
little red Riding Hood (yumikuri)

llevixeren · Anime & Comics
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the meeting

Ymir had been minding her business through the day. In her wolf form she was just running around the forest and finding prey to hunt. That was until she picked up on the scent of a human. A human she'd been following quietly for a few minutes. She was distracted by the utter beauty she saw. He rough coat was dark in the forest, it helped her to blend in. She made sure to take careful steps. That was until she stepped on a stick and it cracked loudly. She stopped in her tracks. Birds flying away at noticing the wolf.Christa's eyes widened as she looked behind her . Her hands started shaking as she started backing away,once she was five feet away from Ymir she turned the other way running as fast as she could through the forest as she dropped the basket she was holding,it was full of apples and peachesYmir refused to lose the woman. She went over and picked the basket up in her jaws. She then went running after Christa at a fast pace. It didn't take her long to catch up to Christa. She went in and tackled the woman, looming over her. After a few moments she changed back to her human form, her hair still being in it's small up kept style. She gabbed the basket, that had remained in her mouth, setting it down beside Christa. She raised a brow "Why'd you run?" She asked simply.Christa's crystal blue eyes glistened as her mouth was open in shock . Her body was shaking as she tried to stay still "i-i was taking a short cut to my friends house and you scared me" her voice was soft as she spoke , she closed her eyes tightly and made her self look smaller by curling up as much as she could.Ymir chuckled and smirked down at Christa "You took a short cut...through my woods? That's not how the world works little pup. I could've killed you." She said lowly, she felt bad for the smaller woman. She didn't know why but she wanted to wrap her up in a hug. Though she refused to do so, she wanted to still seem tough "Maybe I should kill you...yes, rip you to shreds and no one would know."