
Everyone at the table exchanged glances.

Sam was getting impatient. He had waited for this for three years. He would never tolerate such hesitations now. He tapped his hand on the table. "Sienna, Ken is the heir of the Andrich empire. He's the most suitable mate for you!"

"I don't care." Sienna was firm. "Even if he's some sort of royalty, I would never marry him.

"Sienna." Kris looked bothered. "He has countless resources at his disposal. We would all be happy if you just married him. This is for your own good. I'm sure you would understand better when you're older.

"And his influence could very well be beneficial to our family too," Sam added.

"That's right, you have to think about the family and not just yourself," Harold put in.

Suddenly, Jordan laughed.

The sarcasm in his laughter didn't match the energy in the room at all.

"You think that's funny, you bastard?" Harold challenges him.

Jordan ignored him and looked directly at Sam. "You keep saying that Sienna would be doing this for her own good, but the only person I see benefiting from this is you. She's just a tool you're using for your own gain."

"Shut up!" Sam hissed at him. "Do you even know what you're talking about?"

"Your reaction says I do," Jordan said with a sneer.

Kris was angry. "I don't know how the hell you grew up in the head, but that doesn't give you the right to insult our family!"

Sienna was stunned. Kris was right in the first half. She didn't know when Jordan suddenly became a little bit more mature.

Jordan turned to her and smiled. "Do you really want to divorce me, Sienna?"

He looked confident, but deep inside he was nervous. He had made plans for this already. All he could do was wait for her answer.

She had protected him for three years. This was the least he could do for her.

She looked into his eyes and realized that there was a spark there that she hadn't seen before.

In fact, it felt like he held a whole galaxy in his blue eyes.

She lowered her voice and leaned closer to him. "Jordan, what happened? How did you become . . . normal?"

From her tone, she could hear a hint of joy in the surprise.

But he didn't answer her. He just asked, "Do you want to divorce me?"

Sienna pursed her lips. Only now did she realize that Jordan had beautiful eyes that seemed to have powers.

Her subconscious answered for her. "No."

Jordan clapped his hands together, making everyone turn and shudder.

With that, he got up from his seat with the divorce papers in hand.

Then, when he got everyone's attention, he began to rip the paper into shreds.

"We've been married for three years but I've never given you any presents," he told her as everyone watched in shock. "This promise is my gift to you. If you want to leave, I will let you. If you want to stay, I will follow you till the end."

Those words snapped Sienna back to her senses. "No! Jordan, that's not what I meant!"

He smiled a sly smile as though his plans had just come true.

Her face went pale.

She knew that her subconscious somehow spoke for her and refused the divorce.

And it's too late to change that now.

Harold banged his hands on the table and stood up. "What the hell are you doing, Jordan?"

Everyone was waiting with bated breath.

Kris was already trembling with rage. "What did you do to this man, Sienna?"

"We already promised Ken that we would be showing his signature on that paper!" Sam said. "Do you want to keep being the laughingstock?"

Sienna felt like she was going deaf. All she could pay attention to was the ripped paper and Jordan standing there.

Yes, she didn't want to be laughed at everywhere she went, but she also didn't want to be the chess piece for her family.

"I really don't want to marry Ken," she said under her breath. "Let me make a decision for myself."

Kris stopped.

Everyone at the table felt like they got smacked across the face.

"Sienna," Sam said in feigned patience. "I know this seems important to you, but our family is in trouble and we need the Andrich money."

"We all agreed to contribute to this family and you should do your part," Harold added. "Ken's family are the only ones who can save us."

Rina, his wife, finally found her voice. "Ken expressed interest in you, Sienna. Jordan would never measure up to him!" She shot a cold glance at Jordan. "Only a fool would think that a promise is a gift."

Jordan felt her cold gaze and turned to her. "If you think this Ken is so good, why don't you divorce your husband and marry him yourself?"

This made Harold angry.

"What did you say?"

He walked over to Jordan and grabbed him by the collar, trying to lift him. But then he realized that no matter how much strength he used, he couldn't lift him even a little bit.

He had no choice but to let go.

Rina was so angry that she also stood up and started to jam her fingers right in his face. "Who do you think you are compared to my husband? You are nothing!"

Jordan shrugged. "Really? Was he able to solve your family's problems? Or is he just as useless as you think I am?"

Rina gritted her teeth. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Well, you speak of the Andrich family like they're the solution to all your problems," he said. "What about the future? What if you experience more hardship?"

"They will help us," Rina declared.

Jordan just laughed. "Are you sure they won't turn on you when they find out you're just using them? Don't you think it would be better if you yourself are strong rather than relying on other people?"

Sam froze in his spot.

Jordan just made a smart point. He had just hit the nail on the head.

All of the Campbell business ventures had failed. They were relying on scraps right now, which is why Sam was thinking about dipping his toe into other industries.

The first thing he had come up with was the security business, but he knew he lacked connections. He hadn't been able to get enough people in on it.

And so he set his goal on Ken, who had all the connections in the world.

"And do you have a way to help?" Sam asked him.

Jordan smiled easily. "Of course!"

Harold sneered. "You? Your parents left town after they gave you up. What can you possibly give?"

The ones who were listening laughed.

Sam was still deep in thought.

Jordan seemed to have changed a lot in the course of a couple of hours.

Maybe he did have something for them.

"A week," Sam said. "I will give you a week to prove it to me."

Everyone froze.

Why was Sam giving a heavy task to an obvious idiot?

Maybe Sam was being stupid too!

But he was actually sizing Jordan up, his bright eyes narrowed and his lips pursed thinly.

Jordan just smiled confidently. "One week it is. And if I do what you want, you have to respect Sienna's choice."

"But if you don't, you will leave her alone."