
Little Wife

Daniel had no idea in his life that he should be forced to marry a tiny, young adult. Daniel tanza atmadja couldn't turn down Dicky's wish on the map was lalita Andrea's father. In fact, it was the girl's name that gave it to him. It turned out that all the jokes and speeches he had taken for granted had come true. In addition, Daniel was very confused by his already existing status. If he marries lita, what about his girlfriend? Not to mention, does he have to have a kid's wife? Lita is clearly not his type. And he wasn't even a pedophile. And what about lita? That pretty girl is even in school. Is this marriage the best chance for both dicky who's really sick gets happy?

Layla2000 · Urban
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15 Chs

I Want You Today

The two fathers were still staring at each other. The two of them were in complete shock.

It never occurred to the two of them if all the jokes that were often heard could become real like this.

"It's very sad for Lita. Daniel is so old for her. They are more suited to be father and son," said Sakha.


Again the mother who did not accept hurt the child by smacking him. Sakha could only moan in pain.

If he fights, the bus runs out in his mother's hands. For Sakha Bagas Wijaya, her mother is the scariest person on earth.

In this house, it is as if Mama is a queen whose words and orders must be carried out by every householder if they want a peaceful life.

"Reckless you! Even though you are old, your uncle is still handsome. And fits Lita very well!" Angela said disapprovingly.

Sakha could only nod in annoyance as she continued to rub her throbbing head. 'Tch! Mama is too much.'

Thomas just stayed silent and didn't react. A long sigh escaped his thick lips.

"I hope they can be happy," Thomas whispered.

Suddenly a smile spread across Angela's lips. He approached his husband and immediately threw a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, husband. You are indeed a good brother-in-law." He wrapped his arms around his husband's neck.

Thomas smiled back. "Equally love."

Sakha snorted in disgust at the intimacy of her parents which she had often seen. Honestly, he was so fed up.

'They think, there's only the two of them in this world!' he groaned in his heart.

On the other hand.

Daniel felt strange with his body. His body now feels very hot. He didn't know what caused it.

"What is wrong with me?"

The heat just keeps getting worse. The strange thing is, now his lust suddenly rose.

"Could it be, the drink was the cause," he said a little panicked.

Because it can not stand the heat suffered. Daniel took off his shirt. He wondered who was behind all this.

Couldn't it be his little wife? It doesn't make sense at all.

"Uncle," Lita called softly. Lita had just entered their room after previously saying that she wanted to take a short walk.

Instead of answering, Daniel pulled the girl's hand until it fell on the bed. Daniel hugged Lita tightly.

"Uncle," said Lita so nervously.

Now they were lying with Daniel holding his waist possessive position.

'Oh, Lord! Is it because of the drug? What will happen to me now?' Lita was so scared. Now, she regretted having mixed something into his husband's drink earlier.

"Lita, I'm in pain," Daniel whispered hoarsely.

He put his head in the crook of his wife's neck. 'I can't take it anymore.'

Slowly, Daniel turned his wife's body. Their eyes met each other. It is undeniable if both of them admire each other. Only, Daniel's ego beat all that.

I don't know when for sure, now those thick lips have scooped up tiny lips that look so overwhelmed.

Lita, who was initially silent, is now starting to get carried away with the game that Daniel created.

Daniel's hands began to move everywhere and suddenly they were right on Lita's chest. Daniel could feel his wife's two assets.

The bond between the two has been lost. Lita took as much air as possible.

Daniel looked at his wife's face. Very visible if the fog of passion so enveloped him.

The situation for both of them is pathetic. Daniel is now only wearing pants. As for Lita, her t-shirt has been pulled up so that her stomach is perfectly exposed.

"Lita, I want you today. Please don't refuse me okay."

Before answering, Daniel again scooped those tiny lips. Lita can only surrender. She is sure, today she will be eaten by her husband.

'I'm sorry,' Daniel thought.

He began to strip his wife's clothes one by one. 'I'm such an asshole.'

And so began the hot tussle between the two people of different ages.

A few minutes later. Only the sound of sighs echoed in the room.


Seen a man who was pensive looking at the stars scattered in the sky.

Her face looks so sad and worried. Worried about the future of her young daughter.

"What are you doing?" asked Calisa suddenly. She sat down next to her husband.

She has been looking for her husband's whereabouts. Her husband was sitting in the back garden enjoying the beauty of the night.

Dicky turned and smiled gently at his wife. "I was just thinking about our daughter," he said honestly.

Instantly, Calisa's brows knit together perfectly. "What's wrong? Isn't our daughter fine?"

"I don't know. I feel guilty for marrying her at such a young age. Not to mention, we lied to them by telling them I was seriously ill."

Calisa was silent for a moment. He knew that what they had done that lied to Daniel and Lita was a big mistake. But, he had to do that.

"Never mind dear. Everything has already happened. We as parents can only pray for the happiness of both of them." Calisa held Dicky's hand.

Dicky could only smile bitterly. He felt that he had failed as a father.

"I'm afraid that Lita will become the subject of ridicule if she becomes pregnant later," said Dicky, voicing his worries.

The Emperor's words had haunted him for the past few days.

There was a low chuckle from Calisa. "Haha. That can't be happening. Daniel definitely won't do anything to Lita. I'm sure of it."

"But I'm not sure. After all, Daniel is a man. He can make mistakes at times."

Unbeknownst to both of them, Tanza, their youngest child, was listening to their conversation.

Tanza clenched her fists tightly. He never thought that his parents would lie to his beloved brother.

However, he was not willing if his brother married Daniel, who he knew as a jerk.

'I have to find a way to get the two of them apart. That bastard doesn't deserve my brother.' His willpower is strong.