
Little Miss Assassin

Charm was raised to kill. But with her new identity, will she be able to get revenge for those who wronged her in the past?

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It was deep in to the night, the sound of flute playing can be heard all over the silent room. A figure can be seen silently laying down on the beige couch, blond hair shining beneath the moonlight. When suddenly, the door opened and a man walked in. He sighed.

The man admired the figure at the couch. He was tall and slim, being around 18 years old. He had blond hair, his figure was smooth and accentuated but he isn't a guy. The man frowned, taking a glance at the raised shirt of the sleeping girl who, in every inch, resembled him.

Her messy figure while sleeping didn't make her seem less attractive; instead, it added a certain aura to her making everyone who sees her want to protect her as much as they can.

"Charm, wake up." The man grumbled, shaking her shoulders. "It's 2 am and you're sleeping at the couch again."

Charm slowly opened her eyes, slightly stretching her legs before admiring her brother from her angle. She chuckled.

"Good Morning to you too, Brother Francis." Charm greeted, her voice not too low nor high. It was magnetic and soft-- one you could imagine on princes in fairy tale stories.

Francis grunted, clearly displeased. "You're a woman yet you fancy sleeping at this couch. Is sleeping beside us that intolerable?" He asked, reaching out his hand to help his sister get up.

She chuckled again, accepting his hand. Her eyes reflecting his, Charm hugged him.

"Brother, Gian is a bad sleeper. Being in a king size bed doesn't change that fact." She mumbled, releasing her arms around Francis. Charm remembered how her other brother, Francis' twin, started slapping the pillow beside her while sleep talking and shook her head. "I'd rather be the man and move out, than stay with him."

"But you're not a man, Charm. You must remember, you're still a woman despite being raised like one!" Francis scolded, his hand balled into fists. It was a sour topic for all of them, but it must be done none the less.

Charm nodded, not wanting to agitate her dear brother further. "I know. If they knew, I know everyone would be in danger."

Both of them stood there, staring at each other's eyes. If one would see the current situation they would be confused on who is who. Both excluded the kind of aura you could feel from royals or nobles from the ancient times... dignified and proud, no one willing to back down from the fight.

But there's always a soft spot for Charm in Francis' heart. He sighed, closed his eyes and backed up. He couldn't do anything to his sister, not even scold her properly. She was, after all, their one and only treasure in the family.

Charm narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Don't worry, brother. Even if you're not there... No one would be able to touch me, much less know our secret." She said, voicing out his silent concerns despite staying silent about the real matter at hand; her transfer to another academy, away from them.

After all, once their community knows that Charm exists, means that people would scramble up to get her. The sole inheritor of their grandmother's will, the princess of a secret clan hidden from the world.

Seriously, this novel is something I've been trying to start in a loooong time but I couldn't do it! It's hard starting a story boo-hoo T^T Help me

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