
Little Red Riding Hood, A modern day tale.

Everyone knows the story of little red riding hood but what if she lived in modern times and the Big bad wolf was after her for more than her basket of goodies. ......... Lillian was a kind and caring woman. She spent her time helping the homeless and caring for the elderly. Her bright green eyes and flaming red hair made her look like a beautiful fairy. She was four foot four and a very petite woman. ......... Breathtaking isn't it?" She was startled and jumped at the deep sound of a man's voice. She turned around to look into the deep dark cold eyes of a man she never thought she would ever see again. Jake, her knight from high school. Here in the flesh. She thought back wasn't his name Smith back then. "Mr. Wolf?" .......... Lillian had a great dream. She was lost in a forest and a big handsome wolf found her and help her find her way to her granny's house. 'Red, trust in you wolf and you will never be lonely again' her granny said. 'But Nana he is a wolf they are untrustworthy.' She said. 'Red my dear a wolf mates for life so trust' ....... "Could not leave with a kiss?" Then he seen her face and froze. "Is everything alright?" "Your fiancee called you need to meet her and your parents at your place at twelve thirty. Don't be late." She turned and walked away. "Shit" He followed her out. "Lillian stop please." She walked over and grabbed Toby's leash and pushed the button. Toby jummped off the couch one more time and went to her. She reached down and clicked it on. "Lillian let me explain." The doors opened and she went down. He just stood there and watched the doors close. .......... "My Mr. Wolf what big eyes you have." She said smiling at him. "The better to see you with my dear." And with that said he bent down and kissed her. ........

IleneMae · General
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78 Chs

Day Four Part 1

Lillian woke up. Jake had never came to bed. She got up and dressed in her little sundress and sat off to look for him.

She soon found Pop sitting at the brunch table out side reading the paper.

"Pop have you see Jake. He never came to bed last night." She said.

"No I haven't that strange." Just as he was about to call a maid Mrs. Wolf came out.

"Good morning father." She kissed his cheek.

"Have you seen your son lately." He asked.

"Yes, He spent the night with Susan. They were going at loud and hard I did not have the heart to tell them to keep it down. Looks like your out dear he wanted a real woman after all."

Lillian was shocked. He went to Susan when she turned him down. She looked at Pop.

Pop was just as shocked.

"If you don't believe me then go check. Her room is the one with the red door."

Lillian walked off. Slowly she walked up the stair and found the red door. She knocked but no one said anything. She slowly turned the knob. There in bed wrapped in each others arms were Jake and Susan and the smell of sex was in the air. She closed the door.

A tear escaped her eye as she walked back to the room to get her purse. She called for a cab. She then went and got Toby to wait out front with her.

She then would head back to the penthouse to get her things then head home.


Jake woke up with a hang over but could not remember drinking anything but the one scotch. Were was he. He looked around the room then it hit him he was in one of the guest room. Why was he here.

Jake let go of the person curled up next to him. It did not feel like Lillian then he seen the blonde hair. "Shit"

He fell out of bed as Susan stretched and yawned, "good morning sweetheart. Last night was so much fun."

"What the fuck." Jake yelled.

"Today when we sign our marriage license will be the happiest day of my life. Then every night can be like last night." She smiled.

Jake ran out of the room naked and into his room. Thank god Lillian was not there.

He dressed in jeans and a tshirt to go find her. When He asked the butler he said, "Miss Hood called a cab and left."

"Did she say why?"

"No sir she did not."

He pulled his phone out to call her.


Lillian looked at her phone. Jake was calling. As tears fell down her cheeks she put it back into her purse. 10 minutes later he phone rings again and its Zane so she picks it up.

"Lillian, you alright?" zane asked.

"Yes, I am headed for the penthouse. I will pack up all the cloths and you can send them back to the store. I won't need them and did not use them. Also I will be leaving the deed to the building. We will find something else."

He could hear the sadness in her voice and could tell she had been crying.

"Lillian tell me what happened and why boss is acting like a mad man."

"Zane, he slept with Susan last night after asking me to marry him. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and I never want to see him again."

"He sleep with Susan? You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. They were in each others arms this morning and the room smelled like sex."

"I'm sorry...." Zane did not know what to say. "Leave the cloths I'll take care of them. You need anything just call. Do you still have the black card?"

She looked in her bag. "Yes"

"Good, pay for the cab with that. It's going to be real expensive from the mansion to the penthouse."


They hung up as she cried all the way back into the city.


Zane called Jake back, "She saw you and Susan in bed together."

"No no no."

"She is headed for the penthouse to get her things."

"Why is this happening to me. The last thing I remember was drinking..." It then hit him, the tea.

"Sir what do I do?" Zane was at a loss.

"Go stall her I'll be there as soon as I can." He hung up and went to look for his grandfather.

Everyone was out on the patio having brunch.

"Pop, I need to leave. I'll call you later."

"Son sit down. Since you and Susan have slept together then we will go ahead and sign the marriage papers today. Your father has sent someone to get them and bring them here." His mother stated.

"No!!I won't marry someone who has to drug me to sleep with her!" Jake was steaming mad.

"But you took my innocence. I was virgin." Susan cried.

He then had a flash back. She did not cry out in pain at being taken so hard. He shook his head. "Then show me the blood. If you are a virgin then the sheets should be filled with blood." He then looked at the maid, "Gege bring down the sheets from the red room."

"Yes sir" The maid ran off.

"This is uncalled for to embarrass a young lady like this. You should be a shamed." Mr.. Wolf said.

The maid soon returned with the dirty sheets. They were covered with sweat and seaman but no blood.

"Virgin my ass." He yells throwing the sheet at Susan.

Susan began to cry.

"You had better take the morning after pill. If you do not then I will have my lawyers fill rape charges against you." He grabbed the sheet and headed up the stairs before the room could be cleaned he grabbed the tea set and cups.

He then went to the kitchen and grabbed bags to put them in and locked them up in his safe. They were not going to get away with it.

As he was getting ready to leave Susan came running out and fell to the ground grabbing his leg, "You can't mean it, I love you. I won't kill our child."

"If you come back pregnant then you had better be ready for jail time. Rape has no statue of limitations. Don't test me." He shook her off his leg and left.

Susan with mascaras running down her face looks at her father.

"Susan don't worry about anything. Mr. Wolf will get his son to sign the papers and everything will work out. Besides who ever heard of a man yelling rape."