
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Where am I?

Kai was your typical 13-year-old, navigating the ebb and flow of school life with an air of simplicity. His days were filled with the routine of classes, hanging out with friends, and immersing himself in the world of academia. His wide-eyed curiosity and genuine smile endeared him to those around him, making him a well-liked presence within his circle.

High school, with its mixture of homework, exams, and social interactions, was a realm he maneuvered with an unexpected finesse. Kai had an uncanny ability to balance his academic pursuits with the pleasures of life, finding time to explore hobbies and interests that piqued his curiosity. Yet, amidst the mundane, a hidden passion simmered beneath the surface.

One particular passion had ignited within him – the captivating allure of manga. Nestled in the pages of colorful illustrations and gripping narratives, Kai found an escape from the confines of reality. His latest fixation: "Naruto," a manga series that had just begun to entwine its narrative threads around his imagination. As the pages turned, he was on the cusp of diving headfirst into the exhilarating world of "Naruto Shippuden," the saga's next captivating phase.

It was an ordinary day, much like any other. Kai had his school bag slung over his shoulder, an expression of quiet contentment on his face. He strolled along the sidewalk, mind partially occupied by thoughts of upcoming assignments and weekend plans. Lost in his musings, he approached a bustling intersection.

And then, the world shifted.

The sudden blare of horns and screech of tires cut through the air, jerking Kai's attention to the chaos that had erupted before him. In a heartbeat, he found himself locked in a horrifying dance with a bus – an unstoppable force that shattered his reality.

The impact was swift and merciless. Time seemed to elongate as the collision sent Kai hurtling through the air, a jumble of thoughts and sensations spiraling within him. In the briefest of moments, as life hung precariously in the balance, an ironic realization flitted through his mind – "Naruto."

In a twist of fate that Kai could never have anticipated, his last coherent thought became intrinsically tied to the very world he had been avidly immersing himself in. The manga he had only just begun to explore, the story that had begun to capture his heart, had woven itself into his final moments.

As consciousness faded, that fleeting thought echoed in his mind, a surreal connection between reality and fiction. The world around him blurred into an indistinct haze, and the realm of "Naruto" seemed to beckon from just beyond his grasp, teasing the boundaries of existence.

And then, darkness.

He started tilting his head, his previous dizziness giving way to a sudden clarity. The world around him settled into focus, and the sensation of disorientation melted away. With cautious optimism, Kai attempted to push himself off the ground, only to find his limbs unresponsive. Instead, his mind seemed to expand, as though welcoming a torrent of unfamiliar knowledge.

It was as if puzzle pieces were falling into place, completing a picture he had never seen before. The world of Naruto, a realm he had encountered through pages of manga, now unfolded before him as a tangible reality. Concepts like chakra manipulation and the intricacies of this universe surged into his consciousness, like long-lost memories resurfacing from the depths of his mind. It was both bewildering and thrilling.

Clad in the attire of an unassuming traveler, Kai found himself draped in a blue-hued ensemble that whispered of tradition and simplicity. He experimented with his newfound abilities, gingerly flexing his hands and testing his legs. A sense of exhilaration bubbled within him as he marveled at the grace and agility of his movements, each step and gesture flowing effortlessly. It was a sensation of belonging, as though he had been sculpted to fit this world like a perfectly matched puzzle piece.

As dusk settled over the forest, Kai surrendered to the tranquility that surrounded him. Lying on the cool earth, he drank in the symphony of nature's evening chorus. The gentle rustling of leaves and the soothing melodies of birds formed a serenade that resonated with his soul. Time slipped through his fingers, unnoticed, until the velvety blanket of night was draped overhead.

But fate had other plans. A disturbance, imperceptible to most, roused Kai from his reverie. His senses, heightened by his newfound knowledge, detected the subtlest of movements, a shadow dancing on the periphery of his consciousness. He feigned sleep, all the while attuning his hearing to the footsteps that brushed against the earth like a whisper.

A presence, swift and elusive, seemed to weave its way through the forest. Kai marveled at the skill and speed of this enigmatic figure, recognizing the telltale signs of a ninja – a world brimming with its own rules and dangers. Curiosity gnawed at him, and he harnessed his burgeoning chakra control to mirror the stranger's movements, a silent dance of stealth.

In a heartbeat, Kai shifted from his resting place, a blur of motion that left even the nimblest ninja momentarily bewildered. His pace matched the stranger's, a chase born of intrigue rather than hostility. The moonlit path led them to the edge of a precipice, where the white-clad figure stood resolute against the night sky.

Kai's heightened vision pierced through the darkness, revealing the cryptic inscription upon the stranger's back – "The Fourth Hokage." The revelation hung in the air, a declaration of significance that cast an enigmatic veil over the encounter. As the two figures stood, worlds apart yet connected by destiny, Kai's heart pulsed with anticipation. He had embarked on a journey that defied explanation.

Hey guys, I just re-started this, and honestly, although I'm a fan of Naruto, some parts of the story may not be accurate for so I hope that you guys would give some leeway on that, but aside from that, hope that you all enjoy :)

Schedule that I intend to make as of right now will be one chapter every two days, around 900-1100 words per chapter. If you like it, I hope you guys add it to your collection!

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