
Living A "Slow" Life

My synopsis got deleted so ill just summarise what the story will be showing you readers. ——— Back when he was in his younger days he got hit by a car, leading to him dying, he got reincarnated into another world and looked determined to make this new life alot better than his past. With a system of course.. a League of legends summoning system. ——— This is basically the gist of it, i got extremely angry that the synopsis got deleted. I spent 30 mins writing it only for webnovel to delete it. Sigh.. Well if you guys are interested make sure to add it, thats it good bye.

LordPool · Video Games
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

A Walk

Moments passed as i walked with Braum to the entrance of the city, i was still uncomfortable because of the two kids that tried to kill me earlier, so i decided to go and eat out.

I pointed to a restaurant and Braum nodded he smiled and walked with me to the restaurant, i walked up to it and looked at the name of the restaurant.

Garden of Greens, it was a restaurant centered around the theme nature. It had a refreshing simple design that could make anyone relax, i specifically chose this restaurant as it looked homey.

The guy at the front bowed and welcomed me and Braum in, he told me that they had prepared a seat for the both of us, which was odd as me and Braum hasn't even entered this restaurant and they had already prepared a seat? How do they know we were coming? And how did this guy know his name? As far as i knows i wasnt that famous... scratch that if i wasnt famous why would kids and a bunch of people try to kill me?

'Zed, be on the highest guard this place is oddly suspicious.' I sent Zed a message and he replied back saying he would do so.

I also sent Braum a message and he nodded.

We walked in while the guy in the front looked at our backs creepily.

'We're getting extra meat today!' The young man at the front thought and thought of the thick legs and shoulders the huge man had, he drooled and cleaned him self.


Me and Braum walked in and was getting guided to a long hallway heading to a table with two chairs and two plates with forks and spoons.

The waiter guided us and told us to sit down and to feel at home, i looked at the animals in cages around us, there was a bird, a dog, a bear.. wait a bear? I know this is supposed to be a nature themed restaurant but isnt a bear too much..?!

After waiting for a few minutes and me admiring the environment the waiter finally arrived with the first dish of the morning.

"Pleasure to have you gentlemen try our finest dish." The waiter bowed and smiled gently at the two of us.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." I replied back and looked at the food in front of me, it consisted of a steak and some vegetables, isn't this too heavy of a meal for a morning meal? Atleast a sandwich is much better than this. But i didnt complain, but i noticed something wrong here.. the smell of the food, isnt steak supposed to smell good? why does it smell oddly weird?

I glanced to my right, Braum sensed me and he nodded, there was poison in the food.

I looked up at the waiter with him smiling back at me, this isnt safe! Zed help me!

Zed appeared in front of me and teleported me and Braum out of the Restaurant, he also teleported a bunch of other people that were inside of the restaurant he saved a bunch of innocent civilians that were trapped in this slaughter house.

"Ziggs, do your magic please." I look at the little guy beside me that had a bomb attached to his back, he shouted excitedly and jumped around.

"Take this gigantic bomb fuckers!"

Suddenly out of nowhere a gigantic bomb as huge as a boulder was thrown, nearing the destination be minutes and seconds, it was on top of the restaurant soaring through the skies.

People looked at the flying thing up above and shrugged it off as a bird.

3, 2, 1..


A loud explosion was heard and a gigantic crater was made in the middle of the restaurant, i looked at it and shuddered, cant i just live a slow and peaceful life..? Why do so many people wanna kill me!

I cried inside me and looked down to express my emotions that i was feeling.

Why is this world so dangerous?!

If he didn't have this system he would have died a long time ago!

I looked at the restaurant in front of me that was now in tatters as it was burnt and pieces of it and blood was spread everywhere in that area. Not a single soul survive nor did any body parts of animals and humans made it out alive, it was all gone as only the restaurant was there in pieces.

He almost coughed blood as this little guy carries around a nuke on his back.

"Thanks Ziggs." I said in a grateful tone while looking at him.

"No worries master!" He said while saluting in an awkward way and disappeared leaving behind blue particles. He went back inside the system and then a new portrait picture appeared in place of the old one, Ziggs was holding a picture of the restaurant and sipping tea while looking at it.

How did he even get that picture?

Louc said and then focused on the matter at hand, this explosion would definitely cause a massive ruckus as everyone would have already heard it by now, thankfully he has someone he hoped that would fix this restaurant in seconds.

A small guy appeared in front of him that had a massive head.

"Do you have anything that can fix this..." He said to Heimerdinger and the guy nodded.

He took out some type of device and threw it on the ground and a machine popped up fixing the restaurant in a matter of seconds.

Louc had his eyes wide opened as he squinted to make sure what he saw was right.

He thanked heimer and heimer said no worries.

Heimer's portrait picture changed into him developing a device that would fix/make buildings faster.

Louc sighed and then shook his head. Its time.

He looked up and then tapped on a picture inside his system.

A woman came out that had scales all over her body as she looked ferocious and tough.

"What can I do for you my lord?" She said in a low voice while bowing her head.

"Turn into a dragon and fly up in this town, use your voice to scare the village that if they touch me you will destroy this village. No mercy." He winked at her and she nodded.

She first went to a far away distance and then turned into a dragon.

The village was still pretty peaceful but they felt something wrong as it was still daytime so why is it so dark all of a sudden?

They looked up and then saw their nightmare.

A dragon! A holy being from a level 1 kingdom! Why was it here??!

They all dropped what they were doing as people started gathering up in the middle of the village to see what the dragon wanted.

"W-w-w-w-we bow our heads to the glorious dragon." A man that looked like the leader said and then they all motioned to make everyone bow. Everyone followed as they didn't want to die, they felt that this day had gotten a lot worse.

"I have a command you all have to follow." The dragon said and they all kept their heads down while waiting for the order of the dragon.

"If any of you touches Louc, this village will be gone and any of those that manages to escape will face demise as I myself will find them until I kill them my self."

They all had their eyes widened as they looked to each other and nodded.

"We dare n-not hurt Louc so p-please spare us." He cupped his fist and then looked down.

"Alright. I shall leave." The dragon said and flew out of their sights while leaving the villagers in awe.

That was a dragon from a high level kingdom!

But then in another moment..

It was cold..

As a blue ice bird fell down from the sky. It was no bird.

It was an ice bird!

Wh-what is happening?!

They all bowed once again and the bird opened its mouth.

"If you touch Louc you all will die. Remember that."

"Y-yes.. we shall remember.." They all said and then bowed down to the ground sighing in relief as the two huge birds flew away.