
Living A "Slow" Life

My synopsis got deleted so ill just summarise what the story will be showing you readers. ——— Back when he was in his younger days he got hit by a car, leading to him dying, he got reincarnated into another world and looked determined to make this new life alot better than his past. With a system of course.. a League of legends summoning system. ——— This is basically the gist of it, i got extremely angry that the synopsis got deleted. I spent 30 mins writing it only for webnovel to delete it. Sigh.. Well if you guys are interested make sure to add it, thats it good bye.

LordPool · Video Games
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 5

Just like that, a week ago I was banned from the kingdom I grew up in.

Louc sighed as he shook his head and looked at the mountains in front of him. He was on a quest to find a town to settle in for now. But so far there was nothing.

He was on the verge of crying as he was so hungry that he was about to go insane.

He needed a house.



Just like that, his system sent him a recommendation.

In front of the him was Heimerdinger and a buff looking man that had a giant sword like sword.

He summoned the both of them as they both kneeled on the ground.

Louc took a deep breath and asked the both of them.

"I need food and a house to live in. Will you both be able to do that?"

Heimerdinger and the man named Tryndamere nodded.

Suddenly blue particles appeared all around Louc as gigantic castles and buildings with people living in them appeared.

It was the kingdom that King Tryndamere resides in.

A gigantic castle appeared as Louc started rising with the two of them.

The ground started to form into bricks as it lifted them to the sky and stopped when it reached a reasonable height.

The Kingdom that Tryndamere and Ashe protects.

(A/N: Sorry for ruining your immersion, but I just wanted to say. I don't know shit about League of legends lore, I will be following what I envision or imagine inside my mind. So don't expect it to be lore accurate. Thank you.)

Ashe appeared beside Tryndamere as she also kneeled down to Louc.

Louc nodded as he held his hand and another throne bigger than Tryndamere's appeared.

He sat down and slept.

They all looked at their king as they felt glad.

Heimer started preparing food with his devices while Tryndamere and Ashe looked out for the kingdom for any enemies approaching.

Keep in mind that this kingdom is huge its gigantic to the point that its bigger than mountains that are thousands of feet above. It shows how extremely powerful this kingdom is.


Clop, Clop

A horse's galloping was heard in a distance, and if you look closely you would see that the horse had someone in it with a banner or a flag that symbolised a powerful kingdom.

"I just wanna go home... when is my shift going to end.?" He said outloud while scouting the area that he was assigned in. He was assigned in this area for any potential intruders or monsters that would wreak havoc to a twon near here.

After a couple more seconds of scouting his shift had ended and was about to go back but he saw something in front of him that had his eyes wide open with his mouth gaping wide with a look that showed fear.

I must report this as soon as possible!

He whipped the horse to make it go faster as headed to his kingdom not stopping for even a moment. This was serious, as a gigantic kingdom bigger than theirs appeared out of no where. How could this be?

Inside the kingdom was a king named King John, he was a powerful man with blonde hair and a majestic beard. He was the king of a level 1 kingdom or a high level kingdom that people are either afraid of or envious of.

He's health was degrading through out the years as he was getting old. He was already 160+ and considered retiring the heavy responsibly of being a king to his son. But his son was still too immature to handle the kingdom's affairs. He was too afraid of what would happen if an immature king handled his kingdom. He imagine it would be a disaster.

As he was contemplating he's doubts and problems, a royal Knight came to him and told him there was a emergency.

It had been a long time since there was something like this, it had piqued his interest and ordered the royal Knight to tell him the details.

"A new kingdom appeared...?" He started stroking his beard as he set out an order.

"Prepare to meet the King of this kingdom. We must know their intentions and will, we must see for ourselves if they our worth protecting or destroying." He shouted in a majestic manner getting his war armor ready. He was a follower of a quote that goes 'If one is worthy enough, then he shall be granted safety and power, if one is not worthy or either and evil spirit, one must vanquish thus evil spirit.' He had followed this quote for his all his life and never did it fail him.

He took his immature son with him to teach him a lesson on not being arrogant. Perhaps this would be a lesson for him.

And just like that, the clouds started forming as a dark storm was approaching. People shivered as they all went inside hoping this storm would go away.


Short chap, but I felt like this was the best time to end it. Bye.