
Live, Love and be Happy

This is the story about a young billionaire's daughter that believes the world revolve around her but she was betrayed by her suppose husband, best friend and parent in-law. she later found love in another country when she narrowly escaped death from her husband. Jerry adore Susan like a gem even before she met him and after she met him he treated her like a treasure until she completely fall in love with him and forget about all her bastard husband and friend. She love this Jerry so much that her heart beats for him. I love you so much Susan, you are like a sun that bright up my life, I have given my life to you on the first day I set my eyes on you, without you my life is meaningless, can you be my wife? Jerry propose to Susan in front of their friends and family. what goes around comes around for Betty ( Susan's best friend) when Bob (Susan's former husband) showed his true colour to her while she blames herself for betraying her best friend that treats her like a sister. Is this the price she has to pay for her betrayer???? So be it but she will do everything in her power to pull him down to hell !!!!!

honeybee43 · Urban
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92 Chs

I hope she stay happy forever.

Susan was sitting in the garden with a some glass in hand and other enjoying and cracking jokes . No one behave mighty or higher than the other. They are all glad that Susan treated them like a friend not subordinate, but that does not mean they can treat her anyhow. They know how devilish she is when provoked and those that has tasted her wrath know how it tasted like. .....

Mumma cupcake and her husband ( The Davies) sat at the west wing of the garden looking at the youngster in amusement. They love all of them and they treated them like their own. They love how each of them played their given role without complaints and strife to carry it out . Suddenly Mrs Davies sigh when she remembered the incident that happened some years back that change Susan completely into her arrogant nature.

" Dear why did you sigh like that? is their anything bothering you? " Asked Mr Davies who noticed his wife's slumped shoulder.

" Nothing , I just recollect unpleasant memory of the past. "

" What memory was that ? That made you worry like this.!? " He asked frowning, he did not want anything to bother his wife that will make her blood pressure rise. The doctor has advice him not to let anything bother .

" Don't put anything in your mind and pressure yourself remember your health is important. " He said with a worry tone.

" Am not thinking about anything dear, I am just happy to see her ( Susan) laughing like that like those happy days. She looked so carefree like this like an angel with a captivating smile. " She added with a smile on her face mesmerizing the good memories.

Mr Davies could only nod at her word , he was lost in thought thinking about what happened to Susan when she was twelve years old exactly 16 years back.

Sixteen years ago , it was just two month after Susan celebrate her twelve years birthday . She sat down in the garden waiting for the arrival of her parent. " Mumma cupcake ?"

" Yes dear do you want anything? " Mrs Davies asked tenderly caressing her hair.

The young Susan shook her head that she did not want anything.

" when did you say mum and dad will come back? " She asked with a pout.

" oh dear, Don't worry they will be back this night. As promised they will take you out for shopping and get you whatever you want since they missed your birthday. You said you want to change your shoes right? " Mrs Davies asked in order to cheer her up.

" Mumma,!!!l.....l..l don't want anything...

" Why!!! you can tell me whatever you want. They will get it for you. "

Susan closed her eyes to fight the tears that is treating to fall down. In truth her parent spoil her to the end with anything she asked of, treating her a princess and her nanny treated her like a treasure even more than her own kids but she missed her parent dearly. Her parent were never at home from one business trip to another.

Two month ago she only received their call on her birthday to wish her and they promised to take her and her little brother out when they were back in the next two days , but to her disappointment they called again that they will hot be able to make it and since then she and her brother as not set their eyes on them making her miss them .

She is her dad's lover but her brother who was eight at that time did not seem to care much about them . It seems he has grown used to their absent every time. He is contented with video games and playing with other children in their homes but to her it is torture .

" Mumma, I don't want anything I just want them to come home and spend more time with me and my brother. There are lot of thing I want to tell them but they.....". She could not complete her sentence before busting into tears she has been fighting earlier.

Mrs Davies was also felt troubled with her situation, she knows she missed her parent but there is nothing she can do than to console her. " My baby, please don't cry. Do you want your Mumma to cry too. Don't worry they will make it up to you once they came back. They are busy to make your future bright and you must do everything to uphold their good work. " She embrace her and wipe her tears clean. Susan nod at her .

" Now let us go inside I made your favourite strawberry cupcake and your brother is ready to devour everything. "

" Mumma!!!! why can't you tell me all this while ? you want that glutton to finish my cupcakes!!! " She scolded and sprinted inside . Mrs Davies looked at her with love, she is proud to being smiles to her eyes again. Thou she knows the little girl just misses her parent but their is nothing she can do that to fill in their roll to make the girl happy.

The next day still the Richards couple called to inform they will he back the following week, Susan and her brother try to mask their yet another disappointment but it was seeing through by their nanny.

" Come here Ben , come Suzzy. " She beckoned to the children and gather them in warm embrace, they return the embrace too with slumped shoulder. " Don't worry, they knows you are big girl and boy , more so you are in good hands that was why they left you to me so you can depend on each other. You must know that they love you and want you to have a peaceful future ahead. " Their nanny consoled the heart broken children.

" But mumma, you said they love us ? " Ben asked making her nod " But this is not love , they just cast us aside we have not see them for over two month now my birthday is tomorrow and they promise to celebrate with us but now this! Are we trash to them ?. " Ben said in frustration with tears clouding her vision.

" Shhh!!! My baby ! don't ever talk like that! They love you and you know they do they are just busy with work to stabilize the company . They might be absent now but their love supersede all things . more so you are not a trash, you a precious treasure of God. And don't forget you are a man, you must support your sister and don't forget siblings support and protect each other. Am I clear? "

" Yes mumma! " they replied in unison.

" Now I want you to go to your rooms and change into casual cloth, we are going to the garden for barbecue. " She said while their eyes light up in excitement.

The next day been Ben birthday the maids prepared a feast for them and even video chat their parent throughout the cut caking process but in the evening their uncle came to take the kids out to celebrate with them.

" Uncle Tom!!! " They said and jumped into his embrace. Tom their mother's brother was their favourite, He always fill in the role of a father to them, took them out and spoil them with gifts. " Birthday boy, how have you being doing? "

" Uncle don't even start where is my gift. " Ben said without answering his question.

" You this spoilt brat .....Hey come here suzzy. " Tom ran after his nephew and niece who has grabbed the box he his behind him. He wanted them to beg for it who would have know they will outsmart him. He ran but before he could caught them they throw the the big cat napping on the couch to him which he caught in time before he stood frozen on the spot. ' Those little devils has play me again. ' He thought, well Ben and Suzzy knows he dislike cats so easy time he want to beat them or anything they always shove the big fat cat to him making him unable to do anything to them rather beg them to him get the flurry animal away.

" Hey buddy! you know the gift are yours but why do you have to go this extreme it is unfair. " He pleaded with puppy eyes.

" Uncle don't even go there. I will only take the cat away from you if you promise not to do anything to us. " Susan said with her arms akimbo.

" Suzzy babe, my honey pie Benny ,why will I on this earth do anything to my precious nephew and niece. ? I will even do anything for you. " He pleaded.

" You said it yourself uncle..."

" What!!!" He asked .

" You said you will do anything we want. " Ton nearly bit off his tongue now he knows he has landed into anther trouble, with a sigh he asked them ." Now what do you want to take this thing away from me . " He said stretching out his hand.

" Nothing much uncle we just want your new game console you bought. " They said which make Tom shed invisible tears kissing his Ps5 good bye. He was the one that thought the two devils how to play them but now they are bitten him in the ass now . He wished he never thought them .

" Fine. !!! you will have it. " He said

" Don't go back on you word later uncle . " Ben collect the cat from him but Tom stick out his tongue like a child after that with a snort. " Who said I will give you what is mine dream on. " Really Uncle?!" Susan asked. He just shrugged his shoulder with confidence.

" How about you listen to this. " Susan brought out her phone and play the recording for him where he promise to give the game to them and she also show him the picture she took when he was shaken she. the cat was thrown to him. " I wonder how much I will make when I sell this to reporter. Don't you think uncle. The headlines will be the Almighty model Tom scared of Cat. " Susan asked with a sly smile taunting his ego.

" I know you are no Angel. You are a little devil sent to torment me. " He said dropping on the couch like a bag, making Ben laugh at his predicament till his stomach hurt.

" Uncle you look so cute. " Ben said earning a glare form Tom. After everything they got the game and he took them out. After playing at the park, eating in the restaurant and playing at the beach the kids were so tired that they fell asleep in the back seat of the car while their uncle drive them home.

On the way home, Tom was driving in total silent he put off the stereo because of the kids when suddenly a car from nowhere cross him on the way blocking his path . Tom honk and honk for the car but instead of the car to move away , two huge guy with mask came down from the car carrying gun moving towards him sensing the danger Tom central lock the car and made to reverse the car when a six tyre truck came facing them in their lane ,Tom who was trying to lose his pursuers did not pay attention to the coming truck and ran into it .

He try to swerve the car to save the kids but the truck ran into them but it only affect the driver side, making Tom loss his life in the process. The kids who were awake earlier cried seeing blood flowing from their beloved uncles they were also wounded but thanks to airbag the impact was not much.

Susan summon up courage picked the phone from her pocket to call their mother even thou they are out of the country but she got disappointed when it was her mother's assistant picked up saying she was in a meeting. Susan embrace her scared brother comforting her, she latter called police but before the police came, they lost consciousness.

Susan wake up in an abandoned building , she look around her only to see her brother lie pale beside her but her own hand was tie together. She looked round the house seeing no one , she moved to her brother to see how pale he is. She scream calling for help, he has lost so much blood from the deep cut on her chest.

" Some one help me, Please help me my brother is losing blood. " But no one came in.

She looked around to see a sharp object she used her leg to drag the object to herself , used her and to picked it up and cut the rope . She looked a the shawl she used to bandage him earlier but it was soaked. She checked and see that her phone was. of taking away she picked it up and call her parent again but it went to voicemail with a broken voice she leave a message for them. She looked outside when she saw that no one was in sight she carry her brother on her back with her little strength and moved outside.

" Ben don't die on me please, you promise we have to protect each other and be our support. Please hold on . please.!!! " Susan continue to cry stumble on her legs but she drag him and continue walking. After walking some distance she was tired but when she saw the main road she sigh and waved the coming car.

The man saw the little kids on the deserted road with blood soaked cloth, he stepped on the brake and helped them while Ben is still barely breathing, On reaching the hospital Susan not waiting for the car to packed very well came down and rushed to called the nurse. On reaching the operation room Ben looked at his sister hold her hand smile at her before he closed his eyes forever .

The doctor looked at the little boy on the stretcher they did everything to revive him but he died from losing so much blood. Susan looked at her lifeless brother she sat on the hospital hallway she hold him on her lap and refuse to let go no matter how much they persuade her.

Her parent rushed to hospital immediately they alight from the plane when they reached the hospital they met their kids sitting in the hallway with some nurse still persuading Susan. They rushed forward to separate them thou they are hurting too for being a bad parent they know they lost their kids that time. One s dead , while the other too is vacate.

Anyone looking at her will know she is broken but she refuse to shed a drop of tears, she ignore her parent she only yield when her mumma cupcake talked to her. Standing on her feet, she watched as Ben was took away to the morgue before she looked at her parent with a smile on her lips. " Welcome dad, welcome mum. No you have the time to come home....!? Right? So it is only our death that will bring you home? Now you get what you want...I hope you are happy.....Uncle Tom is gone so also Ben..... I hope you are happy. " She turn to her nanny who was silently crying at the side . " Mumma please take me home. "

Her parent was so shaken hearing what there daughter said. " Darling do you hear what Susan said....why will I be happy if they are dead....I gave birth to them why will I want them dead.... I should have return earlier I should have stayed with them....I should have be with them....," Mrs Richard wail blaming herself, while her husband was silent only side hugging his wife to comfort her but his heart bleeds to see his beloved son and brother in-law lifeless but can he do. ' Nothing. ' He can only blame himself for their death.

The case was reported to the police, but Susan refuse to comment on anything and the case was later closed when they have no lead at all. Since then Susan lost all her smiles and moved to the hostel away from her parent because she blamed them for the loss if her loved ones, but her parent do everything in their power to make her smile again and listen to anything she says to make up for their mistake but this turn Susan into an arrogant and spoilt brat.

Mrs Davies later resigned too , she blamed herself too for allowing them to go out that day even when no one blamed her. She later relocated to her hometown refusing the Richards help at that time.

Mr Davies shook his head at the unpleasant memory. " I hope she stay happy forever, she has went through a lot. " He said while his wife agreed with him.

They all retire to bed after playing and talk forgetting their problems.

wahoo, my hands hurt. This is the longest chapter I have written after so long. I had to combine the three chapters for this week here. I hope you enjoy it.

Now we know how Susan became so arrogant. !!!!

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Love you, happy reading.

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