punks I continued.

Dyne: I attack your face-down monster with Shadow!

The card flipped and revealed a brown humanoid thing.

Thug1: Ha! You fell for it! When Man-Eater Bug is flipped, it destroys a monster! Say goodbye to that Yoke!

I detached a material from Yoke and prevented his destruction.

ATK: 5800

Thug1: Huh?

Dyne: At least you tried...

Thug1: No!

I depleted his lifepoints with one attack from Yoke. It didn't feel good, it was like I was the bully but at least I got some points.

Dyne: Now scram before I change my mind!

I shouted and they ran like their lives depended on that. Then I went close to the girl.

Dyne: Hey, are you ok?

I took of my helmet and asked softly.

Girl: I- I'm alright, thanks to you.

She answered meekly.

Dyne: Being alone here is dangerous, would you like me to take you home?

Girl: Eh? N-no I don't want to trouble you any further!

I chuckled a bit.

Dyne: It's no problem at all!

I smiled and shook my head.

Girl: Ok!

She smiled and followed me to the bike.

"She shouldn't trust strangers like that, but I guess the police uniform helps."

And so, I gave her my helmet and took off following her directions.

Another chapter is out, this one had a duel albeit a brief one. I dunno, maybe I should have made is longer but it feels right you know. These thugs don't have the skills or cards to put up much of a fight. Anyway, tell me what you think and as always, thanks for reading.

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