

There was a family in which there was a woman, a man and a 4-year-old child. The man who was the man of the house had lost his job, due to which he was upset because he has lots of responsibilities of his family on him and then a boy is born in his house, who brings a lot of happiness to his house, a few days after the birth of that boy, his father gets a job.And everything was slowly getting better after 2 years they bought a new house The people in his neighborhood were very nice and there lived a girl in his neighborhood who was the same age as that boy.Boy gets very happy after seeing that girl. In childhood, they never studied together in school because their school was different but tuitions may always go together. Going ahead, the boy left his school and took admission in another school, due to which all his friends left and when he went to the new school and start making friends. When he tried to make friends, some children looked down on him, due to which he started getting upset and due to change of school his studies also got affected due to which when he went home from school his parents. His parents used to insist on studies on him and listened to him a lot on his low marks, because of which he did not tell at his home whatever happened in school. But whenever he met that girl, he used to be very happy, he used to forget all his troubles and continued like this for a few years. When he reached the eighth grade, he met some boys who used to make fun of him a lot, due to which he went straight to talk to those boys and he asked them what are you talking about me after which those boys asked him to be friends which made him a little shocked and very happy. After that, those people started sitting in the class together, if even one friend did not bring book, then all would go out of the class to accompany only that one boy.