

  Rory sighs, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his trousers, before looking up at the man he is dealing with. "Just another stupid excuse for your incompetence, I won't take this, at least not in my company"

  I still where I stand listening to them, his company? Isn't it Bill Gate's company being managed by his son?

  "I'm sorry, sir." The guard lowers his head in shame, knowing he's at fault. "it'll never happen again."

  "I pray it doesn't." He answers with a snort, "Then I won't think twice about firing you."

  The security man walks away and I'm left, standing silently with Rory.

  "Come with me." He says, taking my hand and guiding me into the tall, big and beautiful building.

  Something about him holding my hand feels intimate; his hands are soft compared to the time he'd held me.

  I wonder how his hands would feel on other parts of my body.

  Did I just think that?