

"I think this is enough"she said to herself after putting the last piece of strawberry in her basket,she skips cheerfully while wearing a big wide smile on her face,her red hood dances with the wind while her Goldilocks hair flow back and fort.

She smiles and greet every living creatures she came across to,the singing birds,the cheerful squirrels and the working villagers in their town.

She then stop when she noticed a guy wearing a brown coat that's blocking her way,the guy's face is unfamiliar to her,she then got confused because of the fact that she knows everyone in her village and that guy's face is unfamiliar to her,the guy look in his 30's,wearing a brown coat and he also have a thick mustache,his skin is tan as brown while his eyes are darks as shadow.

"Uhm excuse me?are you lost?"the girl asks.

The man faced her wearing his menacing grin,the girl gasps in shock when she saw a huge scar on the man's shown chest"just visiting an old friend of mine"the man said as he walk in to the woods besides the village path.

"Mister?didn't yiu heard the news?there have been a lot of disappearances in the woods lately"the girl warned the man but the mysterious man keeps on walking.

"I'll be fine kid"the man said still walking in to the woods.

The man let out a light chuckle "Poor Village.....Poor kid"the man whispered to herself as his silhouette began to disappeared in to the  darkness of the woods.

"Who is he?"the girl ask as if she's demanding an answers,her brain full of questions while alarms started to ring her head.

She then continued her walk while thinking about the man she met earlier, she reached her house where her mother and father is waiting for her in the dining hall,the strong scent of chicken soup filled her nostrils that made her smile.

After she entered her house,she's greeted by her mother and father with soft and warm hugs"we made you your favorite soup"her mom said as she kissed her forehead.

The door slammed open and a villager entered their home,the family looked at him in confusion but before the father could say anything the villager stopped him by saying the words "they're here!"that made the father's eyes grew wide.

The mother's expression turned from confusion in to shock and fear.

The father immediately grabbed her daughter's arm and dragged her upstairs followed by the mother"d-dad?what's g-going on?"the girl whimper.

"Nothing sweetie,just follow your dad"the mother said,behind her smile,you can see fear in her hazel brown eyes while a little drop of tear fell from her eye.

After reaching the last room,the father places her daughter inside a small closet that the daughter didn't know they have"Listen here Ruby,If you heard anything outside,don't you dare come out of this room,don't listen,don't look and don't move an inch towards the door"the father demand shaking his daughter's shoulder"just think of it as a game sweetie,the person who can stay quiet the most wins"the mother said with her trembling voice.

The father kissed her forehead before locking the door from the outside leaving the girl's brain scattered all over the place "w-whats's going on?"the girl asks in her head.

Not long after she heard a loud bang followed by random screams outside of their house,she wants to go out and see what's happening but she can't because of her father said.

all she can do is sit and listen as if she's trying to comprehend things,she then stopped when she heard a familiar voice outside of the room,a voice of her mother whimpering in fear followed by a growl of an unknown creature.

The screamed stopped and a sound of something being tear apart occupied the place leaving the girl in more confusion,things started going around her head,she wants to scream for her mother but she can't,her whole body is being controlled by fear.

"Anna!!!!!"a familiar voice yelled,she then recognized that ut was her father's voice screaming in devastation.

Tears started to drop from the girl's eyes,staring at the dark void of the room while sitting on the wooden floor thinking the worst case scenario that she could think of,not long after,everything went silence,no scream,no growls and no bangs.

"Mom?Dad?"she calls out but no answer.

"Mom?Dad?"she calls again but still no answer.

She felt a thick liquid ooze touching her legs,she looked down to see what is it,she froze when she saw blood oozing from the small entry under the wooden door,her eyes got widen"n-no....it can't be"she murmured,her voice is trembling while her eyes are twitching in fear.

Her vision started to get blurry and the next thing she knew,she was lying on the floor next to the puddle of blood