
Living As Henrietta

Serafina Monticello is a determined happy go lucky girl who has been living her life to the fullest the moment she left her toxic family household. It was the year 2022, she was finally able to breathe and escape the clutches of her toxic family. But just as she thought she was able to live freely, an unexpected turn of events happened. What do you think happened to Serafina?

DelancyHastings · Fantasy
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7 Chs

I. Serafina Monticello

The Hall of Heisenberg was bustling with students from across the region. Hundreds of students were in their own pool of teams, preparing themselves for their turn to perform infront of the judges. It was the annual competitions for Broadcasting.

Felièa Academy was notorious in this field of expertise. Other schools had feared this institution since the year 2013 as the famous Serafina Monticello hailed from this academy.

Serafina has always swept the awardings for each and every competition she had entered and it was no surprise that her name was well known among the students of her era. She was your typical Mary Sue with no flaws in the eyes of many but beneath that surface that they see is a child who wishes to be free.

Serafina took a deep breath as she looked in the mirror, it was 30 minutes til the next round of the regional competitions for Radio Broadcasting. Her hazel brown eyes looking at her own reflection, light brown hair and hazel eyes that can go on for miles. She was indeed tired but throughout her life as she lived in such a toxic household, she had learned how to hide her true self. She smiled at herself, touching the mirror as if it yearns for someone.

"You can do it, Sera. You can do it." she whispers to herself before exiting the bathroom to join her teammates.


The competition soon ended with Felièa Academy sweeping all the trophies and medal. Envious eyes stared at Serafina but all she could do was give them a weak smile and a small nod.

As Felièa Academy took its departure, Serafina couldn't help but stare at the mini birthday party that was happening at the restaurant they had passed by. All of the what ifs of a normal upbringing came to her mind. "What if I lived like that...? Would I be happy?"

She sighed and looked out the window. "It's your 21st Birthday Sera, you have to free yourself from this."


As she arrived home, she checked every room of the household to make sure that her parents were not around. Every year on her birthday, they would always be elsewhere instead. Serafina sighed in relief. She immediately ran to her room to pack her necessities. It was time for her to live and be able to breathe without the pressure and constant shaming of her mother.

She had written a note to her beloved father. He was the only one who understood her struggles but she knew to herself that if she stayed she would lose her sanity.

"Dear Father,

I would like to thank you for all the years that you have tried to console and comfort me. Thank you for raising me to be a loving and caring child. But as I gree up, I realised that I need to learn how to live. I need to breathe, dad. I am writing you this letter as I am bidding you farewell.

I love you, dad.

Until we meet again,

Serafina. "

A tear fell on the pages of the letter as she slid them underneath her father's book. She sneaked out the door and took one last look at the house she stayed in for 21 years.

Tears forming in her eyes as she ventured to a world that is completely foreign to her. The real world.


Soon after leaving the house, Sera's overall well-being became okay. Despite being bombarded by her mother's messages, she decided to ignore them and live the life she wanted. She was working, earning her own money to pay for her schooling and living expenses. She was happy.

But little did she know everything was going to change in an instant.