
Chapter 2

It's been 13 days since the incident, I still can't wrap my head around the predicament I am in.

The full name of this body is Fukushima Akihiko, he's been in critical condition and as I've been observing, He is pretty well off outside the hospital.

He lives with his family, and his Dad owns a company FA Traders, which helps circulate the resources around the country.

And I also learned that the girl who was hugging me is apparently my sister, Fukushima Akasuki.

I still feel uncomfortable with the way she is treating me because…

I'm not her brother.

But if I said that, and gave evidence that I was a completely different person. Doctors and Scientists would probably do experiments on how I transferred consciousness.


'you mean we.. right?'

Wait, you mean you guys did it?


'You're asking too many damn questions, at least praise us first'

Uh, what? Aren't you guys just a part of me? Wait, so they are the reason I changed consciousness, doesn't this mean we just killed a man's mind?

'Like I said, too many damn questions.'

Ah sorry, thank you for saving my heart and soul~

'Do you see this man! What a piece of shitty thanks you gave.'

'give him a break, i think this is completely normal..'

So my two other consciousness brought me into this body. One's an asshole and the other is a timid personality. And still there is absolutely no explanation what is going on.

'Right now, call me 2 and the other 1. i'll answer your questions… First, yes we did transfer your's and our consciousness into this man's body.

'second, we aren't a part of you but instead we are two separate entities.'

What? I thought this was just a part of my DID*

'third, we only think of survival, since that man had a weak mind after the crash.'

Why are chills going up my back..

'therefore, we kicked out his consciousness and replaced the body's mind with yours.

Ah crap.. What the hell have they done…


A few days later, I got let out of the hospital. My bones and muscles still need to heal though so I have a cast around my arm. They also determined I had memory loss.

Due to this,

There's also more things I've learned about this man. He is a highschooler, and popular at that. I had many of his friends visit me. Although I had to use the memory excuse as I have no idea who they are.

Well, how well will I impersonate this person later on?

"Are you ok, Akihiko?"

His sister was talking to me, I must've been zoned out.

"Yeah, I'm ok, Akasuki.."

I also need to get used to saying her first name.

"You know, I was very scared when I heard you got hit by a car, and when I saw your body so messed up, I was preparing for the worst."

"But now, I'm glad that you're ok."

Ah, this really hurts. If I tell her I'm not actually her brother. Things will get messy, how will I get rid of my problems?

'2 is here, I can search through the brain's memory to find Akihiko original memories.

Yea, but that doesn't change the fact her brother is gone, he could've survived.

'Why do you give a damn, it's all about the survival of the fittest.'

That's definitely consciousness one.

'Also, we are attached to you. If you die, we die. I don't want to experience after-death twice.'

Huh, twice?

'yea, me and one both died before. It's not fun.'

Of course it's not fun, I almost died like 13 days ago.

'i meant after death isn't fun.'

What do you mean?

'when you die, you get sent to, nothing. the place of nothingness.'

'nothingness is infinite. everything is sent there, but will never interact. you can't smell, see, touch, hear, or taste. it's only you and your thoughts.'

'time in the nothingness is compressed into infinity there, where a trillion of trillions of years, is only 0 seconds in the cosmic universe.'

… May you repeat that again?


So when you die, you get sent into this dark place called nothingness, and what's left of you is your consciousness.


I became glad for a second that I didn't die. But stopped smiling as the other man got sent into nothingness.

Can't we save him?

'if we can find him. He already spent an infinite amount of time there.'

'Yea let me just throw you in there and try to find him like I try to find your brain.'

I'm not that stupid.

The doctor then walked into the room, holding a clipboard with a paper attached to it in his hand.

"The results of today showed that most of your bones have almost completely healed. You can leave tomorrow, but make sure to cast on your arms and keep the bandage wrapped around your ribs."

Tomorrow is the day I leave huh. I have to figure out what and where Akihiko works.

'He manages the Human Resources Department at FA Traders'

Thanks, now I just need to survive as a different person within another.

*DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states.