
Prologue: Living a dream come true?

In a high rise building, a man was gazing at the night scene from his condo. It is not the most expensive and the most luxurious asset under his name. But this the man's favorite among all he has.

Perhaps he has grown tired of the luxuries he had and only wanted to settle somewhere quiet. His life has everything a man dreams of. Or so everyone thought so.

An explosion occurred behind the man as he stared lifelessly at the sky. Followed by the explosion was a series of metal clashes and arguments of women. Each fiercer than the other.

If he doesn't know better he will think there is an arson happening in his own home. A normal person's reaction was to call 911 or something. But the man was just there, simply unmoving on the balcony of his home.

Kevin Dale wonders how his life turned out like this. He remembered how simple his dreams were and how looking forward he was with his life in college and to the society as a whole. He considers himself a good product of the society even with humble beginnings.

In fact there was no major drama in his life. His family was normal. His life was normal. And everything else that follows should also be normal. But here he is, living a life that is anything but normal.

Well not entirely normal. He grew up almost like a girl as his father was almost not around. There was only his mother and sisters who trained him in various skills of a woman. So much that his understanding of his tastes were more inclined to men than women.

Perhaps everyone would be happy if he did ended up being a gay. This way he wouldn't have to be so confused of what to do with his chaotic life.

He would have been happier.

But that is besides the point. The point was that his parents were doubting their only son as not their own. After all their lives for generations was never beyond average.

The 'him' of today is way beyond that normalcy. Living a very successful life that his parents doubts of his parentage even with a legit DNA result he produced to prove their relations. They are not really too confident in their genes to produce someone like him in their family.

"System" Kevin called out in his mind. "You really doomed me. I thought you will let me live a rather easy life. But obviously you are just here to make me miserable."

[I think I did not Host.] A floating screen only he could see replied to him. [Everything you have is a result of your own making. Every choice was yours to make, I only provided enough opportunities for you to have your desires fulfilled.]

"But obviously things are quite different from what I thought of." Kevin said as he sighed heavily. The noises beyond the door of his room were now slowly receding.

[But this is what every male has ever dreamt of. Are you saying that you're not a male?]

"Can't you see I have the genitalia to prove my sex. I have used it and am pretty much proud of this little guy. Which part of me is not male then?" Kevin said angrily.

[But you're not happy being with the girls. And I heard of you thinking of being with a man is better being around your lovers.]

Kevin groaned as he felt his brain hurt with the amount of stress he has accumulated in the past few years.

"I would have been happy if those girls were normal people." Kevin said wistfully.

The commotion behind him has now completely ceased from existing. In exchange to the disappearance of fighting sounds, was the eerie silence. A type of silence that makes people's hairs rise up.

"If I don't survive tonight. Then consider it me living with your name." Kevin said as he felt the temperature behind him turning quite low to his liking. He wanted to talk more of this system of his, but instinct tells him to find ways to live first before he argues with the floating screen.

As if sensing the man's unease, the floating screen disappeared like it was not there in the first place. Knowing when to run and when to not. Kevin was long used to his system's antics.

He shivered at the sensation and he knew that the fight behind him was once again unconcluded. One of the girls has once again sneaked into where he is and will try to tempt him again. A routine Kevin was very fearful of.

"~my dear!" A sweet voice whispered behind his ears. Kevin felt his heart accelerate in fear as a cold touch wounds around his chest. "Why are you here alone? Don't you want me to accompany you~?"

Kevin could only chuckle nervously at the girl's stickiness. He wanted to turn and leave this place. Evacuate somewhere else where he could have a peaceful life somehow. Away from these crazy girls who say they loved him.

"You're taking him away without us paying attention." A stern voice sounded out behind. Her tone carried annoyance and irritation towards the sweet voiced woman.

As the stern voice's words fell, a series of footsteps rang behind him. From the sound of it there are four more girls behind. Each stopping by the balcony he is in.

"Aren't you being too unfair towards us?" A seductive and lazy voice echoed the stern one. "We are fighting fairly here and you actually attempt to take advantage of our inattentiveness. How about we kill you first before we continue the competition we have here?"

"I agree." A young and a childish voice said as Kevin felt a force ripped away the sweet speaking woman behind him.

Kevin heard giggles and laughter behind him as he closed his eyes wanting to escape from here. He knows in just a blink of an eye another fight will happen. And like always he is in the eye of the storm.

This always happens when all of them are in the same place. He is helpless in front of them. Not because he is not strong or anything, but rather he cannot find the courage to resist them. He blames the system for this to happen in his life.

Feeling that if things will continue this vicious cycle he will really die before the morning comes. This night is quite different from the usual. It was more tense and bone-chilling than any other time this setting has happened.

Perhaps it is the result of him running away. He might have really angered them enough to team up to abduct him and fight whoever will have him after they fulfill their common goal. Though this explanation that he came up does not explain the explosion and fight they had a while ago.

"Dear Kevin don't worry. We'll settle things on our own. Just stay there and be good okay?" A rather melodious voice said as he felt lightheaded hearing it. "We love you so much that we are willing to compromise this much. So don't you dare to escape okay?"

Kevin was not able to reply to any words at all as he felt himself falling on his bottom. Weakly he opened his eyes as he tried to see his surroundings one last time.

If this is the end of his life, he wants to burn this image in his mind. For sure he will miss the scenery at this newly purchased place of his. He is still wondering how the girls got to know his new residence.

Feeling a soft touch on his shoulders, he was dragged inside the room. There he saw the reason for his fears, five beautiful girls whom every man dreamed of having as their girlfriends and even wives. But unlike the girls of those dreams, these girls are deadly as the most colorful creature in the sea. Picking and eating them is equivalent of suicide.

And unfortunately for him, although he did not pick them up for any purpose they liked to flock with him for some reason. It might be the system playing tricks. If he did not play with his games, he would not meet these dangerous ladies. But it's too late to have some regrets at the moment. All that is done is already done.

Honestly if he has the choice, he really wanted to get over this and maybe marry a man to keep these crazy ladies away from him. He remembered his sister introducing him to a gay man who was interested in him. And from the words his sister has told him, the man was interested to deepen their relationship if he wanted too.

Maybe that is the breakthrough he needed.

He is already tired of the daily horrors he lived in.

He does not remember much of how, but he knew that everything has changed during his freshman year as a college student. In that one simple morning, his life has changed for both good and bad.

I don't have any plans to write a new books for a while. But seeing the prompts just inspires me to write this. There was also an outline that I liked for the WSA but I still cannot get my head over how to make it work. So I ended up doing this.

Please enjoy this story of mine. It will not be the best, but I aim to make it bearable and enjoyable.

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