
Live Streaming Through The Multiverse!

Noah an average joe and a unpopular Live Streamer. His dream is to be a very popular streamer, however his dream were unreachable since he couldn't find an opportunity to get famous. One day a weird message from his phone appeared saying that they would hire him as a Multiverse Streamer! He sign the contract without reading everything, he merely doing it for fun. What do you think will happen after that?

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


There were 2 reasons why he did this, the first reason he wanted to help the Dōjō because he was aware of their financial problems, he wasn't a stingy person, even though his financial circumstances were average on earth, so he decided to pay the full price, seeing their expressions he felt like it was worth it!

The second reason was simple, he just wanted to feel what it was like to be a 'Rich' dude that casually gave money without blinking, but mainly because he just wanted to help them after all he had enough money anyway.

Kensei looked at Noah with a surprised expression, and asked. "You're rich, Noah?"

"I wouldn't say I am, forget it since I've paid it's fine now right?" Noah replied with a calm expression with that signature average and apathetic face.

Though he was kind of feeling good inside, Kensei laughed. "Hahaha, of course it's fine now you even paid for your friend, you're a really good person! Now don't forget to add your name and address."

Noah nodded but then he realized a problem, so he embarrassedly asked though it didn't really come as embarrassing as he wanted. "Ahem- can you please write my address and name?"

Kensei looked confused and replied. "Why? You should be able to do it yourself!"

Not just Kensei but Akisame, Shio, Shigure, Miu, Kenichi and Hayato were also confused.

Noah avoided their gazes, and answered with a plain tone to hide his embarrassment.

"I don't know how to write Japanese letters."

Hearing that they immediately understood based on Noah's appearance they realized that he was a foreigner! Though they were a little confused on why he didn't know how to write Japanese even though he knew how to speak it so fluently, they didn't ask about it as everyone had their own secrets.

And also it wasn't rare for a person to know how to speak but to not know how to write at the same time since speaking and writing were different things altogether.

Kenichi did a nodding in understanding action, and spoke. "That's right! You're from a foreign country right Noah? Then it makes sense that you don't know how to write Japanese words! But Noah you shouldn't have bothered to pay my fees! I-i can pay it myself! However… I'll be broke for a few months after that..." he said those last words with a voice as silent as a mosquitoes flying.

But Noah heard it, he patted Kenichi's shoulder and spoke. "You don't have to deny this, I've already paid it besides that's what friends do! Right? They have each other's back and help them when they have problems."

( E/N: No Kenichi don't fall for those sweet words, that's just a rich person doing charity work, talking. )

Kenichi almost teared up on the spot! He put both of his hands on Noah's shoulders and exclaimed with all the heartfelt gratitude he could muster.

"Thank you!" He couldn't describe his feelings with anything other than that, until today he didn't have any friends other than maybe Miu, now that he had such a good friend he felt immeasurably happy. He didn't even hesitate once to pay his fees even though Kenichi didn't even say anything, he was able to deduce his hesitance and solved his problems.

This was what it meant to be a true friend! Kenichi swore that if Noah had problems in the future he wouldn't hesitate to help him, no matter what or how he had to do it! As long as it wasn't against his morals that is. Right now, with this little action that Noah did, he became someone precious in Kenichi's heart.

( E/N: I don't know man. Even with the paragraphs below it's too homo for my taste. )

Not in a romantic way, but as a precious friend that he could rely on. His life had been very terrible since he was someone that got bullied often.

For him to have such a kind of person as a friend, he already thought of it as a great blessing from God. Though he just met Noah today, he knew that Noah would be a great friend to him. In his life no other person had been this nice to him other than his family members of course.

Seeing this scene everyone in the Ryōzanpaku smiled even Shigure had a small smile on her face seeing those two's interactions, even though it lasted only for a second and no one noticed it. With this they were certain that both of these new Disciples of theirs were good and kind people.

While Noah was a bit stunned seeing Kenichi's actions, he didn't really do this so that he could get his trust or anything, he wasn't a manipulative person to begin with, he did this act on a whim to be honest.

He could tell how heavy that 'Thank you' from Kenichi was, he didn't know what kind of life Kenichi lived before but it was certainly hellish for him to act like this from a single casual act of his, but to think that he could keep this kind of personality was already a miracle.

Noah's apathetic expression broke into a slight smile. In the short moment that he cane into this world, his expression broke more times than it did in years perhaps. He knew that in this place, he could slowly heal that broken part of him and may become complete again.

He wanted to act cheerful with Kenichi but his apathetic disposition made it impossible for him to do so and before this he didn't really see Kenichi as a friend, true he said he wanted to become his friend but he saw it as a necessity rather than being a true friend. Being friends with the MC of a story had it's perks after all. His pursuit of genuine friends had led him to a dark corner so he wasn't able to completely become friends with anyone but Kenichi's actions and dispositions forced him to think of him as a genuine friend since he was able to find the genuineness he searched for in Kenichi. So naturally he didn't need to act anymore and could truly be Kenichi's friend and act naturally with him without needing to don a cheerful and enthusiastic attitude.

He thought 'Are all Shōnen Protagonists like this? They truly have the charm to move and change a person… now I kind of understand why piccolo changed from a stone cold blooded murderer to a teacher and Protector of earth.'

"No problem." His tone was different than before, it was his usual apathetic one but there was the hint of genuineness and sincerity in it now which wasn't present in his previous one.

Akisame silently nodded as he heard Noah say those words, he was one of the few people if not the only one who was able to realize Noah's 'act' towards Kenichi and the act of calmness he had towards everyone. Though it was not really that much of an act per say since he was indeed calm but he was more guarded with his feelings and expressions before than now. As a person who has great insight of people's minds and thoughts it was easy for him to see through Noah's seemingly flawless act.

Though he was putting up an act with everyone here he let it be since he didn't have any malice in it and he couldn't feel anything bad from him too. It was more like an act of guarding for self preservation. He knew there was some kind of reason for that act and behavior of this child but he didn't pry further into the details.

Everyone had their own vaults of secrets they didn't want others to know about, maybe in the future he would reveal the reason for his acting and disposition, but he was certainly not going to do it today, only time could tell when.

Kensei decided to speak, "Alright back to the topic, give me the name of your address."

Noah calmly nodded, as he went back to his apathetic expression again.

"The name is District xxxx xxx xx."

Kensei nodded, and then he wrote the address on the paper using a paint brush, he did it pretty quickly, his words were beautiful Japanese letters or kanji like the ones that could be seen when searching on Google or Google Translate, if Noah didn't witness this himself he would have thought that these words were printed from a computer or something.

Kenichi on the other hand was surprised. "Huh? Noah… your house address… is just right next to my family house! No, wait seriously?! We're neighbors?!"

Noah was also surprised but it didn't last long and he did well to keep it hidden from everyone, it was probably the work of the Multiverse Company, they probably wanted him to stick with Kenichi.

However it wasn't a bad thing.

"It seems that we are indeed neighbors, I've just recently changed house and moved into the country, actually it hasn't even been a day since I've shifted to this address."

"That makes sense! Or else I should have known about you, but man who would have thought that we're neighbors! What a great coincidence!"

"It is." Noah nodded, though he felt like there should be more than this, like for example school… wait school?

He hurriedly asked his guide. 'Hey, don't tell me I'm going to attend the same school as Kenichi and Miu??'

[ Yes, it's exactly as you've guessed, we've already prepared the necessary documents, and you'll be transferring to his school tomorrow! ]

Noah's face twitched, he knew that this was going to be a massive pain in the ass, first of all he didn't know how to write Japanese and…. ah! Screw it! He would just be a temporary student anyway!

After the address problem, Akisame looked at both of them, and spoke.

"Now that you kids are done, it's time for you to train! Don't worry I'm not a strict teacher." Akisame gave them both a smile.

Kenichi happily said. "Yes!"

But Noah had the opposite reaction, he was mentally preparing himself because even the easy mode training that Akisame would prepare for them was extremely hard in the eyes of ordinary people.

Both Noah and Kenichi stood up and followed Akisame outside the room.

Thus their hellish training was about to start! One wasn't aware and the other steeling himself to walk on the road towards hell itself!

( ~END~ )