
Little Mystery

Standing on the threshold, he knew something wasn't right. He had called her multiple times during the day and had sent her so many messages, all in vain. He knew she wouldn't talk to him after the argument they had last night but still, she'd never done this before.

Taking off his shoes and coat, leaving it at the foyer, he took an uncertain step into the living room of the house. The place was complete havoc. A shiver ran down his spine as the room suddenly became colder. The coldness shook every bone of his body.

"Emilia!" he called as he walked through the house towards the kitchen, again to find everything destroyed. He was scared and confused both at once. Ignoring the fear, he walked up the stairs, following a trail of blood on the ground, as he heard low sobs coming from their bedroom. He rushed into the room to find his wife sprawled at a weird angle on the floor, her hair all over her face and a knife in her chest. There was blood everywhere. He was rooted to the spot, as he stared at her pale, lifeless figure on the floor. It seemed as if everything had stopped, waiting for his brain to process the scene before him.

He was brought back to reality by the sobs of his lovely baby boy, Chase. The child walked over to his feet and looked up at him. Tears glistened in his eyes. He had never quite seen his son look so sad. Chase was always a happy kid, running around following his mother all day and, now... The sadness and fear in his eyes shattered what was left of his already broken heart. Chase locked his arms tightly around his neck and continued to sob heavily, as he scooped him up into his arms. It was as if time had frozen and all he could think about is how he would explain what had happened to his son. Poor kid was already traumatized.

Rubbing soothing circles on his son's back, he stared out the window unable to comprehend what he'd just seen. His wife was dead. He tried to calm his little boy and got him to bed. They had been moved to another house after theirs had been put under investigation.

Head down, he walked to the kitchen sink, just as he heard the deafening sound of a gunshot. He felt a sudden pain and then wetness spreading across his back. Glancing down he saw the horrid torn flesh caused by a bullet ripping through his body. Dizziness took him over as he made to turn around but could only catch a glimpse of the small figure before everything went black.