
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

Fugaku vs Itachi

Amidst the chaos of another battlefield, Fugaku's heart weighed heavy as he locked eyes with his own son, Itachi Uchiha. The air crackled with tension, a silent acknowledgment of the painful truth that they were now on opposing sides. Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan blazed with an intensity that sent a shiver down Fugaku's spine. The very sight of it was a testament to the pain and burden his son carried.

Their footsteps echoed across the battlefield as they closed in on each other. Itachi's movements were calculated and precise, his Mangekyo Sharingan weaving a complex dance of genjutsu and deadly jutsu. Fugaku's heart ached as he recognized the brilliance of his son's skill, a painful reminder of the prodigy he had raised.

Fugaku, too, activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, the crimson design swirling and spinning in his eyes. He unleashed a torrent of flames, engulfing the battleground in searing heat. Itachi countered with a swift motion of his hand, summoning a torrent of water that clashed with the flames, creating a hissing steam that obscured their vision.

Amid the steam and smoke, Fugaku and Itachi moved with a fluid grace, each strike and parry a testament to their mastery. The clash of their jutsus painted a vivid tapestry of power and determination. Fugaku's heart ached with each blow he landed, each clash of steel and fire against his own flesh and blood.

But as the battle raged on, Fugaku sensed a change in Itachi. The anguish and conflict within his son's eyes were evident, a flicker of doubt that hinted at a lingering connection to his past. Fugaku seized the opportunity, channeling his Mangekyo Sharingan to pierce through the illusion that surrounded them.

For a moment, the battlefield transformed. Fugaku and Itachi stood in a memory, a time long before the tension among the Uchiha and Konoha had taken hold. Itachi was a young boy, eyes filled with wonder and hope. Fugaku's heart ached as he remembered those simpler days, when the Uchiha clan had stood united and proud.

Fugaku saw a glimpse of the son he had lost in that fleeting moment. The connection between them was stronger than any jutsu or battle. Tears welled in Fugaku's eyes as he reached out to Itachi, the weight of a father's love and regret crashing over him.

The memory faded, and they were once again on the battlefield, blades clashing and jutsus colliding. Fugaku was just waiting for the right opportunity. The right opportunity to release Itachi from this horrible Genjutsu.

The air was heavy with tension, their Sharingan eyes locking in a gaze that spoke volumes of their shared tragedy.

Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan spun like a hypnotic whirlpool as he cast a potent genjutsu, attempting to immobilize Itachi. But Itachi's own Mangekyo Sharingan blazed with a fierce determination.

With a swift and graceful motion, Itachi shifted his chakra, unraveling the genjutsu's hold over him. Fugaku's eyes widened in astonishment, realizing that his son truly have grown stronger than him.

As the genjutsu shattered, Itachi seized the moment. He moved with a swiftness that betrayed his years, closing the distance between them in an instant. Fugaku, caught off guard by his son's sudden freedom, found himself unable to fully react.

Their blades clashed in a burst of sparks and steel. The clash resonated with the weight of their conflicting ideals, a son fighting against his father's vision for their clan. Each strike echoed with the sorrow that had built up over the years, a tragic symphony of pain and regret.

Itachi's movements were precise, calculated, and fueled by a mix of emotions. He could not afford to lose, not after all he had sacrificed. As their battle raged on, Fugaku's strength waned, his injuries taking a toll on his ability to keep up with Itachi's relentless assault.

With a final, resolute strike, Itachi's blade found its mark. Fugaku's eyes widened, a mix of disbelief and acceptance flickering within them. He stumbled back, his body betraying him as his strength waned. Itachi stood before him, his breath ragged, his eyes heavy with the weight of his actions.

Fugaku's voice was strained, barely a whisper, as he managed to speak. "It's okay, Itachi," he rasped, blood staining his lips. "You truly are my son. I'm proud of you."

A miraculous glimmer of light pierced through the darkness. Fugaku's hand moved with a determined purpose, and Itachi's eyes widened in astonishment as he saw what his father held. Shisui's eye, was a powerful relic that held the key to breaking free from the chains of genjutsu.

In an act of desperation and love, Fugaku channeled the last of his strength into the eye, activating its power one final time. A surge of chakra washed over Itachi, enveloping him in a wave of clarity and liberation. The genjutsu that had haunted Itachi for so long shattered like glass, releasing him from its grip.

Time seemed to slow as Itachi's eyes met his father's one last time. The weight of their shared history, the choices they had made, and the love that had always lingered beneath the surface hung heavily in the air. Fugaku's lips curved into a bittersweet smile, a silent farewell to his son.

And then, as Fugaku's life force waned, he whispered one final assurance. "I love you, Itachi."

With those words, Fugaku's grip on Shisui's eye loosened, and the eye fell into Itachi's outstretched hand. The world seemed to blur around them, and Itachi felt a surge of power and release unlike anything he had ever experienced.

As Fugaku's eyes closed for the last time, Itachi stood there, holding Shisui's eye in his hand, his heart heavy with the weight of his father's sacrifice.

In the wake of Shisui's tragic death, Itachi's tears had flowed freely, a testament to the depth of his pain. Yet now, as he stood before his father's lifeless body, the wellspring of his grief had dried up. It was as though the anguish had taken on a weight too heavy for tears, leaving him with a numb ache that seemed to pierce his very soul. He gazed at Fugaku, his expression a mixture of sorrow and resignation, his heart heavy with the burden of loss.

Amidst the turmoil of battle, a fierce determination burned in Might Guy's eyes. Even as he clashed against the relentless assault of the second leader, his resolve remained unshaken. His voice cut through the chaos, reaching Itachi's ears with a mix of sympathy and strength. "Itachi, I understand your pain, but we can't falter now. We must press on and bring an end to this."

Itachi's gaze met Guy's, and he found solace in the unwavering determination that radiated from his ally. With a silent nod, Itachi steeled himself, his resolve reignited by Guy's words.

Without hesitation, Itachi sprang into action, his movements fluid and precise as he joined the fray alongside Might Guy. The battle raged on, a whirlwind of jutsus, strikes, and evasions. Itachi's Sharingan blazed, each movement a calculated dance that exploited his opponent's weaknesses. With a final, coordinated assault, they delivered a decisive blow that brought their adversary to their knees. The battle reached its climactic end, leaving the second leader defeated and the battlefield in silence.

The battle was once again won, even though the sacrifices were deep.


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