
Living Along Nightmares

A world where monsters called Zonbi live amongst humans. There is a hierarchy to the Zombi, peasants, warriors, knights, kings and queens, and one more unknown role. There is an organization tasked in hunting down and killing these beasts, called the ZAA (Zonbi Assassination Association) Despite these monsters living amongst humans, that doesn't stop anyone from living their lives normally. But, there is a person who's whole life changed because of these monsters. Follow our two protagonists, Raitoningu Hooder, our soon to be half human half Zonbi, and Keitaro Katsunori our member of the ZAA....

Hooder_Man · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 (short filler)

Hooder's POV (Sunday... One day before the attack)

I was lifting weights, trying to get my strength up. I inhaled through my nose and exhaled from my mouth. I sat the weights down wiping sweat off my head. Man this is hard...I rose my thumb over my finger and broke it, man I thought I was used to this. I looked towards the window as Aimi was watching me.

Man, she should just come outside and watch me. I waved as she waved back. I let out a breath and got on the ground, beginning to do push ups. Man, training is harder than I thought...

But it's necessary, in order to survive in this world.

Katsunori POV

I was swinging my sword in the training room, my squad said they have to go home and explain the news to their families. I did it the moment I got home yesterday. I just hope my dad can get somewhere safe...

I let out a breath as my eyes widened, glowing blue.

A bunch of crazy shit was happening this time. And I was standing in the middle of it, on top of a building. But I was accompanied by someone, and he didn't look familiar. I had my blade out towards the person. He looks like he's my age. He rose his head, one of his eyes black and green like a Zonbi. But I don't know why only one of his eyes were black and green. Before I snapped back into reality the guy whispered, "I don't want to fight you..."

My eyes returned to normal as I looked around. What are these things I'm seeing...? It's starting to freak me out... I shook my head and continued to train.

Hooder's POV (Night)

I was sitting outside, leaning against the house. I sighed and looked down. Man, I have a bad feeling... I don't know why.. but it just feels like something bad is about to happen. It's probably nothing...

I was about to get up until I heard knocking on the wall. I looked over seeing Aimi. She waved having my books in her arms. She walked up.

"You forgot these." She whispered her face a little but pink, like her hair. She handed them over as I grabbed them and smiled.

"Thank you." I thanked as she sat down. I looked forward.

"You know, if you really want to watch me train, you could just come outside and watch me right?" I said as she jumped.

"O-Oh.. Yeah I guess.." She whispered rubbing her thumb on the top of her hand. It got awkward real quick...

"Um. You want... Do you want to hang out sometime..?" I looked over as she kept staring at her hands.

"Yeah sure." I said standing up as she watched me. "When you're ready, just give me a date, time, and location and I'll be there." I said putting my books under my arms.

She smiled and stood. "A-Alright!" She exclaimed happily hugging my arm.

"I think I'm going to go home.. I'm tired and sore.." I said rubbing my hair.

"Oh alright." She let go of my arm and I began walking away.

"See ya Aimi! Tell Hiraku I said bye too!" I shouted taking off running.

"Okay! Bye!!"

Heh, she's not so weird.