
Living as God

Walking along the sidewalk while playing Clash of Clans, a young man by the name of Jonah Peterheart was suddenly summoned by God to an empty dimension. Follow Jonah along as he creates his multiverse and has a relaxing life being omnipotent. This story may not seem to be a fanfic in the beginning. but the MC will go to several fictional worlds, so yeah. The first world he travels to is an OC though, so if you can't stand reading it, wait until he goes to a fictional one. *More of a slice of life story* DISCLAIMER: This story will not be anything serious! I'm writing this in my free time, so I can't be bothered to write anything professional. There won't be a deep plot behind everything. I'll try to create some little side stories on a few worlds, but that's it. This book is more about the MC's new life as God and him having fun. I'll write whenever I want, so there won't be a fixed update schedule. Somedays there might be 5 chapters, while some weeks there might be none. I'll try to keep it at, idk, 3 chapters a week? Anyway, enjoy the story. WARNING: Extremely Insanely OP MC: NO HAREM I do not own anything except for the MC of this story.

Lazy_Runner · Book&Literature
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17 Chs


[2570 words]

Finally finished with the 3 afterlives, Jonah teleported back to the actual universe that he created. Heaven, Hell, and the Void were all part of different dimensions and were simply connected to Jonah's universe. This meant that it was pretty difficult for someone who's not dead to go to the afterlife, but in the future, if someone developed high-level spatial abilities, they'd most likely be able to travel to Heaven or the others by not being dead.

But, the Primordials, Jonah, and the Supervisors could freely navigate between the universe and the 3 afterlives. Jonah only connected the universe and the afterlives so that the souls could actually go to the afterlife and not wander around aimlessly throughout the universe. Some might still do that, though... oh well.

This whole afterlife-creating endeavor took only 10 minutes, so Jonah still had some time left until the Primordials returned.

Thinking back to how he could make his universe less boring, he thought of something interesting...

'Maybe I should create a race like the Celestials from Marvel... they'd be researchers and scientists who would experiment with entire civilizations and worlds. Yeah, that'd be fun. I'd have to create a few other races as powerful as them so that they wouldn't think they can do anything with my universe, though.', he thought, 'That's for later; right now, I'll wait until the Primordials find a place and return.'

Done with his thought process, Jonah fast-forwarded time to the exact moment that the Primordials returned. If he waited without speeding up time, it would've taken 9 hours. It's understandable since they traveled to every single place in the universe to find the perfect spot, so 9 hours was actually hella fast.

As the 6 siblings appeared in front of Jonah, they all immediately kneeled in pure respect for him. Even Vita was on her knees.

"Get up. There's no need for this whole thing. Treat me as you would any other." Jonah said.

"Preposterous, sir! It is our duty to show you, the Creator of all, the respect you deserve!" Argued Ordo.

"Agree." Said Tempus and all the others.

*sigh* "Fine. Anyways, did you find the place?" Jonah gave up on trying to convince these blockheads.

"We found the perfect home for us, Papa!" Vita cheerfully spoke.

"That's great! Locus, please open a portal to the place." Jonah said next to Locus.

"Of course, Father."

Opening a portal big enough for everyone to pass through simultaneously, they all traveled to the place they described as 'perfect'.

Traveling millions of light-years in mere instants, they arrived at the destined place, and it was beautiful. (IMAGE HERE)

'Holy... I'm pretty good at creating stuff, huh.' Jonah was dumbstruck by the once-in-a-lifetime sight in front of him.

"This place reminds us of you, Dad." Chao chimed in.

"Every time we look at that eye, we see you." Mortem revealed why they chose this spot.

Filled with happiness, Jonah replied to his children. "You guys... I'm glad you were able to find this location. Let us get to building your house at once."

"What do you want your rooms to look like? Don't hold back; just say what you want." He asked.

"I want a biiiiiiiiig room with lots of cute animals, Papa!" Vita replied with her arms wide open.

"I want a majestic room made of gold with plenty of rainbows," Chao said with a smile that could kill.

"I would like a room where I can train, Sir!" Ordo answered while buffing his gigantic arm.

"I want a big room with a cinema TV(they already have basically all the knowledge from Earth). And I want... a bunny." Mortem said while spinning his walking cane in his hands. His looks really contradicted his personality...

"I wish for my room to be filled with windows so I can observe your graceful creation, Father!" Locus said his bit.

"I want a room with a gaming PC." Tempus was a mood...

"Alright! Wait a few moments, please." Replied Jonah as he started to envision their home.

It was going to be a MASSIVE palace-like home. And by massive, I mean 1 million square meters. They can all move at speeds so insane that moving this much is like moving 1 meter for them, so it didn't really matter.

This palace would be simply floating next to this beautiful nebula, which Jonah rightfully named 'The Gaze of Creation'. A fitting name.

Finished imagining their exterior home, it was time for the childrens' rooms.

Vita's room was going to be 5.000 squared feet in size. She asked for a big one, so that's what she would get. Her room was going to be furnished with lots of toys and everything she could ever ask for. There was her little cute bed, plenty of mirrors so she could look at her cute self, many small desks she could sit and write or whatever. Also, half of the room was normal, while the other half was nature. And the nature part was the size of the Earth. The 5.000 square feet was only the normal bedroom part. In the nature half, the floor was grass; there was a day and night cycle, there were tall and majestic trees, large and clear rivers, and obviously, lots of cute animals. She could choose to darken this part of her room if she wished to sleep, but the Primordials have no need for sleep, so it was only when she wanted. Jonah created one animal in particular that he thought would be her favorite -- a small little unicorn that she could ride on and be friends with! All animals there would be harmless and would be able to talk with her.

Moving on to Chao's room, he made it entirely out of gold. It was a little corny, but that's what she wanted. The room's size was a big 500 squared feet, still small compared to Vita's one, though. As per her request, Jonah also included a lot of rainbows in the room. From the conversations that they had, Jonah already knew that she would be a little narcissistic, so he made sure to put a LOT of mirrors on the room so she could look at her beautiful self. He didn't care if she was narcissistic and loved herself more than normal. As long as she was happy, everything counts.

Ordo's room was going to be exactly as he asked, a place where he could train. Ordo was already a muscle-head, so Jonah placed a ton of gym equipment all around the room. His room was going to be 1.000 square meters in size so that everything could fit. Of course, the usual weights wouldn't work on Ordo, so the lightest dumbbell there weighed 1 septillion kilograms. 99% of Ordo's room was filled with equipment and things that he could use to work out and train CQC, swords, axes, spears, bows, knives, daggers, and everything else. The 1% part was the 'normal' part, where there was his bed, his desk, and a small bedside table.

Now envisioning Mortem's room, Jonah imagined a 500 square meters room with a massive 100ft sized TV on the wall. Mortem's room could be said to be the most normal one since it only had the TV, a couple of the most comfortable sofas to ever exist, a gigantic 100x100 inches size bed, and the usual desk on the corner. Also, there was the bunny that he asked for. It was like a cute little snowball that he could play around with.

Locus' room was quite unique. It would be the same size as Mortem's one, and all of the walls were replaced with clear glasses. It was a giant square with windows. As you've already guessed, there was his bed there (the same size as Mortem's), the usual desk on the corner, and a normal 51in TV on one of the glasses. He could make it invisible if he wished so it wouldn't disturb his universe observance.

Last but not least, Tempus' room. Maybe her's was the most normal. It was a bedroom that you'd maybe see at a rich family's estate. The PC she asked for was on one of the room's walls, right on top of her desk. Let's just say that her PC could run Cyberpunk, all Crysis', all Armas', Watchdogs, and Godfall simultaneously on 4k 60 without any effort. This monstrous PC came with the best gaming keyboard and mouse there is and ever will be, and also came with 4 360hz monitors. Oh, and there was her bed and a TV too, but that wasn't important.

All of the bedrooms came with gigantic bathrooms WITH bidets! Jonah wasn't playing around...

Done with the whole mental process, Jonah brought everything to creation at the spot they asked for.

As everyone saw what their Father had done, they all got as happy as possible, so they all showed their gratitude towards him in their own way.

Vita ran up to Jonah and jumped to his neck, crushing him inside her little hug. Ordo kneeled on one knee with his head down. Chao also joined Vita and destroyed Jonah with her hug. Tempus, not wanting to lose, ALSO ran up to Jonah and hugged him. Mortem did a respectful gentleman bow. And Locus straight up kowtowed in Jonah's direction.

"Come, all of you!" Jonah called Mortem, Ordo, and Locus for the hug.

Naturally, they joined in on the hug.



These children were made out of Jonah's flesh and blood *cough* power and imagination, sorry. So even though he had been a father for less than a day, he already loved them as much as he could.

"Thank you, Pops." He heard Mortem say. This was actually the first time that Mortem addressed Jonah by a name.

"Thank you, Sir." Ordo also thanked Jonah.

"Thank you, Papa (+Dad, Creator, Father)," The rest said.

Filled with a warm feeling, Jonah felt happy. "You don't need to thank me, kids."


After some time talking with each other inside the palace, Jonah got up from the couch they were all sitting on. He, along with the Primordials, were all in Mortem's room currently, just chatting between them.

"Kids, I'll be leaving for some time." He said.

Instantly, the happy atmosphere turned into a sad and depressed one.

"Why, Papa?" Vita was the first to ask.

"I'll be going to my parent's universe. I won't take you all this time since you have a lot to do here, but next time I'll introduce you to them."

"Pay attention now." He brought them all out of the depressed states they were in. "You must all work together to make this universe a lively one. Vita, create some life out there. Choose the places you like and go wild. Mortem, travel to Heaven, Hell, and the Void and talk to the supervisors there. Some things still need to be done to the whole afterlife system, so please do them for me. The dead is your domain, after all. I trust that you'll do a flawless job. Ordo and Chao, with the birth of life due to Vita's actions, you'll have to become more active and make sure that balance is maintained. There will be planets that will be completely chaotic, while some will be completely orderly; that's just how it is. Just make sure that in the grand scale of things, it's still balanced. Locus and Tempus, by being the eldest of your siblings, you will be the leaders here while I'm gone. Make sure that everything works correctly.

And Tempus, since I'll be gone for quite some time, please make all of your siblings' rooms have a time dilation. I don't want you all to become bored and sad waiting for me for millions of years, so make sure that time works differently inside everyone's rooms. I'd say 100.000.000 years outside be 10 months inside would be good. Locus, create some suuuuuper low-leveled spatial distortion around the Palace so that it remains hidden. Don't make it impossible to breach, but only those with ultra-level spatial magic or extremely advanced technology should be able to spot the Palace." He gave them all their orders. "BUT, I don't want you all to stay locked in your rooms. Please interact with each other. Talk to each other. You are siblings, after all. Only stay in your rooms when you are sure that your job has been completed. Also, don't show yourselves too much to mortals. Only once in a few thousand years should they see any of you, but even then, don't explain anything about who you are to them. Let them create their own theories; let it be a mystery. Got that?"

They all nodded their heads in affirmation. None could say something due to their sadness.

"Come here. I'll be returning soon, okay?" He comforted them and called them all for a hug.

Really, just how much does this guy love hugs???

Done with his goodbyes, he finally left in the usual heavenly light, leaving a group of depressed, nigh-omnipotent children behind.

*BUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH* "P-P-PAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Vita cried in the direction of the white light that took Jonah away.

"There there, Vita. There is no need for you to be sad. Let's make sure that we make Dad proud, alright? Make sure that even Dad is surprised by the life you create!" Vita's middle sister, Chao, encouraged her.

"Un!" Now a little relaxed, Vita agreed with eyes full of determination.

"Let's make Father proud, everyone!" Locus entered his leadership role.



Jonah had already texted his mother and father on their group chat that he'd come to their universe, so now he was in a gap between dimensions, thinking a little before he went there.

"Damn, I didn't know that I'd actually get that attached to them. They really are my children, and I'm their father. This was necessary, though. The universe can't develop well enough if I'm there, distracting them, even if only a little. I know that they will fulfill their orders perfectly if I'm there, but I decided to leave them for a little bit just on the off chance that they don't. Meh, who am I kidding, I just wanted to get away from them for a little while. I want to relax. I'll stay in my parent's universe only for a few days, but I made it so that 1 day there would be 100 million years for my universe. With that much time, life will develop in no time.

Of course, I couldn't just leave them there for hundreds of millions of years alone, so I asked Tempus to make 100.000.000 years outside their rooms be 10 days inside. Maybe then, they won't get too sad. I know that they will do their jobs perfectly."

Finished with his thought process, Jonah teleported himself to his parent's universe to check it out...