
Living at the Horizon

"Mr Stone can see us, w-" she was cut off by the sudden invasion, right where she has been in need, for such a long time.

Kei_anna · Urban
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2 Chs

The Adrenaline rush

The deep blue eyes finally saw what its owner was so patiently restless about.

Wearing a white overcoat, he was the last of all to step in, beaming with the ultimate authority. The former two were of a different shade from his rare Seraphim sepia tone.

Her heart skipped a beat, trust me, it did.

Two steps closer, her knuckles let loose from the control-fisting, pupils relaxed on his distant figure.

Head held high, a half-cut semi-front view allowed by his hood, she took it all in just before the almost happening eye contact.


The whole place went pseudo-dark, a few rays from the window barely keeping the place illuminated.

The maintainers rushed to lit the always kept ready stone fireplace.

She felt those eyes on her, even in the dark.

Faint candlelight appeared as he was side by side with her table. Rays kissed his skin as the white took up a yellow aura. He was as if engulfed in flames, like the 'God of Fire', fully focused on his way out.

Her eyes followed his figure until he was right out the door, sated eyes those were.

Though mind was still in a frenzy, only now could she see that there was a human sitting beside her, who somehow managed to pour all the content of her cup upon herself.

Her life still clogged at her throat, she turned to see the other figure at the table leaving.

"Why are you feeding your clothes?"

A pointed look was received.

"Was it hot? Is it-"

"Obviously! Didn't you see? They were damn hot! Like Greek Gods or something. The firs-"

"I meant the coffee. Don't drop the-" Philandra took the cutlery from Zeta, placing them carefully on the table, "property of the cafe. These baby, are vintage."

"Heaven on Earth, who were they? Like-"

Zeta kept prattling on how she plans on finding them, as she cleaned herself with a towel handed by Mount Jr. and how much she hates the mistimed power outages,

while Philandra was still figuring out her vehemence during the past few minutes.

She looked out the window on her right. The sky roared as if talking to her. The droplets gushing out of infinity, travelling a long way to meet the grassy ground for the first time, after a long time.

The audience burst out in gales of laughter, some engaged in a flurry of clapping, hustle-bustle all around in the candle-lit room.

"I feel sticky," said Zeta, eyes on Philandra, astray in her thoughts.

Philandra mindlessly stood to leave. Zeta's face turning to a question mark - What are you up to girl?

"You need to get changed, don't you?"

"O. Yeah," said Zeta sucking in a breath and getting out of her aisle-side seat "and also find a way to get this coffee stain out of my shirt before my ninja mother kicks my ass out of her house."


She lay on her bed, arms widespread to the edge of the bed on each side. A loud 'thump' on the window brought her out of her daydreaming, staring at the ceiling.

She moved and rolled out of bed, hurriedly motioning towards the glass pane.

A mud print consisting of hexagonal shapes blocked the view. She let out a breath of disappointment.

Opening the window, she said, "Stop doing that. It's not funny anymore," enough loud for the guy gang on the field to hear clearly.

"Come out, let's play. It's no fun without you," came a reply, vivid and clear.

It's been months since she went into the mud. The team sure missed its best centre-forward, but surely couldn't convince her out of the zombie zone.

What happens when a sports person leaves playing?

She could see what happens in her reflection in the glass as she shut the window.

Her bony jawline transformed into a jaw circumference but, thanks to the dark circles, the jaw stayed out of focus.

She still had her abs though, resting under just a few layers of fat.

Her eyes narrowed, turning moist but cheeks dry. Hair in a messy bun on the top of her, she pulled out a few strands on the side. Glancing at the t-shirt she was wearing, she pulled it halfway and attempted to sink her belly in as much as she possibly can.

Letting out a sign and motioning her head from left to right in a 'no' sign, she disposed herself on the armchair.

The objects before her eyes began to grow dark and all fluids in her body rushed to the pit of her stomach. Her body grew heavy, not able to move an ounce and all she could hear was a single tune 'buzzzzz'.

It was a minute-long pause before everything thing turned blank and white before her. Her body reflected in a jerk, going into a ride of weightlessness all over.

She could not feel any of her senses while floating in a sense of emptiness when a voice told her - 'Now, it's now.

She tried to move, but nothing moved. The voice came back, rising from within her - 'move now, or never.

Her breathing fastened and could feel her chest rising to the action. She attempted to close her eyes, to refresh and see where she was but all white was what she could see.

She screamed but no sound was produced, chest heaving up and down rapidly. Using all her might, she pushed herself up and, started falling through infinity. This was the end moment, the final good-bye to her this self.

As a gush of energy hit her, the fingers gained senses first, crawling it way up and then down to her toes. In a fit of sweat, she snapped back to reality as images became clear to her, slowly, in a circular motion

. It seemed like the ending of a roller coaster ride, only the ride was something quite different.

She breathed, like at the rate of hundred times per minute, looking around the room like a newborn child.

The voice playing like an earworm made her jump out of her chair and all of a sudden she felt trapped, in the same room which she didn't feel like leaving for the past year.

She walked across the room, to and fro, fanning herself with her hand. Looking out the window, it was about twilight.

She rushed to the closet and looked through the mess to find her hooded jacket in a corner. The hood was large, completely masking her face with its extended visor, making her feel safe.

Placing her fingers on the doorknob, she took a second before turning it and walking out. A sense of newness took over her like destiny was calling out to her and giving its cards to her hands.

She walked out of the house with her head held high, ready for the adventure that called her.

Only if she knew what that was!

Turning her vision both left and right, she took the concrete path to the right. Walking one step to another, leading to a slow run as everything around seemed to be a different shade than ever.

Passing by the field of hoot and howl, she increased her pace. A quick flashback rushed through her mind, from the time she was a year-old and first learned to walk on that field to the time when the goal was made on David's face after he gave her a yellow card and knocking the life out of him, leading to a red card.

She was a feisty teenager but definitely not more than Zeta.

They were only in the second standard, when Zeta was feeding noodles to a crying classmate, whom she beat the shit out. The classmate was Philandra and, that was how they became best friends.

Maybe feisty Philandra was an outcome of the influence of the daredevil herself.

Lost in a trail of thoughts, she didn't realize when a smile framed her face and when it turned to a giggle that, she couldn't control.

No, she didn't realize, until she was made to, by a low-pitched, nearly intelligible but hoarse whisper, saying," Que es tan gracioso, mi vida?"

With the sight of only pine trees in her peripheral vision and an unknown presence behind her, whatever was funny vanished in thin air.

Her heart was not able to cope with all the palpitations it went through the whole day, but still coping up as she ran like a dog who got a zoomie.

But the presence geared up too, faster than she could expect.