

  One week later

  “Isn’t someone going to give their buddy a kiss before going to preschool?” I ask Reign, who is being led out by Rachel towards the waiting limo. She’s in her pink top and blue jean and her brown hair is packed into a loose ponytail. She has her cute Barbie bag hanging behind her and marching toward the car in haste. She has this eagerness for books, learning and school which most kids her age do not have, I know I was never excited to go to school my whole life, had to be dragged to school as a kid while I screamed and kicked to escape.

  She turns to me, and I offer her my wide goofy grin, “Did not know you were awake, it’s early.” She says with an innocent shoulder shrug.

  I gap jokingly, but the eyes she gives me almost make me bark out a laugh. “I was!” I exclaim dramatically. “Are you going to kiss me now or not?” I place my hands on my waist dramatically.

  “Yes!” she replies, nodding eagerly.