
Living a loving life

Kevin was an average boy of his age. He strived for his grades, pleased his parents for additional allowance and dreamed of having a girlfriend before he graduates college. Until suddenly a system came in his life. First Meeting [Hello Host!] “Da fuck?!” [Wow! You’re too smart! How did you know my nickname host?] “That is your nickname? Who the hell named you that?” [The main system. He said that he accidentally had an accident when I was born. So he ended up setting my name as “Da fuck”. When he was calm enough he made a remedy with my name. But the first name cannot be changed so it is now my nickname to override the error.] “How poor you are to bear that name when you are born. Since you are renamed, what is your new name?” [System 0B163: A good guy system.] “....you know what we should just stick with your nickname. It’s less harmless and more inclined to my mood now. For someone who wants to have a relationship you’re just too much of a flag.” [Understood] Nth period later “You know what I should just sever my ties with you back then” [Why Host?] “Although I achieved things that men dreamed for all their lives, you are just too good at planting landmines for me.” [I think I haven’t done any of that sorts host.] “....then how do you explain these fighting monsters who aim to keep me? I remember not asking this for the love of my life!” [Well wasn’t that a man’s romance? The intelligence I got says that much.] “Da fuck!” [Do you mean to call me host?] With a system that is just too good to be true, Kevin shatters his mundane life in the journey of being a good guy. Author's note: The harem is slow to build up in this story but the number of them is already decided. I am also undecided of making this an R18 story. But for sure there there will be gore somewhere in this story.

MyNameIsTaken · Fantasy
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30 Chs

020| Kevin: It's unfair

When they returned to the tunnel leading to the tomb, there were no huge changes in the path they took. Only that there was an increase of snake population for some reason, Kevin rather not think about.

The reptiles were small like newly hatched. Brown and dusty yellow, perfect colors to hide in the sand. Slittering ever so slightly with the overwhelming numbers.

The players have minded this detail. They were certain of what is the cause of the sudden increase of the snakes like Kevin does. Making them quite nervous about what awaits them inside.

The NPCs also took note of the snakes that were not present the last time they came over. But one of the academes was an expert of biology and identified the snakes. Saying that these kinds of snakes were non venomous and were in season of hatching, thus their numerous numbers here. This place might have been the species' breeding ground too.

"Luckily it does not have venom." Alfred said as he carefully tried not to step into the snakes all over the place. "If they ended up with venoms, I am sure at least three-fourth of this team will die before we reach the tomb entrance."

"Yeah." Kevin agreed on Alfred's statement as he recalled a knowledge about snakes. If they are not venomous then they are likely to suffocate their victims using their body muscles. As his friend said, they are indeed lucky. "As long as they are small there is nothing to worry about. Unless someone has some unreasonable fear for snakes."

"Thankfully I am not such a person." Alfred carefully kicked a jumbled ball of snakes near his feet. "Seeing this scene with such fear is a stuff of nightmares to them. Did we bring something to ward these guys off later? Even if someone will be at watch during our sleep, I cannot be at peace knowing these guys are almost everywhere."

"I think there were some." Kevin took some moment to remember if there was such a thing. But there are plenty of supplies that were gathered in just a few days because of their varieties. Clearly he remembered something about repellant in one of those.

"Really? If there were some, I guess I don't have to use some of my items." Alfred sighed in relief at the knowledge.

Apparently failed host players earned some items after they passed through a world along some convenient points they could convert into money in the game worlds and the real world. Items were rare things to have and are incredibly precious. So using them for minor things like repelling these small snakes is not worth it.

There are two types of items that they could obtain. Reward items and the Purchasable items.

Reward items were the one that the system said to be items given by the main system. They are mostly limited to use in nature, but powerful items when used wisely. Chances of obtaining them are highly dependent on the main system.

Purchasable items on the other hand are items sold by special NPCs in each game world. The vendors/merchants who sell them are randomly found in the most unexpected places. Some even appeared in their dreams, if there is no suitable place for them to appear in some game worlds.

The points of each player were converted in 1:5 ratio in game worlds, meaning if they had 100 pts it would be 500 in the currency that world uses. This is what the NPCs will ask them to pay for them. While if points will be converted to reality it will be 1:100.

If the average points per world is 250 then they will have 25000 in reality. Depending on which side of the world they are in, they are likely to live well in that amount for quite a time.

He kind of asked his system why it was like that. And it answered that the conversion is higher in the real world as it is their benefit for surviving for long the game worlds. It was not easy for them to live after all their troubles. The main system is considerate of their hard work to at least let them have some money to live well in reality.

It was quite reasonable as he heard it. But he worries if money really appears out of thin air, wouldn't people be suspicious of where it came from? Money is a very attractive thing that brings all sorts of trouble to their owners.

In response to this worry, it was said that the main system has established a company sole for this matter. Every money that is converted is sent using this company through legal means with taxes and whatnot. Every player is recorded as employees so that it will not be so suspicious. So there is no problem at all when they use it.

Kevin was mildly surprised at the thoughtfulness of the main system. Though he is still complaining how unfair it is that a host like him has a much lower conversion rate of 1:20. He cannot stand the huge gap he sees.

But the system reasoned that they have a much higher survival rate, thus smaller ratio. Besides they had the system to let them get advantages like story plots that cannot kill them no matter how sinister the origin of the story. There is a mall they could access anytime they want. And if the system is stronger enough, it can let him do whatever the host wants in game worlds. It is reasonable for it to be lower than the unprivileged.

"You bought some here?" Kevin asked as he did not get the chance to wander around due to him trying to get close to Angelica.

"Yeah I bought something from a merchant in the toilets of the hotel. Don't ask me why that guy was stationed there, but there were plenty of items they sold over there." Alfred said not telling the specific of his purchases.

"Cool. It was my bad luck not to meet a merchant here." Kevin sighs as he was really looking forward to seeing the difference between the system mall and the NPCs.

[Host the system sells the best of the best items there is]

[There is no need for you to be curious of what they sell]

"But I want to compare the prices and quality." Kevin said to his system. "I want to know if you are not cheating me of my hard earned points. Your items are too pricey if I convert it to real world money."

[That is because the items I sell are much more useful than anywhere else]

[There are also very durable, meaning they are almost permanent items than limited to use ones]

[Not to mention there are all modified in some ways that only certain worlds can make it unleash their full potentials]

"I will only believe until I see it for myself." Says Kevin no longer bothering to care for this system of his.

When they got into the entrance of the tomb, Kevin sublty went nearer to Angelica. Ready to brush his existence to the woman.

In the last days before they return here, Kevin has been taking distance from Angelica. Maybe due to her being used to him following him like some tail, the woman was paying more attention to him than normal. This might be a case of absence makes fondness. Making her consciously or unconsciously seek him among the crowd.

At this time, it was Angelica who was making some efforts to get near him. First to engage him with some talks. And the first one who did all sorts of initiatives.

It was baffling to have this treatment. A woman's mind is really hard to comprehend. He longer tries to question what made her eager about him.

But he was happy with how it turns out. At least the players will not give him some eyes. And that he has some legit reason to get near Angelica without getting some attention.

Along the way, things were particularly easier than the first time. There is no need to spend some time to know how to get inside as they already did so before. They got even farther before they called it a day. Setting a place for them to settle for the night.

The arrangement was the same as before. There will be two groups who will take turns to sleep and who will guard everyone. Like the last time, Kevin was in the second group along with Angelica who gave him a weird feeling tonight.

There is something off of her tonight. Although she is his target, he has the feeling he should take a distance away from her tonight. She scares him for some reason.

His system was in the same opinion as him. It also senses a peculiar sensation despite without a body to feel it.

Thanks for the votes SlyShadow, Awesome_Alankrit, Raid_Vladmir, G_Raid, LENDON_VILLANUEVA, Ace_Villanueva_5532, Renztroy_Villarta_5210, meatlessman, livingdead, Daoist443101, Kujis98, Pedro_Carvalho_7223, Gutstheberseker.

I had some crazy idea for this arc. A little warning the next chaps will get a little crazier due to this idea. I only hope it will turn out well.

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