
little miracle

watch a little girl take the world by storm saving lives and kicking butt

sun_shine · Fantasy
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yo my name is Mimi I'm a 10 -year-old miracle doctor you must be wondering how can a little girl be a doctor well that's a long story sit back and let me tell you my path of Glory.

well it all started out when my grandmother she got very sick so sick you could even see her bones and she would coughed up blood a lot so I tried to take her to a doctor but no one was willing to take care of her or heal her and I tried my best to try to heal her but back then I didn't even know how to heal anyone for that matter soon she died on April the 25th of 2050. well since my mother died long ago and I never knew my father my relatives wasn't exactly happy to take me in but I had no choice and didn't they have a choice so they took me in reluctantly Aunt Margaret in my uncle Keith they weren't exactly the nice people on Earth but they at least gave me a roof over my head and clothes and food to eat they made me work for my own money and I had to do my chores they're quite strict during free time I study medicine I wanted to be a doctor I wanted to save lives. I didn't want to be useless anymore to not be able to help to just sit there and watch my family or friends or anyone die though my family told me that it'd be useless that I'm just a stupid little girl I didn't take that to heart I kept trying and studying and by the time I was seven I was already a bona fide doctor so I went around healing people saving lives and pretty soon the world knew about me about the little girl that was miracle doctor who saved lives I was even giving a Nobel prize for being the youngest doctor in history. but before I even got that stuff I was just a little girl helping people out when they needed it in my family my uncle and aunts cousins they were very happy to be getting money they used me for money and that was about it by the time I turn nine I ran away from home I blocked all their cards so they couldn't take any more money from me that's what they get for using people self gain so I became a wandering doctor I suppose helping people saving lives you know the gist and that's how I got the Nobel prize and stuff by the time I was 10 I was given a so-called name the little miracle cute right.

well I hate it that name I didn't want to be a little miracle doctor I just wanted to save lives but the name stuck so that's my path to Glory but you're about to hear a new story a brand new world that I just was about to step in will you join me to see see a new world of creation innovation and healing and you know magic.