
Living in 1881

Saad_Liooconil · History
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3 Chs

The shock

After baron Kennedy and anne arrived to the city center,she took him to her brown victorian and expensive house,near to the "Rc Nicholas of Tolentino RC Church",where he informed her with all the details of his yarn,as well as she told him about some of her world.

Baron would fall in love with her as she talks or look at him with her pretty almond Hazel eyes,he then took a shower and changed his clothes,that she bought him and go take a nap to rest.

After a long nap,he wakes up late at night,he'd search for anne in the whole house but wouldn't find her,so he went to the kitchen,he didn't find any prepared food,so he decided to prepare some.

But as baron enters the other kitchen he'd get stunned by seeing the whole kitchen full of vegetables and food,but that's not everything.

He would see a paper among the food that says "hello baron,I am sorry but i had to leave the house,because of my work,I left you with everything you would need to survive without working in the next days,i will be back soon"(written by anne lee)

"anne lee?she has the same last name as samantha,could there be any relation between them?"

He takes some vegetables and meat to start making his dinner,until..."heey anne where are you?"a male voice coming from the door,as if anne left it open or...he has the keys,baron hides in the kitchen and waits to discover who he is.

The man gets into the kitchen"anne ar--,why is the light on and why's there all this food?"

He looks at the fridge and sees the paper,he starts reading it loudly but he stops at baron.

"really anne?are you cheating on me?who is baron,and why would she let him live with her,She is a traitor"

And as the man decides to leave the kitchen and get out of the house,he hears a noise coming from behind the back door of the kitchen,the man decides to put baron on a trap,he turns off the light and act like he was leaving the kitchen,but he wasn't.

Baron felt safe and was going to continue preparing his dinner after the man left,or at least as he thought,immediately the man turned on the lights and because of his strong body,he could catch baron and keep punching him,baron tries to defend himself,but the guy was stronger than getting pushed by baron.

The guy stopped punching him and asked him screaming"what were you doing in my fiancee's House,and you better tell me where she is or i would keep punching until your death"

Baron pretends like he's being easy,"she said she was going to travel to oxford for some work,please don't hit me she's a traitor,she didn't tell me she had a fiancee,i am sorry man"

But as soon as the man believes him,baron would push him away with all his strength and run away of the house,he would try to catch him but he can't,baron gets out the house and runs to a far away street where there's no people walking since it was night.he would sleep on the floor until the next morning.

It's the dawn,baron would wake up and see that people started working in the factories already,he decides to go back to the house,since the weirdo guy would've gone,but as he walked his first mile,he finds out that he's far from the house,and he doesn't remember the way to the house.

He decides to go back to that street and go to a coal factory,he went to one near to the street he slept in.as he enters he see how bad the work conditions are,and how polluted the factory is,but he had no choice but to work here.

"hey,i want to work here i need a job and money"

(the chief looks at him up and down)

"uh?you want to work here?and do you have any experience?"

"aah,no sir I don't but i learn so fast"

(the chief trying to manipulate him since he knew that baron wouldn't lose any choice of getting to work)

"that's nice,Michelle can teach you everything,and take you on a tour,to learn more about the factory,and the workers here are so lovely,we'll also give you a free lunch"

"baron: that's perfect and suits my needs"

"so you'll as a beginner be starting with the salary of 54 pennies but you will get 84 after"

"are you joking?"

"take it or leave it"

Baron of course did take the job and started working,it was hard for him especially that he hasn't eaten anything,but he tried to get along with the other workers and this new world.