
Little Hellhound Of Hololive

(Moved from my Account on Wattpad) Ruby Rose... As you know the speedster that has a scythe as a weapon. Daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang XiaoLong Everyone loves her! Well... at least in the original world they do. In this universe she is still Summer Rose's daughter, But not Taiyang's Daughter. Ruby has a different 'Father'. Ruby has Silver eyes that flashes to red when she is angry. She hasn't unlock her semblance yet due to one thing. Neglect. With Summer dying, Ruby had to deal with Abuse and Neglect as well as being forced to live up to Summer. This caused Ruby to almost die multiple times but was saved by the same person everytime, she never ever seen who had saved her everytime. Until Ruby leaves during the night... Forcing someone out of the shadows to help her. But who is this person? Who ever they are promptly takes ruby and leaves to give her a better life. Ruby had given up on being a hunter. Now a v-tuber she strives to bring people joy. Joined by her fellow v-tubers, who seem oddly overprotective of her.

YuriNeko · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Prologue: Shattered Soul

You need to be protected! - Yang

It's your fault she died. - Tai


Why did I have to get someone as weak as you as a sister. - Yang

Yeah that is what I have to deal with everyday.

Yang being overprotective and abusive, and very overbearing, she fights everyone that tries to even talk to me. She doesn't even care about my mental health that is deteriorating. Why does she not want me having friends?... Well it's not like I make friends often but still.

Then there is Tai, fucking bastard that neglected his own wife. Tai's first wife was Raven Branwen, leader of the Branwen Tribe, Yang hates her guts because she thinks that Raven abandoned her. Raven left her because Raven let her choose who she wanted to stay with. Yang chose Tai, yet Yang still blames Raven for abandoning her, like gurl you said some pretty harsh things to Raven when you told her you wanted to stay with Tai.

I don't know what she looks like due to there being no photographs of her because they were destroyed by either Taiyang or Yang.

Yeah I think you can tell why I don't call them family. Family doesn't do this to there own family.

Then there is the fact that I have to live up to my mom. Summer Rose, she was one of the greatest huntresses to ever live. She was a pretty big deal.

A lot of women and children admired her, including me. Some of my best memories are of me and Mom spending time together as Taiyang and Qrow trained Yang.

She taught me to bake and cook, I know that cooking is not that special but it was good that she taught me, I sometimes have to cook for myself. Yeah it is that bad...

She left to do missions frequently though. Until...

One day she left for a mission 5 days before my 5th birthday saying she would be back in time for my birthday. She never returned. A male with white hair or what I assume was whit4 hair, came and told something to Tai, Qrow, and Yang.

They were sad for a while, whenever I tried to see what was wrong they snapped at me, saying to leave them alone. They burned everything of Summers that they could get their hands on.

Luckily, I managed to hide stuff from them to keep as a reminder of my mom. If I ever even forget what my mom looks like I can always look in the mirror. Apparently I am a carbon copy of Summer.

I can see it. Though because I look like my mom they expect me to be great at everything my mom was great at.

I rub my eyes sighing, Why do the gods hate me? I know that I might never know but I can question why I have such a bad life, maybe things will get better in the future... I am not counting on it though.

It has already been what 10 maybe 11 years since her death. I now have scars on my body, but just a few. They never went to far with giving me deep wounds... Most of the time.

However, when they did give me deep wounds a women with a white grimm-like mask wrapped my wounds and made sure that I didn't bleed out, she never talk to me but I knew she was worried about. How do I know that?

Well her Aura gave it away. Since I didn't have my semblance and I wasn't allowed to go outside, other than school, I experimented with my aura and found out a few things.

1. By placing my pointer finger down on the ground and sent aura through it I can sense people and grimm within a 58 mile radius. ( Like Tobirama)

2. I can sense other creatures emotion, whether they are human or not.

3. If I send aura pulses to someone else I can calm them.

4. I can sense danger before it happens though I have to concentrate which is really hard if you love in a abusive household.

5. For some reason I can't heal big wounds, not even a little.

I found this out a year after Raven left so I don't know what her aura feels like. I wish I do, but I don't.

Sitting up slowly as to not injure my bandaged wounds again. They weren't infected or anything they are just fresh wounds. Very, very, painful.

I am now... 16? 14? I don't remember, I am probably between the ages of 15-17. It is also night so it will be easier to do this.

Afterall... Who would be awake to stop me from leaving?

I finish grabbing the only things I had. Before slowly creeping out of my... 'Room'. I look around silently taking in the area around me. They at least let me stay in a room... With nearly nothing in it.

I couldn't work cause they always made sure I got fired. Starting rumors, making sure I am late, making fake complaints against me, making sure I stay up late so that I fall asleep on the job.

I try to be independent, but they kept meddling with my life trying to make sure that I am fully dependent on them, of course they didn't know how much that backfired on them.

Now... I am independent due to my hatred for them and... You know the saying 'they only care when you're gone'.

I let out a silent chuckle before continuing my way down the wooden stairs. I was half way when I heard a door open. I quickly put a finger to the wall and put aura through it to sense who open a door.

It was yangs door.

I felt my heart rate spike. What do I do? I look like I am gonna run away.

With my mind on haywire I don't realise that I ran out of the house until I heard Yang yelling at me to come back.

Taking a quick glance back at their house I felt the mental chains that they put on me break.

Ruby:" I-I'm free?... I'm free!" I quietly celebrate my achievement. " I just have to... Oh no... Where am I supposed to go?" I shake my head before I continue now at a walking pace.

I am now wandering aimlessly, literally using astrology to find out where to go now. I take a deep breath before putting my hand up to the sky, tilting it slightly. While taking note of the moon and which way the shattered shards of the moon are. It seems that the moon has just risen.

Which means due to the dark colors I am wearing that I won't been seen in the dark.

I like to use the shadows a lot to travel due to the darkness that covers me whole.

I wander what I'll do now. There are plenty of things but due to Yang and Tai I would have to get a job that hides my identity, maybe a bodyguard.

There is a very low chance that I'll run into them. Maybe I'll join the Japanese army.

I still want to fight but I just don't want to be a huntress. I get that my mom was a huntress but still.

It would just be easier for them to find me.

"I need to take a lot of precautions to make sure that will never get their hands on me again." I huff as I climb over a rock, and into a shallow stream that leads to a nearby river.

I check my scroll, that was originally my mom's scroll, to check the recent news.

I almost drop my scroll in shock.

The once feared Branwen tribe has been captured and killed, with the exception of very few, whom escaped capture. If there is any news about these four please contact authorities. Thank you.

It showed a few pictures of the on the loose people, one of them is Yang's mother, Raven Branwen. Though I don't know the other three. That wasn't all there was. I grit my teeth in anger and anxiety.

Attention if you have seen this girl please contact authorities, she is the daughter of Summer Rose who has run away because of an argument with her family. She answers to the name Ruby Rose. Geez she must be a spoiled brat to run away from her own family.

Ruby:" What the heck!? Answers to Ruby!? I am not a dog." I accidentally yell before quickly quieting down, covering my mouth hoping that no one heard me.

Ruby:" Just my luck. I'm being hunted by literally everyone. Can't I catch a break?"

I just realized that I was still in the shallow stream. I cross the stream before shuttering in disgust at my socks being drenched.

I groan, just my luck. Am I being affected by that dusty old Qrow's semblance?


I pull out the scroll once more, checking the time.

2:53 a.m.

I have been running for almost three hours. I am miles away from them. I can probably rest for a little bit.

"Though I do find it strange that I have not run into any grimm. Guess I am a little lucky." I say with a grin as I walk to a nearby tree.

-3rd person POV-

???:"Yeah... luck." A mysterious female voice says. " Keep protecting her. Don't let her out of your sight." The female voice orders.

She turns around to the three figures who stepped out of the shadows.

The three figures nod their head before disappearing back into the shadows.

Lets pan back to Ruby shall we?

Ruby sets down her stuff as she leans against a willow tree that was near the stream she just walked through.

Letting out a sigh she shifts her hoodie (That she stole from that male blonde bimbo) she has to admit even if he is a shitty person her has very comfy clothes. She was wearing a white, or some color that looked white, hoodie that was fluffy on the inside and was wearing fluffy black sweatpants.

She moves her head to rest on her backpack and closes her eyes quickly falling asleep, surprisingly, unaware of the four pairs of eyes watching her and her surroundings.

???:" Knock her out with the tranquilizers. We can't risk her reopening her wounds." The female voice from earlier orders quietly.

One of the figures holds up a tranquilizer gun and aims it towards the sleeping girl. And in one swift movement they pull the trigger.

Said sleeping girl didn't wake up when the tranquilizer hit her due to her exhaustion and injured state.

The mysterious female quickly moves towards the sleeping girls and carefully picks her up as one of the three figures behind her grabs Ruby's bag.

The main unsheathes a red sword from her waist and slashes the air.

A portal quickly forms from the sword slash. The three figures who exited the shadows enters the portal leaving the mysterious figure alone with a sleeping Ruby Rose.

???:"Don't worry Ruby I am not letting you go back to them. I am tired of having to stand by and watch them hurt you. After all you are my daughter and summers daughter." The female figure says before walking to the portal, moving Ruby in a more comfortable position.

With the portal closing right after she enters with Ruby in her arms.

Seconds later a group of people walk through the area that Ruby was sleeping at. Using search dogs and tracking her footprints. Armed with tasers and batons just in case if Ruby fights back.

???:" Damn it! They lost the track. Look around the area she couldn't have gone far!" The voice harshly orders towards the others behind him.

???:" You can run you little bitch but you can't hide. Your family is just making it easier you me to kill you. After all I am a huntsman while you are just a weak fragile girl." The man creepily smile as he imagines all the thing he would do to Ruby.

He starts chuckling like a psycho. As his eyes have a insane excited look in them. His smile going even wider.

???:" I wonder if you would do anything for you life like the women before you. They were fun to use." He said unaware that someone that cared deeply for her childhood friend, Ruby, heard what he said.

Mysterious female:" I'll make sure I make your death slow and painful. No one is going to kill Ruby. Not while I am here. Beware your time left on Earth is limited bastard." She says as her eyes glow at dangerous blue. She quickly follows the man with one of her hands reaching for a syringe that was strapped to her thigh. She had a dangerous smile.

Mysterious female:" Actually... I think the others might want to have a hand in killing you so I'll just kidnap you." She said making the man turn around quickly, but not quick enough before she knocked the man out.

Luckily, they were alone as the others went deeper into the forest to look for Ruby.

The female pulls out a phone from Japan, calling someone.

" Hey I need you to teleport me back ???. I captured someone. Why? That is on a you do not need to know basis, sorry. But can you teleport me please?... Thanks. " The female hanged up the phone and glances at the body before the screen went black.


After the main protagonist was carried into the portal the women made she was placed down on a medical bed. Two demonic beasts wearing doctor and nurse clothing entered the room.

Doctor:" We'll give her a check up and check for any mental illness. You may go get your wife, General Branwen."

The female is now reveled to be Raven Branwen. Yang's mother. Raven is a 5 star general for hell's army. She is the Dragon Sin of Wrath.


Raven:" Fine. But if you even think of hurting her I'll know then I will hunt you down and skin you in front of your family. Got that?" The aura that she was emitting was suffocating. It brought the other two to their knees, with them havig trouble breathing.

Meanwhile, Ruby was surprisingly not effected. This surprised Raven as she thought Ruby would be at least a little reactive to her aura.

Raven turn her attention back towards the two on the ground and huffed before exiting the room with a clear intent of getting her wife.

Meanwhile the nurse and doctor got up off their knees and proceeded to give Ruby check ups and rewrapping her wounds and scanning her brain for any mental illness.

This took a while because Ruby was unconscious. So they had to move her body themselves to check for any hidden injuries.

There were a few things wrong with Ruby, both physically and mentally. Otherwise that Ruby will not need to turn into a devil just yet.

They soon left the room to run more tests. Unaware of the portal that formed nearby, outside of Ruby's hospital room window.

A tall furry figure exited the portal and glanced in Ruby's window, hidden in plain sight.

They looked around the room checking if the coast was clear. Before hopping through the window quietly.

They straighten up before walking over to Ruby. The figure becomes clear.

It was a hellhound. This hellhound was mostly a light black color with mostly black eyes with the eye color being red.

Something about this hellhound screamed 'I can easily destroy you with one snap of my claw.' Their eyes held pride and kindness.

The hellhound was a female as well.

She leaned over Ruby, eyes scanning over Ruby's injuries. Her eyes filled with rage before she shook her head, calming herself down and huffed.

She knew Ruby would have to face this on her own. Even though she wanted to murder the people her hurt Ruby she knew it would only cause problems if she were to do so.

She hovered her palm over Ruby's abdomen right above her bellybutton. Closing her eyes she concentrated on transferring something to Ruby.

Said girl grunted in slight discomfort apparently not used to this feeling spreading across her body.

???:' So she does have her aura unlocked. The thing is who unlocked it?' The werewolf was deep in thought but quickly snapped out of it when she heard footsteps approaching.

She hurried to the window getting ready to jump but stops and turns her head to Ruby.

???:" I know you will be able to handle the sin we both bare. You can do this, I know you have lots of pent up rage, you just need to let it out. After all you are my descendant, even if you don't know it yet." With that being said she jumped out of the window, disappearing in flames that sprouted below the female hellhound.

The door opened and in walked two women, the shorter one being faster. The both had a look of worry on their faces before their eyes landed on Ruby.

The shorter on has the same hair color as Ruby and the same color eyes as Ruby but was still taller then ruby.

This women is Summer B. Rose. Ruby's mother that was supposed to be dead.

Summer calmed down after seeing Ruby breathing.

But one thing concerned them. Who was emitting that powerful aura.

Whoever they are were either one of the 7 deadly sins of hell or one of the Zodiacs of hell.

The problem was that they didn't have enough time to analyze their aura, so they couldn't figure which one this person was apart of.

Ruby didn't have any new wounds on her so whoever it was didn't seem do have any harmful intentions. That they could see currently.

They doesn't mean they would let their guard down.

They both sigh. Before walking over to Ruby.

Summer:" How do you think she will react?" Summer says turning to her wife.

Raven:" she'll probably be filled with confusion, anger, sadness, and maybe fear" Summer wanted to say Raven was wrong, but she knew Raven was right.

They could've took Ruby with them but with how deadly both of their jobs were it would have ended in Ruby either getting murdered, Kidnapped, or Ra**d. After all a lot of people in hell have sick minds and try to cause chaos in areas where peace reigns.

It has happened before to other high ranking families. Young people taken, bodies broken, souls that the Grim reaper helps.

But in the end it never stops no matter how many people receive their punishments. If they do it again... Well... They'll be killed.

But lets stop talking about that and get back to our main character.

-Ruby's POV-

My head hurts, like a lot.

What happened?

It doesn't feel like I am in the forest anymore.

It is warm, comfy and relaxing. Am I on a bed?

Just where am I?

Could I still be in remnant? Earth? ( so you may be confused so let me clear this up, remnant is the place where all of RWBY, aka not a world, and Earth is just it's states, aka also not a world.) Or am I dead?

???:" Hey you. You're finally awake." A voice calls out as I opened my eyes, this voice sounded familiar. Too familiar.


I look towards the direction of the voice trying to hold in my tears. There she was. She's here. Summer... Mom...

Hot tears start flowing down my face, I noticed them quite easily.

Ruby:" Am... Am I dead?" I question trying to sit up before being gently pushed back to lay back down.

I soon heard another female voice that sounded familiar as well.

???:" No, well at least you and a few others aren't. Yet" She has amusement in her voice. Turning towards her I see the grimm mask of the women that helped me with my wounds, I continue and see that this person is Raven Branwen.

… They are gonna have to tell me everything... Starting... Tomorrow. I put my head back on my pillow, quickly falling asleep.