
Live for the hunt

Reincarnated as a minor character in HxH! "Thats not so bad, I loved that Anime...Oh crap! This guy gets brutally murdered at 9 years old!"

Anoton · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Next month was uneventful. I gently tripped my opponents and I guess the refs understood that the current floor doesn't suit me and sent me up the floors pretty quickly.

Fine by me. I soon arrived at floor 160 by defeating nine people easily over the course of the month. It should have been 11 if I was going by 10 floors a person but the last ref realized that I was playing with my opponents and sent me up 30 floors. I appreciate it, haha.



In the lobby, I walk past a TV screen and am shocked!

"And now a highly anticipated match! On my left, we have the mighty hairy warrior Kobo! This dwarf incarnate holds incredible power, with his fierce hammer to dispose of the competition!"

"On my right, we have Killua! An astounding young boy, at the age of 8 he has already progressed to the 160th floor! Beware his techniques because they are DEADLY!" says the ref.

[Crap he is still here!]


Killua starts his silent gait walk around Kubo, waiting for his next move. Kubo doesn't take it to mind and immediately turns to his left and attacks. Killua is slightly shocked being found out, and narrowly doges Kubo's downward heavy attack.

The battle continues with Killua barely dodging the relentless attacks of Kubo, swinging the hammer around like a feather. Kubo takes a second and smirks at Killua.

Unfortunately, Killua finds himself in the corner. With not much else he can do, his eyes lose all light, and become really menacing. Kubo has a small shiver in his back, but shrugs it off. Unconsciously, he already decided to try to finish the match early.

Killua does a strange step sequence that resembles the silent gait yet is being used to approach Kubo, while he braces himself for the incoming attack.


Killua's fingernails extend into increasingly sharp points and the glint shining off them blind Kubo for a moment. However, this moment proved, fatal as Killua is seen behind Kubo, who looks absentminded.

Inside Killua's hand is a pouch made of skin containing Kubo's still beating heart, some blood still dripping off it. Kubo falls face first into the ground still holding his defensive position.


"Down! Critical Hit!," The ref walks up to Kubo and checks on him. Waving his hands in the air, it signifies the match ending. Killua throws the sack back at Kubo, now deceased, and walks off stage.

I'm still outside seeing all of this go down, and shake my head. I head to my new room located on this floor. It was very spacious, and fully furbished with king sized bed, fully stocked fridge, microwave, kitchen, and two bathrooms.

Grabbing a lemonade from the fridge, I settle into my bed and turn on the 58' 4k HDTV in front of me. I'm pretty sure they didn't put any alcoholic beverages in here, knowing I'd be in here, and put mostly juice. Hmm good thing I agree that I'm too young for that, and I prefer juice anyways.

Beep Beep*

The TV interrupts my cartoons. "Hello contestant #1350, your next match in the 160th floor has been arranged. It will be tomorrow at 1300, so please take care of your preparations before then,".

[Wonder who I'm up against now?]

The next morning after enjoying a hefty meal of what is the closest to American classic, bacon, eggs and toast, I head over to the stadium. Standing in the stadium is a goliath. Chiseled muscles intertwine and showcase a specimen of a man. Too bad his face resembles a fantasy monster with green skin and tusks.

And now me, standing in front of him is truly a sight.

"We have here two strong warriors, I know some of you might doubt the legitimacy of this statement however you'll be surprised. Standing 8' 5 tall is the giant of a man, Jornivil! And here, standing 4'5 and defeating all his opponents with unbelievable speed is Kurt!


'Lets see what you got kid!'

'Don't die out there'


'why are kids so terrifying now a days?'

[haha I can see a slight resemblance to the famous green marvel hero]


The orc of a man descends on me immediately with a double hammer fist, I quickly evade by dodging backwards. He continues his pursuit in trying to catch me in his grasp. A small smirk comes on my face as a sweat drop goes down Jornvil's brow. It doesn't take long for me to warm up, should I try to actually fight this time?

An unnoticeable blue aura comes from my body and my eyes take a silver shade. As Jornivil's fist comes flying to my face, he punches through an afterimage. Suddenly going from happy from finally connecting a fist but realizing it didn't truly happen, Jornvil's anger spikes. Franticly searching for me, he doesn't realize I'm hanging on his shirt on his back.

Jumping up, I launch a drop kick on the unsuspecting Jornvil's head.

"Critical Hit!"

BOOOM! Is the sound of Jornvil hitting the ground uncouncious.

"Down!" says the ref as he does a half jog to the guy. Checking his vitals, he waves his hands across the air.

"Match over by KO!"


The stadium has a mini uproar at the scene of another kid defeating such a goliath.

[Maybe I should of called myself david?]


I hear a distinct clap in the audience, a slightly different tune than the rest. Looking in the direction, I shudder slightly. Its because I've made eye contact with one of my favorite character in the show...Killua

Will our hero make friends with Killua?!

How will Killua react to this boy younger than him?

Find out next week! XD

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