
Once we were..

Finding trouble to catch a taxi on way home Cila take a ride on a bus..weeks of finishing lay-outs, lack of sleep, emotionally tired at the same time..and what the heck he wokes up with a torn pants..his cellphone is missing..into his dismay no one notice what happend to him at the bus..he decided to jumped out and went on a convenient store..with a bulk of tracing paper and blue prints..he chose the end table to have a coffee..but before he reach the table, out of nowhere a girl bumped into him.

"What the hell"..the coffee spilled on his shirt.. "what a great day to kick some"...ran out of words when he saw the face of the girl..he was stuck..

Oh no! Im so sorry sir..I ran into you to hide from those guys..pointing three guys at the entrance of the store..shaking and teary eyes..Jean hugged the stranger.."Help"..

Cila felt a sudden warmth, a feel of need to protect her. Subconsciously he rubbed her back trying to make her feel secure. He put his jacket to cover the girl, embracing her at the same time. When they saw the three guys going to approach at their position.

Cila make a move to draw attention of everybody inside the store. " I told you to wait for me, i did warn you not to go there alone.." shouting at the girl.. "What if those maniacs got you? What are you gonna do huh?!" Answer me! The security guard came by.. telling them to talk somewhere private. As if its a cue they rushed the door and leave as fast as they could.

"Taxi" hurried to get in they saw those three guys did nothing but a heavy sigh.."To Parkway Bldg please" Cila didin't think much he just wanted to go home.. Never mind the girl beside him..After ten minutes they arrived at the Parkway.."So miss, i think you're safe here now, I should be going, you can take a taxi from here to where you want to go, goodbye".

"Uhm it's Jean, and thank you for helping me, but can i ask for one more? You see i don't have any money to pay for taxi, can you lend me some? I will pay you tomorrow. I know your place or i can transfer it to your account..please?"

"Woah! It seems like having everything in one plate, how i wish it was just a food on buffet so I can choose whatever I want, not on a situation like this" but Cila didn't say it out loud, he himself doesn't know why, why him being so helpful with this girl whom he just met twenty minutes ago and yet it feels like they been together for years, that he can risk even his own life just to help her.