
~ One ~

There are several ways to give free rein to the person you are.

There is art ... There is music ...

And of all the possibilities I had, I chose writing.

Dear readers, this will not be a story of just any girl, but it is the story of someone who has realized a little dream.

This is my story...

~ ♡ ~

School was tough. 

Fun ride, but after walking through the threshold of that door, it felt like being in a prison. Yes, really a prison. 

I didn't have many friends, they limit me to two or three people in lower grades than mine and this could often prevent me from having fun during the breakfast break.

Regarding the people in my class, there was not one of them who spoke to me. 

I was mocked for my physical appearance, for my passions, I was nobody and I was treated worse than the school janitor. 

I hated being there, but it was the only school my country had... Hell...

All my thoughts were focused on illusions with little chance of being able to turn into reality, but they made me feel good and I finally had some respect or self-esteem, even if only in the world of dreams. 

I was a weak person who loved to lock herself in the bathrooms and cry for all the evil that was done to her.

I hated being isolated from others and I hated coming home and seeing my parents arguing every holy night. I HATED IT.

All this talk was done just to explain how I got attached to writing and I hope you enjoy the next chapters. 

It is not just any story, but it is my story that led me to write here!

Thanks for reading,
