
027| Kevin: Two fierce tigers

Kevin felt the venom of the snake coursing to him in just a few seconds. He was pretty sure that he would die at this very moment. He doesn't know if this kind of snake can really kill people or not, but his instincts are telling him that he will die.

But contrary to what he thought he did not die. Though he fainted upon the second the venom reached his heart. His system has greatly emphasized that he is alive and well when he wakes up in a whole new environment.

"What the heck happened?"' Kevin asked, confused and disoriented with a stinging headache. It felt like he had dozed a bottle of vodka by mistake back when he was sixteen. His sister did a better job at hiding her stash since then.

[Host you're awake]

"No shit." Kevin said snappily as he asked for a hangover remedy or something to ease the pain.

The system did not voice out anything and did what it was asked. It was also strangely quiet. In Kevin's impression of this system of his, it is very weird as it never became truly silent in his presence. Oftentimes it spouts random things it has gotten from whatever it has on its archives. Occasionally, it yaps at him for doing or saying the stupidest thing. So why is it so quiet now?

"What happened?" Kevin once again asked as he felt less pain.

[I found out what that thing Kathrine left in you]

[And it has shook me to not know where should I start talking]

"If you cannot say, then show me or something." Kevin said as he somehow felt sick in the stomach as he remembered that the danger that awaits him in the gameworlds does not only exist on what already exists there. Kathrine is somehow able to cross through space and time to get to where he is. And that is another thing that puts his life at risk other than the cruelty of the world he is in.

[Then brace yourself to what I am going to inject in your mind]

Kevin learned to just follow what he is asked and prepared himself to whatever inconvenience he might have. The last time the system did something similar to him has gotten him to suffer being trained to learn a skill in that frozen space and time that has trapped him for years in his cognition. That experience has given him sufficient reasoning to listen and follow instructions when needed.

And when he received the video like knowledge the system has given him, his whole face paled.

How could he not? Kathrine somehow interrupted the ritual the king was performing. The demonized girl was not using Angelina's face at the moment, rather she was using her original face with her violet eyes that symbolizes her identity as a demon.

She ransacked the place and killed some people along the way. Saw the snake turned into a septecter in the hands of the not-young girl to retaliate to Kathrine's intrusion. Neck to neck they fought against each other, Kathrine used her tough nails while the king used her weapon to parry and attack the demon girl.

They battled in the hall with the people who were overseeing the whole thing and ran away in fear of being dragged in. The two women cared not for them and killed some of them who had gotten in the way of their battle. Together, the two have made a new landscape to the once lavish and luxurious palace to a ruin and wrecked place.

At some point the two women had reached a stalemate. They drew distance between them. The king was near her throne while Kathrine went to where Kevin lies. It was clear that the demonized girl was after him and only him in this place.

He even felt a ghost of Kathrine stroking his cheeks as he saw the demonized girl lovingly caressing his face. The king was not happy as expected, she commanded the fire in the room to surround Kathrine. But contrary to what the king had imagined or wanted, the fire did not do any harm to the demonized girl.

As the fire did not do any harm on her, Kathrine mockingly looked down at the not-young girl as she carried Kevin in her arms. Wings appeared from behind her as she prepared for take off.

"This man is mine." Kathrine's voice echoed in Kevin's ears as the king changed her tactics and called upon the river. Slowly but surely the whole palace was covered in a barrier of water. Giving Kathrine no chance to fly away with Kevin with her.

The king spoke commandingly at Kathrine as she pointed her staff at the demon girl. And by some miracle(system: no it was not a miracle you analyzed the body language, the atmostphe— Kevin: Just shut up!)He understood that the not-young girl was demanding Kathrine to leave and to let go of him. If he was a little delusional, he might become flattered at the way the two women were fighting for him.

But he is not. In fact, even if he was only seeing/knowing what has taken place, he is shaking his body in fright. The two women are beautiful poisonous creatures he wanted to stay away from and avoid from. They scare him more than he is scared of them than the horrors the gameworlds can bring him. Because at least, he can ask help from his system to escape from the predicament. And between the two powerful women, the system cannot help him even if it wanted to.

"No way." Kathrine spoke with a mad grin on her face. "I told you this guy is mine."

She ripped Kevin's lower clothing as if to show evidence of her claim. Finding his balls, she fiddled with his buddy between the legs to show the mark he and his system had identified to be the marking or something for the other reward they received in the first world. And it seems that they were right about that in that aspect.

"This is the mark I had placed on him when I took away his virginity." Kathrine said as he fondly gave a kiss on the dangling appendage. "Through this I can locate and follow his soul even if he dies. In one life to another I can always get him with this. So back off the old corpse, you have no claim to him at all."

The King only smiled and said some series of words that had gotten Kathrine riled up. Her face became distorted that she was downright murderous as she glared at the not-young girl who at some point had returned to her throne. Waving her arms there was something happening that the recording the system had prepared cannot capture.

Next thing he saw was that Kathrine's figure was blurring until she was no more. The girl was spouting some words that are totally different from what the people of this land and kingdom were using. She looked very angry as she was uttering foreign words to the ruler of this land.

The king only dismissed her words like she understood every word the demonized girl had said.

Though he felt relieved seeing that Kathrine was expelled from the same space as him, he found another sense of fear as the waters that surrounded the whole palace rushed to him in a manner that he would be drowning in minutes after it reached him.

But it didn't. It carried him like it had some strength and solidity to lift him up from the floor he was laying on. It carried him to the steps of the throne where the king was smiling at his sleeping figure. The ruby that the fire has offered to her once again made an appearance.

This time she no longer stepped down her throne and used some sort of power to let the jewel settle in his brows. Seeing it sinking upon his skin, the not-young girl ordered the waters to settle him by her feet.

Him being laid down was the last thing the scene showed him. It kind of explained where he is now. Though he is a little happy that the not-young king is not thinking of killing him for now, he still sighed in relief at his current safe status.

"I need to get out of here." Kevin said to his system as he confirmed that there is no immediate danger to his being here. He saw the moon peeking out the windows as he stood up to see the outside. Apparently this old civilization has some great night life that he could see the bustling streets from where he is stationed now.

[I motion this mission you made]

[Though you might need to stay here for now as the ruler of this land is coming here as we speak]

[Other than that your body is weak for now]

[You need to nourish you body now and the care of the king for you will be helpful for your recovery]

"Why is she coming here?" Kevin said as he returned to the bed he was in before. He agree on recovering his body, but he is curious and cautious of why that not-young girl is coming over.

Hi guys!

This is the chapter promised for this week. I have no rant to say at the moment, but I want to say I am thankful for all who voted and collected this book. We have reached 100+ collections now. Hope the old and new readers enjoyed this chapter. It was really a surprise to me when I saw the stats when I opened them. I honestly did not think this one will be quite well-liked. Thank you very much.

IF I have time, I woud like to write a celebratory chapter for this milestone. But I really cannot. Though I can try to make one, only that I had been too busy nowadays searching for a job to make one. So i might not able to.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MyNameIsTakencreators' thoughts
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