
Live Streaming Through The Multiverse!

Noah an average joe and a unpopular Live Streamer. His dream is to be a very popular streamer, however his dream were unreachable since he couldn't find an opportunity to get famous. One day a weird message from his phone appeared saying that they would hire him as a Multiverse Streamer! He sign the contract without reading everything, he merely doing it for fun. What do you think will happen after that?

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Officially Engaged

Sometime later, he finally started to believe that this wasn't a dream nor was it a delusion, this was reality!

However, this was too sudden for him! It was something that he didn't expect, just because he kissed her once, now she's even offering herself to be his wife?! What kind of concept is this?!

So he forced himself to calm down, he took a deep breath and said. "You're serious right?"

Shigure tilted her head and replied. "Why… am I….not serious?"

"....Why? This is just too unexpected to me...wait for starters do you even know what marrying means?"

"I... know…" She said,

"Then, can you explain it?" He asked.

".." Shigure stared blankly at him, not knowing what to say.

'I knew it! She doesn't know what she is saying!' He thought, however, instead of being relieved, he was somewhat disappointed after all, who doesn't want to marry their waifu?! It is called waifu for a reason! You want to date or even marry that fictional character!

He smiled bitterly at Shigure and said. "Haha... let's forget about it.. but sorry about what I did….then I should go see Akisame-sensei.."

Noah sighs in his heart, as he was about to leave the room, suddenly Shigure spoke. "Wait!"

"Yes?" Noah shifted his gaze toward her while smiling forcefully.

Slowly, she approached her, then Shigure did something that he never thought would happen, she kissed him!

"?!?!" Noah's heart was beating crazily, his face turned red, he couldn't believe it...she kissed him!

Unconditionally, his hands move by themselves and grope Shigure's ass, as he did Shigure moaned a little, his teenage hormones flared up, he became incredibly hard, this was a natural reaction.

Once again the comment section exploded, and the viewers count exceeded 30k!



"I'm saving this scene in my mind!"

"Idiot! I'm taking a screenshot of this moment!"

"Fools! I'm recording this scene!"

"Omg! Omg! She's so bold!"

"No, no! My heart! My waifu nooo!!"

"I found this live stream just now, and I saw this scene..!"

"Oh, we virgins can only watch him…"

"That hurts you know. . "

"But it's the truth."

"....I hate you."



The kiss lasted more than a minute, before finally separating, after they did there was a string of saliva hanging around their mouths.

However, both of them didn't pay much attention to that, then Shigure said. "Is... that enough?"

Although her face hadn't changed, her face was a bit rosy, right now as she spoke her heart was beating wildly, she doesn't know why she did such an act, however, she desired to do it.

This was too much stimulation to Noah, for a moment he forgot about himself. 'Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?'

However not long after, he snapped back from reality, then he realized that his hand was still groping Shigure's ass, instantly he let go of it.

"S-sorry!" He awkwardly said.

Suddenly the air got heavy for some reason, Noah and Shigure felt threatened by it.

Shigure had a faster reaction than Noah, so naturally, she was the first to look at the origin of the heavy air, then she saw Akisame standing beside them, his aura was flaring up, he didn't even try to hide his leaking Ki.

Then Noah saw Akisame, his heart skipped a beat. He knows that he is screwed this time, although he was a bit nervous facing Akisame, he wasn't afraid of him because this time, it wasn't him who kissed her.

"Akisame….?" Shigure tilted her head, she wondered why Akisame was leaking his Ki as if he was ready to fight a life and death battle.

However, to Noah's surprise, Akisame didn't do anything, slowly his Ki became stable and he opened his mouth.

"Sigh* Let's talk."



"Wahh...I thought that UP was screwed for sure, but it's a miracle that he was left unscratched, but anyway no wonder Akisame made him train like that…"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well it's like this Shigure, which is the big boob Onee-san, is like a daughter to that man you just saw, so basically it's a miracle that he didn't get beaten up."

"Yeah, that's right!"



When Akisame Ki leaked, naturally everyone noticed that, however as they were about to go and see the problem, his Ki became stable, although they are curious about what happened, they decided not to go there, either way, they would know about it later so they let it be for now.

Presently, the 3 of them are sitting at the tatami mat, Akisame observed the 2, before looking at Shigure and said. "Do you understand what you just did?"

Shigure tilted her head and replied. "What...do...you mean?"

Hearing this, Akisame's energy got depleted, then he sighs. "You…. honestly, I don't know what to say... anyway... Shigure you just kissed your disciple."

"I...did." Shigure nodded.

".." Akisame gave up, he knew that it was pointless to talk with common sense with Shigure, instead he asked this.

"Do you like Noah-kun?"

Without hesitation, she answered. "Yes... I Like him."

"I see...are you sure about this?"

"Yes." Shigure nodded.

After that, Akisame shifted his gaze toward Noah, he said. "What about you?"

Under Akisame solemn gaze, Noah looked at him seriously and answered. "I don't like her, but I love her."

He admired, and liked her for a long time because she was his waifu back on earth, he liked her even though she's just a fictional character, and now she's a real living person, his feelings grew to the point that he could confidently say that he loves her.

Looking at his serious expression, Akisame knew that Noah was serious although he couldn't understand how he fell in love with Shigure in such a short time, then again you can't use logic in love so, he decided not to think about it anymore.

"Alright, since both of you are mutual I'll allow it, but…. before you do it... especially you Noah...you have to beat me first!" Akisame's eyes suddenly let out a light.

While Shigure was confused, Noah understood and he replied with a smile. "Yes, Akisame-sensei."

Akisame was a bit surprised seeing him smiling genuinely, then he replied. "You better remember that then I'll leave you guys alone."

After that he simply left them, just like that, then Shigure stared at him before saying. "Noah, do you want to marry me?"

Hearing this question, this time he answered her. "Yes!"

Only fools would reject that.

And so a few days have passed.

( End- )

It's a reverse one 😂😂😂

I know this is too fast, but I can't help it, however, they aren't married yet and she's just Noah's fiance for now.