
Chapter 5

"Phew !! It as been a long time that i run away..... Ha ! Ha ! Ha !.... surely of course zeriff after this will not stop from blabbering on me.." After wandering around for a while, Derial keeping watch for the ways to get out from the palace.He saw the situation around the palace after fleeing from his personal assistant, the zeriff and the chief assistant of the palace, Mr. Franser.

The sky had already taken on an orange color, and the sun had begun to set.

" it's already so late...."Derial muttered to himself.

Derial alexander walks alone without being accompanied by his personal assistant or his personal knight.He also ordered the palace maids not to follow him.Unbeknownst to him, he was walking towards a flower garden full of roses and looked lonely without the presence of the palace maids making him feel more comfortable alone.

In solitude without being accompanied by anyone, Derial continued to walk to see the beauty of the palace area and without him realizing he had already walked towards the back of the palace.His journey stopped as soon as he heard the voice of a girl singing behind a large tree near the lake in a place he himself did not know where he was now.

Derial seemed fascinated when he saw the girl who was not very far from her hiding place.

" La-la -la...La...la..laa..."she gazed at the scenery as she leaned herself at the big tree near the lake.


"The only thing i promised you,

The only time i wished for you,

We did our best every single day,

But i think this is the end...."

"Yesterday when you smiled at me,

Yesterday I'm dreaming a small peace

I didn't want some big miracle,

But it's to late everything's gone...."


"I'm begging you my lord

A shoulder to cry on

I lost my way, just give me a single words..."

Auristela without her realizing she was being watched. She who was nearby by the lake was playing with the lake water. The bouquet of roses she brought was placed by her side and continued her singing.

"Where the shining sky for me and you,

The sun is hidding behind the clouds,

I'm not the only one, not a hero,

I might be wrong , going into the dark."

"Please watch me, please save me,

The darkness isn't me, it's not for me,

Don't leave me now,

Fighting for me, the end is not the end.."

(Song- not a hero)

Derial was stunned to hear the melodious voice of the girl. He felt that the lyrics sung by the girl seemed to be the girl's complaint.


The wind was so strong at that time. The leaves of the trees near where Auristela was leaning at that time had also fallen.

Derial who at that time seemed to be attracted to the true identity of the girl wearing the veil. The clothes she wore looked like the clothes worn by the palace maids.But from his point of view, the girl is still too small to be a palace maid.Did Flodella palace accept a young hostage slave to be a palace helper ??.Or she is actually the daughter of one of the maids here.It is very strange and the girl also has a rare hair color because her white hair seems to be shiny and the face covered by the veil has added to he suspicion of the girl's identity.That girl also has reddish eye color.



Derial regained consciousness from his reverie after hearing the girl's screams. The wind at that moment had caused the veil worn by Auristela to open and fall into the lake.Derial's eyes seemed to be glued after seeing Auristela's face. He examined every face that the little girl had.

Chirp ! Chirp ! Chirp !

The sound of birds chirping as if it was time for them to return to their homes. The day is already dusk. of course they all went home but Auristela just stared blankly at the scenery around her. For the girl the house she lives in now is not a place for her.No one wants his presence or for himself to exist in that place

Auristela who realized that her veil had already fallen into the lake then just let the veil float. She let go of her hair tie and let her long hair unravel on the grass.

" mom....it been a long time since i come to see you..."Auristela spoke to herself alone.

"Have you forgotten about me?"

Derial just stared in silence at the little girl's face.As if he would see himself in the little girl as he demanded love from his mother.He seemed to remember when his mother pushed him to the floor because she was ashamed of his birth which was considered weak and did not have any abilities compared to his brother who was a perfect man in the eyes of the whole empire.

"Auris !!!"

"My lady , Auristella!!!." Kirania waved her hand towards Auristela.

"My lady....??? So she is probably one of the daughters of the aristocrat." Derial said.

Is the girl the son of an aristocrat ??? And if so why is she dressed like a palace maid...

seen from Derial's hiding place, as if they were talking about something. But he could not hear clearly.

zeriff held back his anger after he finally found Derial hiding behind a tree.

That damned crown prince's!!!! He really knows how to make me work harder and more than what i should have to do. He ran away when I had to deal with the old man. And now that guy is smiling alone like kind of rotten jackfruit right now.

zeriff who finally found where Derial was and continued to get that man and then he who held back his anger hit the back of Derial's body as hard as he could.

"Auchhhhh!!!!!"Derial groaned in pain after the back of his body was hit by his personal assistant.

"Who there ?????"Auristela seemed to hear the voice of someone who was moaning.

"What happen my lady ???" Kirania asked.

"Kirania.....i hear someone voice like a man....."Auristela looked around the place.

Derial pulled zeriff's hand to hide themselves from being seen by Auristela. He looked sharply at zeriff's face. That man next to him was really almost leaking his secret.

"Let's go .... you are so annoying zeriff..."Then finally derial and the zeriff left the place. They walk to lower their bodies so that Auristela and Kirania do not see them.

Auristela who was suspicious at the time then headed towards the place she heard the voice she heard earlier but she did not find anyone in the place.

"My lady...maybe the voice you hear is actually just your feelings. Miss... it looks like princess clarissa's personal assistant has been looking for you ever since. It looks like her wants to deliver a message from Princess Clarissa."There seems to be an important message that mary wants to convey to Auristela.

"Let's go home, after all, the day is already dark." kirania invites auristela to return home immediately.The two of them finally walked away from the place and returned to Auristela's residence.When they arrived at Auristela's residence, Mary and the maidservants of Princess Clarissa were already at the door of Auristela's room.

The woman who was with the other maids of the palace brought a package of gifts given by princess clarisa as well as clothes for Auristela to wear for the ceremony that will take place that night.Mary also delivered an order given by clarissa along with an invitation card for Auristela.They will come back once Auristela is ready.Unbeknownst to Auristela, a spy hired by the queen of alextia to observe Auristela had reported the incident to queen Alextia.