
Live for the hunt

Reincarnated as a minor character in HxH! "Thats not so bad, I loved that Anime...Oh crap! This guy gets brutally murdered at 9 years old!"

Anoton · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

It makes sense now

Mr. Battera and Tsezguerra don't seem to notice it yet but I can tell Tsezguerra is starting to have increasing doubts. There seem to be 3 nen users hidden amongst the crowd. Just because they are shrouded in Zetsu, doesn't mean I can't sense them. Their presence is just weaker. Two of them have pretty weak nen, where even a hatsu is questionable. And the last one has a stronger nen in comparison to his partners, but still doesn't seem like a match for Tsezguerra.

I say that but I never really liked this guy. In the anime, he was too prudent and annoying arrogant for someone so weak.

With all my reconnaissance, The 'Auction' at this point has gotten pretty boring. The organizers are going through the motion and putting things up for sale. The 'audience' is competing to buy these items but It doesn't really matter who it goes to if they are all in it together. And Mr. Battera is waiting patiently for his game.

[I wonder if they are gonna fake the game to cheat him of his money or just attack him for his money.]

"Thank you everyone as we have finally arrived at our last item of the day, Greed Island with a memory chip! How many, you'll find out after we have a small intermission. Please stay in your seats as we will have food and drink brought out to you."

[Food and drink?]

Very quickly, people dressed in presentable waiter attire come out with food trays and place them in front of every audience member's seat. The meal seems to be a type of meat, some sides, and a glass of wine. I wait patiently in the back for something to happen. I'm still looking for a clue towards the hunter exam and what better way to find this year's exam by rescuing one of the richest people in the world. Well assuming they need help, which if they don't I would have wasted my time.

After eating Tsezguerra tastes tests Mr. Battera's food, they eat their respective meals. Which is pretty reckless if you ask me. No matter how good the food looks, this sketchy place leaves me very hesitant. Hmm, am I just being paranoid? They don't seem worried much.

"Finally, the moment we have all been waiting for! We have up for auction today 5 copies of Greed island as well as 3 memory chips! Of course, we all know that the memory chip is much more valuable than the game alone. Because without the chip, you can't play the game!" says the auctioneer as the curtains rise. This reveals a console, 5 game copies, and the 3 memory chips all encased in a fancy glass container.

Taking one game out of the glass, the Auctioneer says, "Starting bid for each game copy is 3 billion jenny! The minimum increase of 500 million jenny!"

"4 billion!"

"4.5 billion!"

"5.5 billion!"

"10 billion!" said Mr. Battera

Some murmurs go around the crowd at this voice, yet quickly picks up again.

"12 billion!"

"13. billion"

"I'm surprised everyone here doesn't give me face. So be it, 20 billion!" once again spoke Mr. Battera. This once again silenced the crowd.

"Going once, twice, SOLD to Mr. Battera. We'll move on quickly as to keep the blood pumping! The next game is up-"

"I'm sorry again everyone but I'm in a bit of a rush. I'll pay 20 billion for all the game copies and 80 billion for all 3 memory chips. No need to beat around the bush." says Mr. Battera.

"Aw-Amazing! Mr. Battera has put a price on everything here! Does anyone want to fight Mr. Battera for a copy of this exclusive game with only 100 copies in existence?!"

Mr. Battera frowns at this but the auction hall is still quiet. The auctioneer continues soon after," It seems it's Mr. Battera's lucky day! All game copies and memory chips will be handed to Mr. Battera shortly. Please follow the guide backstage. Everyone thank you for coming to this hidden auction today and until next time!" The auctioneer leaves the stage with that, and the curtains fall.

Mr. Battera gets up and with Tsezguerra, they go backstage. Quickly the doors are locked and they are surrounded. On high alert, Tsezuguerra speaks first, "What is the meaning of this! I demand an explanation."

"Oh come on, you don't need one. It's a robbery, now give us all your money Mister Battera and we'll be one our way." Said the strongest nen user as he leads the confrontation. He is a middle-aged man holding a one-handed axe. His hair is the never extinct mullet and he wears a rogue strap in an X shape on his torso, no other defining features.

Tsezguerra gets into a fighting stance in front of Mr. Battera. People usually feel more grateful after something unfortunate happens so maybe I should wait and see first?"

"Get him." The fight quickly commences with the leader's permission and everyone starts coming closer for the attack. Tsezguerra unleashes nen with malicious intent, making everyone stop in their tracks. Taking the time, he quickly goes back and takes Mr. Battera over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and attempts to run. Upon reaching the door and seeing it being closed, he kicks as hard as he can with nen and-

*BOOOM* The door goes flying

"NOBODY TOLD ME HIS GUARD KNOWS NEN!" Yells the leader in faked anger. The other 2 nen users I sensed earlier are already outside with twin daggers though. Setting the ambush up correctly, knowing your target's reaction to conflict, and anticipating their exit strategy; these guys are way smarter than I gave them credit for.

I can easily see Tsezguerra stepping outside the door. On both sides of him, there are two men wrapped in assassin like clothing with twin daggers.

[Is this how he was injured in the anime? Guess its time to act.]

---Tsezguerra's POV---

[Sh*t! I was careless! I thought with all my training in nen, I can take care of any attempts at my employer but here I am making a stupid mistake! I won't ever be careless again!]

Time slows down for me as I kicked the door down with Mr. Battera on my shoulders. I see two assassins on my left and right ready to strike and I see no way out of this! The best I can do is protect Mr. Battera and I'll probably get injured.


The daggers come down, the one from my right aims at the elbow/forearms and one from my left aims at my knees/calves below. They are aiming to incapacitate me! My legs are still enhanced with nen! I can jump and avoid the one coming for my knee, but the one coming to my elbows and ribs will hit my thigh muscle. This might debilitate me but I should still be able to get Mr Battera to safety!

Jumping up, I dodge the low slash and as the high slash is about to hit me-


The sound of the man getting hurt reaches my ear. Turning slowly to my right, I see a boy no more than 5 years old kicking the man in the face. Terrible form! Ignoring the boy, I continue to run outside and leave him in the dust. My employer comes first!

---MC POV---

[Holy sh*t! He's just gonna keep running? No wonder I never liked him in the anime. It all makes sense now]

Hey, Fellow Daoists

Thanks for waiting and here it is, Finally.

I'll release the next chapter tomorrow, so look forward to it XD

Anotoncreators' thoughts