
Little Girl Turned Empress

"who am I?" "where am I?" Five year old Aista woke up abruptly on the muddy ground in the village of Cartamen. She doesn't know who she was or how she got there however she did know that she was starving. "oh! a bakery" Follow Aista's journey in learning more about her past and herself. And meet all the people she meets along the way.

Takida_X · Fantasy
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5 Chs



Aista sat up quickly, noting the softness of the bed. Looking around dazed she got up to inspect the room closer as the darkness made it hard for her to see. On her left she found a wall full of picture frames. Taking a closer look at one, she managed to figure out the two figures lovingly in each other's arms. The other picture frames roughly depicted the same scene in different places at different times. It seemed clear to her that the two people were loyal and devoted to each other.

Continuing, she found a large frame with a cloth covering it. Putting the cloth aside, she realized it wasn't a frame but a window. Aista looked outside in hopes of recognizing the small village she had seen before she had passed out. However, it looked like it was too dark outside to recognize anything. All she could understand was that she was either on the second or third floor. Even if she tried to escape from the window, she would probably hurt herself.

Going to the other corner of the wall, she found the figure of a door. Turning the handle carefully and she peeked into the hallway. There were dim lights lining the hallway making it possible for her to make her way through in silence. At the end of the hallway was a staircase which led down to a fancy living room. At last, Aista found what she was looking for, an exit. However long before she could get out, she heard steps going down the staircase. They walked passed the living room and into the kitchen, turning on the light.

Aista quickly hid in between a closet and wall, hoping that she would not be seen. As she stood in silence, she listened to the conversation.

"Poor child, how beautiful she is yet left laying on the street."

"If only we had been fortunate enough to have a child, we would give her the world."

An old woman could be heard silently crying

"I... think we should keep the child as our own. Perhaps this is the opportunity that we were waiting for "

"Oh Eliza, I understand and I too would like to keep the girl however she might have a family looking for. And what if she does not want to stay? To not even speak of what the neighbors might say. We are too old. At our age we should be grand parents."

"Who cares what other people say!"


"If we want to make sure the girl is treated with the proper respect, we need to make it clear to the people what her position is."

"Alright then perhaps we will say she is our long lost granddaughter. I am sure the little girl will agree. After all, it's better than laying hungry in the streets."

"Well... alright."

And with that they sat in silence shortly thereafter went up the stairs.

Aista stood for a few minutes making sure that they were completely gone. And once they were she sat down and wondered on the outcomes of getting out. The old couple seemed what to make her part of a family and to make a home and she desperately needed help to survive in the world.

It didn't take long for the couple to notice Aista's disappearance and start looking for her. And as they raced down the stairs, they found her laying on the couch. Relieved, the old man carried the little girl back upstairs, onto the bed where Aista woke up in, in the morning.

Aista woke up refreshed and alert. Her life wouldn't be the same anymore. She terribly missed her parents however the memory was so painful, she just wanted to forget. For now, she can only hold back her tears and get stronger so that she can finally get her revenge.