

•Name: Snowy,Age:19, Height:4'9, Personality:cold, calm, quite, elegant, Appearance: long fluffy curly white mixed with gold and sunset pink hair that goes until my hips, honey gold eyes, curvy thick hourglass curves, gold nasallayn piercing, silver anglebite piercing, gold vertical labret piercing, ear piercings, plump thick juicy bright red lips, long lashes,a tattoo that starts on my right hand up to the right side of my face, large white fluffy tiger and long large fluffy white and gold tiger tail.

•Name: William Oprah,Age:38, Height:6'7, Personality:cold, calm, quite, elegant, Appearance: long fluffy curly black hair that goes until his shoulders, muscular body, tattoos on his arms around neck, blind right eye with a gold scar across it.

•Characters:Snowy(Main character); William Oprah(Adopted father);Blade(Lover); Octavia(Enemy).