
Chapter 13

Ari spent the next few days in Sids room with Jonah, or occasionally Seth if Jonah couldn't be there. She hadn't seen Sid since they picked her up from the diner.

She woke up in the middle of the night to find Jonah sleeping beside her over the blankets again. Still no Sid. She was hurt that he seemed to be avoiding her now, and not any help with keeping Jackson away from her.

She left Sids room and walked the short distance to Jonah room, she opened the unlocked door and walked into to see the bed was occupied. When getting closer, she saw it was Sid and quietly climbed in under the blankets next to him. She faced away from him, laying her head on a pillow staring at the wall before she fell asleep again.


Ari turned to see Sid leaning on his elbow the next morning watching her, so she turned herself over to face him.

"Please stop avoiding me, okay?"

He nodded, running a hand through her hair, and leaned over to kiss all the bruises on her face. He was trying to be gentle as he climbed on top of her, still kissing her. He took all her clothes off to inspect and kiss the rest of her body.

Her breathing was getting faster, trying to keep herself from shaking with nervousness and excitement.

But all Sid did after a few minutes was carry her to the bathroom and run a bath. She sat on the counter where he placed her and held the towel he covered her up with while the bath filled with water. When it was deep enough, he put her into it, and grabbed soap and a cloth.

Ari wasn't even the slightest bit comfortable, but if this is what she had to sit through so Sid would look at her again, she would. She relaxed and let him take care of her.

They were finished and Sid had Ari stand to wrap a towel around her. Just as he did and was helping her step out of the bath. Jonah came bursting through his bedroom door and toward the open bathroom door. He apparently started breathing again when he saw them both there.

"Jesus..." Jonah calmed himself.

"No, Sid." Sid replied with half a smile. It really wasn't funny, but he really seemed proud of himself. Jonah laughed though.


Jonah said as he walked over to Ari and picked her up in his arms, making sure her towel was still covering her. The boys took her back to Sids room and Sid slipped to her room to find her some new clothes. Jonah gently put her on the bed.

When Sid came back, he helped her rewrap her with her bandages, and then getting dressed.

"Sid, I can do it-"

She raised her arm to protest, but suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her shoulder, she closed her eyes and stopped.

"Just shut up, and let us."

Jonah snapped as he put socks on her, and Sid helped get her shirt over her head. Jonah slipped undies up in her hips. They pulled the towel off from around her, finishing any other bandage wraps or covers, and Sid kneeled down to help her step into sweat pants. When she was finally dressed, Sid cleaned up as Jonah brushed her hair and put it in a braid.

"You think you're up for a visit with dad?" Sid asked Ari, who looked over questioningly.

"He's been hoping to see you awake. Those drugs have been making you sleeping a lot." Sid added, so she nodded standing up.

"Now?" She asked.

"If you think you can, babe. There's not rush." Jonah reached his hand over and rubbed her back.

"Now is fine." She headed for the door, the boys following.

When they made it up to the third floor penthouse that belonged to Daniel, he was standing in the massive sunken in living room across from the elevator by the large windows. Jackson, Harris and Seth were with him and they all fell silent when Ari walked in.


Daniel looked up to the elevator to see his sons walk in with Ari. She was still slow from abdominal pain and a little over two weeks of bed rest. Her nose had been broken, and he had paid to have the plastic surgery done to fix it, leaving the bruising around her eyes to still be dark, and her eyes weren't able to fully open yet.

He could see bandage lines under her shirt and the visible ones on her wrist and arms, left cheek and nose. He was well aware of what Jackson had done and was not happy to find out about it from Sid. He had never seen Sid so upset before, and it devastated Daniel to see it. Plus, now Jackson was keeping the truth from everyone else but himself and Sid. Daniel also knew that what was done, was done, and saw no point making things worse.

He walked over to the small redhead between his sons and held her hand as she walked slowly down the couple steps into the living room, she was so tiny. He smiled at her as he helped her down on the sofa.

"Has she eaten anything today?" Daniel asked.

"Going now."

Jonah answered with a chuckle and left to go get her something to eat.

Daniel took a seat beside Ari and put his hand on her knee trying to be comforting. He wasn't great at it, but he wanted to try. She came back to them after everything Jackson did, and she deserved recognition for staying so quiet about it. He knew she was sticking to the lost memory story and surprisingly found himself proud of her.

"Everytime I had a chance to see you, you were sleeping so soundly. I'm glad to see you up and moving around." Daniel said to her.

Harris and Seth nodded.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. I feel terrible that I can't remember anything."

Ari responded carefully.

Daniel patted her tiny knee under his giant hand.

"We're just glad to see you're recovering."

Sid sat down across from them and stared at her protectively. Jonah wasn't kidding when he said she wasn't allowed out of their sight.

"Nothing has come back to you from that night?" Harris asked.

Daniel watched Ari as she frowned, as if trying to remember the events of that evening.

"I remember everything up until leaving with Sid and Jackson, I think... but than there's just nothing..." Ari stated.


Ari knew Jonah saw her leave with Sid and Jackson that night, so she knew anything more than that wasn't safe to say to anyone. Jackson had most likely come up with a story that she wasn't told about yet. Best to play as dumb as possible.

Jackson was smiling a little at her as he went over to stand next to where Sid had sat down, right in front of her.

"Little bugger just bounces right back, though, doesn't she?" Jackson said

Ari was silent as she looked up to see Sid expressionless, but paler than usual. Thankfully, Jonah came back up with two turkey sandwiches cut in half on a plate. She happily reached for it and started eating instantly. Jonah sat down beside her and grabbed half of one of the sandwiches and took a huge bite.

Sid glared at him, making Ari laugh for the first time in weeks. Jonah looked extremely satisfied with himself after that.

While she ate, they continued to discuss the plans for the night. Apparently a large amount of members under Daniels employ were to come over later that night. Sid was to stay with Ari and Jonah would accompany his father at the gathering. Jonah took the opportunity very seriously, for whatever reason.

When she was done eating, and all the plans were set for the night, Seth and Harris said goodbye to Ari and the others before leaving the penthouse. Jackson had gone to the kitchen and brought Ari a bottle of vitamin water, Sid took it to open for her before handing it back for her to drink.

Sid and Jackson hadn't said a word, or even looked at one another. Instead of appreciating Sid for it, she worried she could put them at odds against each other. Which could be even more dangerous for her, or even Sid.

"Thank you, Jackson." She said before drinking half the bottle, he nodded.

Jonah was happy to see his family all getting along, completely blind to the uncomfortable air between the rest of them. Ari knew he loved his family, and how important they all were to him in their own way. They spent another hours talking together before Ari asked;

"Jackson, can you take me back to bed? I'm getting really tired."

Sid stood up too, but Ari shook her head, taking Jackson's outstretched hand instead. They needed a break from her, and Jonah needed to think everything was fine. She let Jackson walk her to the elevator.

"I'm impressed with you, I'll admit it." He finally said after the elevator doors closed.

"Impressed with what? I give up, Jackson. I understand my attitude is not appreciated, and I'm sorry for not taking you more seriously. Is this what you wanted?"

Jackson laughed as he walked her back to her room.

"Almost. I'm still not done with you, kitten. You're more stubborn than I ever could have guessed." Jackson poked her forehead.

When they got to her door, he opened it and shoved her hard into her room and she landed on her stomach, gasping from the air being taken out from her by surprise. She didn't have fast enough reflexes anymore to catch herself. Jackson laughed and closed the door.

"Night, night." He yelled, walking away.

Ari laid on the ground trying to fight back tears, but after few minutes she pulled herself up off the ground, pulled her sweat pants off climbing into bed. She laid there for a while, unable to sleep.

"You awake?" Sid asked from the doorway

Ari looked to the door, surprised he was so quiet opening it. She rolled herself over slowly to face towards him as he walked in and closed the door.

"I can't sleep." She sighed, defeated.

She could hear him sigh as he walked over to the bed. He threw his sweater off onto the floor, shoes and pants to follow. He lifted the blankets climbing in under them and lifted his arm for Ari to snuggle under, which she did quickly.

They laid there silently, Ari listening to his calming heart beat until she finally fell asleep.