
Chapter 4

The famous Derial alexandra al Sandriz, not only has a handsome face .. that man is also known as the heir of the imperial Sandriz prown prince .A cold Crown prince who think other life as nothing more than a fly. And also known as playboy and sweet talker.

His engagement with clarissa was just for him to get the throne and nothing more. Similarly to Clarissa, her engagement was only for her to escape from living in the Flodella palace.

After the age of 15, he was crowned prince of the Sandriz empire. After becoming crown prince, Derial was able to control 3/4 of the largest colonies of the Sandriz empire.

He was a great crown prince of sandriz and able to counteract attacks on the inside and outside as the Sandriz state was attacked by the traitors.

Meanwhile the court ladies who had seen Derial alexandra al sandriz....


"I'm so jealous !!! Your highness , the crown prince is so handsome!"

"Yes ! The crown prince is really a gentleman !!!"

"Ouhh my!! Even your highness is so handsome than the rumor that tell about him !"

" rumor say that his royal highness is such a totally gentleman and i don't believe that we can meet him !."

" hey !! You there....!! " The chief court maid who saw the commotion of the court ladies and then directed them to return to their duties.

"Clarissa, let's go ... I'll take you back to your palace for you to rest ..."The Queen of alextia waved her hand and ordered the chief maid to bring the crown prince with her personal attendants to the royal guest room.

Clarissa and the Queen of Alextia finally passed and began to enter the courtyard of the Carolina palace.But their steps were stopped as soon as Clarissa's personal aide prevented the queen from passing through the main gate of the palace.Then Clarissa turned back to face the Queen of Alextia.

"It's best to just get here ... you don't need to help bring me to the room. I don't need your good intentions towards me, your highness....Queen Alextia."

Clarissa looked at the woman's face coldly. Clarissa with her knight and her personal aides finally leave them alone.

"That damned arrogant kid!!! ." Alextia held her hand in her anger .

Elratna bit her lip, seeing Clarissa's still hostile and arrogant behavior towards them.

"I should have killed that girl with her mother before when that girl was still young !!." Alextia said.

"My Queen...please don't say that word again !. We are still here and what if other hear what you say before ???" Sheldon said.

If he had killed the girl first, surely the title of crown princess would belong to her's daughter.The queen's personal assistant restrained the queen from continuing her conversation, signaling that they were still at the residence of Princess Clarissa's palace.

"Let's go mother.... we don't have to waste our time stay here." Elratna who saw her mother's personal assistant gave them an eye signal to leave the place and finally she pulled her mother's wrist and invited her mother to leave the place.

" Yeahh... you right my dear ! I feel disgusted every time I come to this place.It make me remember those two witch woman that already dead.They should never existed before but because of them, I lost that man's attention."

Alextia and Elratna together with their maids and personal knights finally left the courtyard of the Carolina palace belonging to clarissa .

Behind the door of the Carolina palace, it looks like Clarissa's personal knight saviera has observed the movements of queen Alextia and also her eldest daughter Elratna and reported their every move to clarissa.They thought that clarissa was still the same as before but they did not realize that clarissa seemed to be beginning to suspect her mother's death and also the death of deolin.

"Your highness, princess Clarissa..."saviera seemed to whisper something to clarissa. Clarissa who received a report from the saviera finally ordered the man to continue his work in silence without anyone knowing the instructions given by the princess

"They should know their place at first but it looked liked they forget about that. Well ....well.....i think i should make their know who are the one that will hold this country !" Clarissa smiled cynically as she looked out the window.

"My lady... here the dress that i prepare for you to wear for tonight party and which one do you want to wear. You have to choose it now before or else we will be late tonight Let me help your first." Marry holds 4 types of dresses of various designs and colors specially ordered from lucy's famous boutique.

"Mary, please let me rest for a while. You can leave the dress on my bed. I will call you soon after I choose the dress to wear tonight. You and the others can wait outside. I want to be alone for a while ." After receiving instructions from Clarissa, Mary and the other three maids finally agreed to the instructions given by Clarissa

After that, Clarissa leaned back in her lounge chair. She still can't forget what happened in the last 8 years.Her relationship with her father, the emperor, king Sein Gabrielle is also getting colder.If before when her mother was still alive, her father was a very loving person but now he is not.

The presence of Deolin as her babysitter has to some extent replaced her mother figure. Her father has also changed little by little. Their relationship is always happy but after the appearance of Alextia, various incidents have occurred.

The death of deolin who was sentenced to death became a question mark for herself who at that time was still a little girl. She was too late to come to the rescue of the Deolin at that time and when her arrived at the place a mysterious man had come to carry the rigid body of the deolin who was no longer alive at that time.The man was also the one who helped her who at that time was still a little girl to bury the body of deolin behind the palace.

Clarissa screamed with tears streaming down her face at Deolin's stiff body at that moment. deolin's pale face that was no longer alive at that time was stared sadly.

"I should have acted quickly to save deolin. Because of the delay I got at that time, the person I loved finally left me."Clarissa muttered to herself without realizing her tears were flowing.

Knok! Knok! Knok!

"Your highness, Princess clarissa....it about the time that you have to get ready !. Can i come in...???"

"Yes mary.....just come here already" Clarissa regained consciousness.

"Princess, before I forget .... do you want me to send the gift that you have bought from the city of Sandriz to Princess Auristela."Mary shows the package that has been neatly wrapped to Clarissa.

"No .... not now, it looks like the little girl has not yet returned from the place. Mary after she returned to her room, please convey my message that I want her to accompany me to the party tonight. I do not want to hear her refuse to accompany me tonight ..."

"All right, your highness ... I will convey the princess's instructions as soon as Princess Auristela returns to her room."mary nod her head after Clarissa told her to convey her message for Auristela.

Mary and the other maids helped Clarissa wear a blue dress filled with lace and flowers. The specially designed dress looks beautiful worn by Clarissa who has a thin body and her long hair is neatly tied to reveal her neck.Clarissa who has a yellowish white skin color is matched with jewelry that looks simple but is exclusive with the design and color that matches her blue dress.

"My lady which one do you wanna wear for high heel tonight???" Nelisa carries five types of Clarissa favorite high heels she always wears.

"Give me that. I want to wear those golden high heels for tonight's event." Clarissa showed her hand to one of the high heels carried by her assistant, nelisa.

"Princess, do you want me to provide a dress for Princess Auristela to wear for tonight's ceremony???" Mary asked.

"Hurmmm, that good ! But please make sure she will like it and wear for tonight ceremony. I don't want you give something weird for that girl, mary...just give something simple that she will feel comfortable to wear. I know she doesn't like something that look grand..."

mary nodded her head in understanding of the instructions Clarissa had given her.

"And what about the crown prince, who is assigned to manage the prince ??" clarissa asked

"About the crown prince, princess do not worry ... it looks like queen Alextia has instructed the chief assistant of the palace, Mr. Franser to take care of the prince."

"Mr. Franser, huhhh.....??? It looked like that prince have to behave when he with that old man. I thought that old man don't wanna be attendant for royalty again....what make he want to work again ??"

"I don't know about that my lady. Why don't you ask he yourself....."

"Are you try to be kidding with me, mary... you know right..i hate that old man so much..."

"Im sorry my lady...but i thought you already fine with him...."

Clarissa stared sharply at Mary's face. Looks like mary and derial personal assistant have the same annoying pliers attitude