
Live My Next Life to The Fullest

With little opportunity to experience life to the fullest, Layla was born into a poor household and spent her entire life working in order to care for her basic needs. She eventually overworked herself to death. When she opened her eyes, she imagined being greeted by an angel who would accompany her to paradise and expecting to see nothing but white clouds around. Instead, she woke up in a luxurious bedroom that was ten times larger than her studio apartment. That wasn't all, either! In the mirror, she noticed a reflection that wasn't hers. She possessed a different body and eventually accept her faith. The persona she was inhabiting was Ophelia Lockhart, a socially awkward beauty who spent the most of her life in a massive mansion. An unmentioned character in a book entitled "In the Power of Love", that Layla adored. As soon as Layla entered her favorite book, she learned information that was left out of the text and that would alter the way she perceived the novel. What did she uncover, exactly? (Warning: the cover photo is not mine. Got it from pintrest.)

cute_lady_Jean · Fantasy
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274 Chs

Chapter 46: The Beautiful Couple

"You look stunning in your beautiful blue dress, duchess. The color truly complements your complexion and brings out the sparkle in your eyes. It's a perfect choice for such an elegant occasion," Crown Prince Liam complimented as he marveled at her overall appearance. 

Ophelia's lips curled up at his compliment. "Well, thank you, your highness. You look good too." 

"Especially in that handsome suit," she added. 

"Thank you. I'm fluttered to be complimented by such a beautiful lady as yourself, your grace," he replied with a charming smile.

The beam on Ophelia's face was evident, as she truly enjoyed her time talking with the crown prince. 

"I'm curious about something, your grace. When and how did you meet, Leonard?" he asked as he took a quick glance at the man beside her. 

Ophelia also glanced at Leonard before replying.